This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


Table of Contents

BHL-Europe Work Package 3
Developer Information
Time Lines
Upcoming Deliverable!!
Technical Requirements
Evaluation & Testing
Sprint deliverables
OCR Ground truthing
Completed Deliverables
BnF Information
DISMARC Information
AIT Vocabulary Webservices
Implementation Example (TGN)
PreIngest Issues
Portal & Access Issues
METS - Issues
OAIS Information
Autonomy White Paper
TrebleCLEF Summer School on Multilingual Information Access
Day 1, Monday 15th June
Day 2, Tuesday 16th June
Day 3, Wednesday 17th June
Day 4, Thursday 18th June
Day 5, Friday 19th June
IT Issues
BHL- Europe techgroup Conference Calls
Other meetings
printer friendly BHL-Europe | WP1 | WP2 | WP3 | WP4 | WP5

BHL-Europe Work Package 3

Developer Information

Information for developers


8 November 2010 - Conf call with IMPACT (OCR)

10 August 2009 - WP3 Status Update:
BHL-E_WP3 Status Update M3.pps
24 July 2009 - Technical Conference Call: Meeting Notes
9 July 2009 - Technical Conference Call: Meeting Notes
8 June 2009 - Meeting with Atos in Paris:
15 May 2009 - Technical Workshop, Day 2 Notes: BHL-E_TechWorkshop2.pdf
14 May 2009 - Technical Workshop, Day 1 Notes: BHL-E_TechWorkshop.pdf

Time Lines

WP2 & WP3 Deliverables for first 12 months

Upcoming Deliverable!!

D3.9 Live BHL-Europe system with distributed storage and management and appropriate tools for the continued development of services and ingress of multilingual content (M36)

Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements

Evaluation & Testing

Functional Testing
Content Testing


Architecture Diagrams



Sprint deliverables


OCR Ground truthing


Completed Deliverables

BnF Information

XML Schema: BnF XML Schema and documentation

SPAR General Information
SPAR Analysis (Functional Spec - 11th April 2007): SPAR-Analysis.pdf
SPAR General Presentation (Latest - 10th April 2009): GeneralPresentation.ppt
PASIG BNF/SPAR Presentations
7th June 2007: Pasig1.ppt
14th November 2007: PasigParis2.ppt
27th May 2008: Pasig3.ppt
21st November 2008: Pasig4.ppt

DISMARC Information

D2.1 Report and technical specification for each site configuration (restricted to eContent+ Projects/Partners)
D2.2 Technical Report (restricted to eContent+ Projects/Partners) DM_D2.2_v01.pdf
DISMARC Prototype DISMARC_prototype_0809_v02.pdf
DISMARC-WP2 WP2_status_by_AIT_2008-08v04.pdf

AIT Vocabulary Webservices

Service Description AIT_Vocabulary_Service_Description_V1.pdf
Schema Thesauri_v10_schema.pdf
DTD Thesauri_v10_dtd.pdf

Implementation Example (TGN)

Description of the TGN-Example AIT Vocabulary Service - TGN-Examples_V01.pdf
TGN-Example: Query Response - DTD queryResponse_tgn_austria_v01_dtd.pdf
Further Development Principles:

Development Process & Tools @ AIT Development_Process_and_Tools_at_AIT.pdf
@Leiden - SCRUM Development_Process_and_Tools_at_AIT.pdf

List of requirements for WP3 (M9 -> M18)

PreIngest Issues

@Leiden - Using Internet Archives Facilities AIT_WP3_IA_upload.pdf
InternetArchive - Varia InternetArchive.pdf
InternetArchive - Scandata contritomorpho00marcus_scandata.pdf
@Leiden - Getting an MARC record AIT_WP3_MarcEdit_CSIC.pdf
@Leiden - Using Pentaho - ETL for Data Mapping AIT_WP3_Pentaho.pdf
Handbook: Pentaho - Kettle (with examples) Pentaho_Handbook.pdf


Portal & Access Issues

@Leiden - First Tests with Partner's Data AIT_WP3_first_data_tests.pdf
@Leiden - Portal Examples AIT_WP3_Portal_samples.pdf
@Leiden - Portal Design Considerations AIT_WP3_Portal_samples.pdf
@Leiden - Portal Requirements Questionaire (1st Draft) BHL-E_User_Interface.pdf

METS - Issues

OAIS Information

OAIS reference model
Composite of Functional Entities oais.pdf-Seite148.png
HathiTrust Preferred Internet Archive Book Package preferredInternetArchiveBookPackage_20091103.pdf

Autonomy White Paper

Autonomy_Technology_WP_11Jul08.pdf Autonomy Homepage

TrebleCLEF Summer School on Multilingual Information Access

Pisa, Italy. 15-19 June 2009.

Day 1, Monday 15th June

Multilingual Information Retrieval and Cross-Language Retrieval
Martin Braschler, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland, and
Jacques Savoy, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Day 2, Tuesday 16th June

Image Retrieval
Henning Müller, University of Geneva, Switzerland, and Thomas Deselaers,
Computer Vision Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
01-Intro.pdf : 02a-CBIR-algorithms.pdf : 02-CBIR.pdf : 03_textBasedRetrieval.pdf : 04-combination.pdf : 05-relevance-feedback.pdf : 06_evaluation.pdf : 07-summary.pdf
Information Access & Information Extraction
Anselmo Peñas, Department of Computing Languages and Systems,
National Distance Learning University, Spain
Information Extraction in a Multilingual Context
Maarten de Rijke, Informatics Institute,
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Day 3, Wednesday 17th June

System Architectures and Multilinguality
MLIA Architectures: Standalone Applications and Services to Complex Systems
Nicola Ferro, Dept. of Information Engineering,
University of Padua, Italy
MLIA Architectures: Advanced Services Beyond Searching
Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Dept. of Information Engineering,
University of Padua, Italy

Day 4, Thursday 18th June

Multilingual Search Assistance: Interactive Aspects of Cross Language Information Access
Paul Clough, Dept. of Information Studies,
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
MultiMatch: A Multilingual/Multinedia Search Engine for Cultural Heritage: Interface Design and Demo
Paul Clough, Dept. of Information Studies, University of Sheffield,
United Kingdom and Franca Debole, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
MultiMatch_TrebleClef.pdf : multimatch-clough.pdf
Machine Translation for Multilingual Information Processing
Marcello Federico, Human language Technology Research,
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
Multilingual Speech and Video Search
Gareth Jones, Centre for Next Generation Localisation,
Dublin City University, Ireland

Day 5, Friday 19th June

Evaluation for (Cross-Language)Information Retrieval
Mark Sanderson, Dept. of Information Studies,
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Evaluation.pdf : Studies: Agichtein.pdf : Jarvelin.pdf : Joachims.pdf : Kelly.pdf : Smith.pdf
Commercial Cross-Language Search
Páraic Sheridan, Centre for Next Generation Localisation,
Dublin City University, Ireland

T-CLEF SS Paraic Sheridan.pdf

IT Issues

General Directions for BHL-Europe Infrastructure


BHL- Europe techgroup Conference Calls


September 03, 2010 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
September 16, 2010 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
September 29, 2010 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
November 24, 2010 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call


January 05, 2011 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
January 19, 2011 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
February 02, 2011 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
March 02-03, 2011 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
March 30, 2011 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
April 01, 2011 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
April 06, 2011 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call cont....
April 13, 2011 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
May 11, 2011 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
June 22, 2011 BHL-e techgroup Conference Call
July 04, 2011 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call
July 18, 2011 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call
August 01, 2011 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call
August 22, 2011 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call
September 12, 2011 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call
September 26, 2011 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call
September 29, 2011 1st Portal UI-Workshop Call
October 7th, 2011 2nd Portal UI-Workshop Call
October 10th, 2011 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call
October 24th, 2011 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call
October 27, 2011 3rd Portal UI-Workshop Call
November 21, 2011 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call
December 13th, 2011 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call


January 9th, 2012 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call
February 22nd, 2012 BHL-Europe techgroup Conference Call

Other meetings

March 30, 2011, BHL-Europe tech meeting in Graz