This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Table of Contents

BHL-Europe Work Package 2
Best Practice Guide (BPG)
GRIB Information and library catalogue importing
Global References Index to Biodiversity (GRIB)
Use Case Workgroup
Content Management
Collection Policy
File Submission Guidelines for Content Providers:
Data upload to BHL-Europe server
BHL-Europe D2.8
BHL-Europe D2.9 BPG
BHL-Europe D2.7 - Revised version
BHL-Europe D2.7
BHL-Europe D2.6 BPG
BHL-Europe D2.5
BHL-Europe D2.4 - Revised version after review
BHL-Europe D2.4
BHL-Europe D2.3
EDIT C5.145
BHL-Europe D2.2
BHL-Europe D2.1
Documents uploaded before May 2010
Sprint deliverables
BHL Survey 2010
Survey evaluation
Introductory text for e-mail announcements etc.
Time Lines
D2.1 Catalogue of content holder requirements (quality, quantity, accessibility, standards, specs of content and metadata) Circulate existing BHL digi specs for comment and review via BHL wiki.
Local requirements for data sharing Collect information from each content provider on the level of data access
Memorandum of Understanding
Europeana Data Aggregator Agreement
BHL scanlist
Authors: authority record for the author of a publication
Use cases
Best practice guide for scanning
BHL-Europe | WP1 | WP2 | WP3 | WP4 | WP5

BHL-Europe Work Package 2


- melita_birthaelmer melita_birthaelmer (BHL-Europe WP2 Lead)

Best Practice Guide (BPG)

All information about the Best Practice Guide can be found on the following page:

GRIB Information and library catalogue importing

Global References Index to Biodiversity (GRIB)


Use Case Workgroup

The Content Provider Use Case Group
BHL-Europe Taxonomic Use Case Group

Content Management

Information about content management and content acquisition.
Content _Management

Uploaded content per content provider - estimation in pages

Collection Policy

This page shall help clarify the question how we are going to organise the content contribution and prioritisation of content for BHL-Europe.
The goal is to achieve a consensus with and within the content providers.
For further information go to this page Collection Policy

File Submission Guidelines for Content Providers:

Guidelines how to provide and upload content to BHL-Europe
BHL-Europe_File Submission Guidelines.pdf

Data upload to BHL-Europe server

Information about data upload to BHL-Europe can be found here:


BHL-Europe D2.8

Content analysis & management status report 2 (metadata, page numbers, content providers) -

BHL-Europe D2.9 BPG

Delivery of the final revised best practice guidelines and standards

BHL-Europe D2.7 - Revised version

Content analysis & management status report 2 (metadata, page numbers, content providers) - 29.08.2011

BHL-Europe D2.7

Content analysis & management status report 2 (metadata, page numbers, content providers) - 11.05.2011
[Deliverable 2.7 homepage]

BHL-Europe D2.6 BPG

Delivery of the first version of the approved best practice guidelines and standards - 10.05.2011

BHL-Europe D2.5

Final and enhanced Web-database for content management and collection analysis - 11.05.2011
[Deliverable 2.5 homepage]

BHL-Europe D2.4 - Revised version after review

Content analysis & management status report 1 (metadata, page numbers, content providers) - 21.07.2010

BHL-Europe D2.4

Content analysis & management status report 1 (metadata, page numbers, content providers) - 28.04.2010
[Deliverable 2.4 homepage]

BHL-Europe D2.3

Prototype of Web-database for content management and collection analysis - 03.05.2010

EDIT C5.145

Import of test sets of selected libraries consisting of a) bibliographic data from the library catalogues
and b) licence information on subscribed digital literature. Launch of a prototype of the references index. - April 2010

BHL-Europe D2.2

Prototypes of deduplication tool and bibliographic database system for monographs and serials - 23.02.2010
[Deliverable 2.2 homepage]

BHL-Europe D2.1

Catalogue of content holder requirements (quality, quantity, accessibility, standards, specifications - 10.08.2009
of content and metadata); [Deliverable 2.1 homepage]

Documents uploaded before May 2010

The following documents/links are kept for documentation, however may not all belong to WP2.

Sprint deliverables


BHL Survey 2010

BHL-US survey link (with links to **final survey versions** in 6 languages)
Goals and backgrounds
(Discussion of survey questions)

Survey evaluation

Results of the survey:
For the login Henning Scholz must be asked.

Francisco: first version (530 answers evaluated) for Vienna meeting March 2010, no figures, outdated 24 March 2010, but contains some ideas and observations

Francisco's evaluation of the completed survey (1026 answers evaluated), with figures, last version, 12 May 2010

Bianca's survey evaluation, free text answers (20 May 2010)

Introductory text for e-mail announcements etc.

Dear all,

The Biodiversity Heritage Library BHL requests your invaluable assistance in responding to the BHL Survey 2010 at

This survey is a key component in our continuing efforts to build a library which is responsive to and serves the needs of our user communities. Your responses and ideas are sincerely appreciated and vital to the further development of the BHL.

The BHL is presently comprised over 26 million scanned pages of biodiversity literature ( The development of this survey is a cooperative project of the BHL and BHL-Europe member institutions. BHL has also established partnerships with a project in China (BHL-China) and is engaged in discussion to establish partner projects in Brazil, Australia, and Egypt.

You can select 6 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. BHL-Europe team members did the translations, so they are reliable. We recommend to select the language you know best.

We would be thankful if you could forward this request to other users of BHL. The survey will be open at least for 2-3 weeks, probably 4 weeks, until mid-April.

The survey has 16 questions and will take 5-10 minutes to complete.

Thank you for your time and for participation in the BHL Survey 2010. (launched 16 Mar 2010, closed 3 May 2010)




September 3-4, 2009 - AIT, Graz - WP2-AIT Meeting
14 May 2009 - Technical Workshop, Day 1 Notes: BHL-E_TechWorkshop.pdf
15 May 2009 - Technical Workshop, Day 2 Notes: BHL-E_TechWorkshop2.pdf

Time Lines

WP2 & WP3 Deliverables for first 12 months

Concepts and Papers

BHL Portal Abstraction Layer
Defines requirements and specifies the portal presentation layer, a data access API, and BHL metadata.
First draft (8 Sept 2009).
BHL Portal Abstraction.pdf
T. Garnett email on the BHL Portal Abstraction Layer (9 Sept. 2009) comments.docx

Library questionnaire In preparing for the first round of technology review during the Kick-off meeting of BHL-Europe from May 10 to 15, 2009, some information from all BHL-Europe content providers are requested. Filled questionnaires are posted here.

D2.1 Catalogue of content holder requirements (quality, quantity, accessibility, standards, specs of content and metadata) Circulate existing BHL digi specs for comment and review via BHL wiki.

Local requirements for data sharing Collect information from each content provider on the level of data access

Memorandum of Understanding


Europeana Data Aggregator Agreement

Please find below an introductory letter and the text of the agreement.

BHL scanlist

(= serial bidlist, for periodicals and other serials) (link outdated Jun 2010)
Update Nov 09: Data from BHL ingest of Internet Archive content for import into serial bidlist:IAAnalysis Serials Thru 2009-10-12.xls

After March 2010 the scanlist was transferred from London to Vienna:

Documentation from BHLSeriallist

Authors: authority record for the author of a publication

British Library uses the database NACO (Name Authority Cooperativ Program / run by Library of Congress.
Shortcoming: difficult to use for non-insiders because it has no open z3950 interface.

German OPAC interlibrary systems use Personen-Namen-Datei PND created by the German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) in Frankfurt which has an open z3950 PICA interface:
In Göttingen considered as "presumably the best database of the world" (Ralf Stockmann, 2009).

Italian OPAC authority repositories - at the moment only author names

Shortcoming of all: they have no standardized Application Programming Interface API.

Use cases

User requirements for the BHL-Europe portal, especially of taxonomists (Francisco 25 May 2009, updated 31 July 2009)

Presentation at Summer Meeting Leiden 10 Aug 2009 (also used for Graz 04 Sep 2009):

BHL-Europe User Requirements Survey Oct-Nov 2009 (PDF files of results)

Presentation at Fall meeting: Praha 17 Nov 2009: Summarized results and evaluation of the BHL-E internal survey

Content provider and taxonomic use cases (brainstormed in the Side meeting "use cases", Berlin 24 Feb 2010)

Template for use cases and scenarios (Berlin 24 Feb 2010 and Wien 28 May 2010)

BHL-Europe Use Case Workgroups (Wien 25 March 2010, updated May 2010)

BHL-E Content Provider Use Case Group (Wien 25 May 2010)

BHL-Europe Taxonomic Use Case Group (Wien 28 May 2010)

Presentation at Public Core Release Meeting: Den Haag 31 Aug 2011: Screenshots of web presentations of online library portals

Best practice guide for scanning

As part of our contratcual obligations, BHL-Europe has to assist partners in the implementation and evaluation of scanning operations (Task 2.3.2 of Annex 1). Therefore, we discussed a best practice guide for scanning operations. You will find more information here.

In that context it may be also useful to consult a recent document of the Athena project.