3rd Party BHL Mashups
Third Party BHL Mashups
Lately, there's been some interesting re-use and mashing up of BHL data. Please list examples that you know of here.
- EarthCape Labs: BHL Name Lookup
- BHL Names' Timeline (Rod Page)
- BHL Sparklines (Rod Page)
Time for a quick and dirty Friday afternoon hack. Based on responses to the BHL timeline I released two days ago, I've created a version that can compare the history of two names using sparklines (created using Google's Chart API). I use sparklines to give a quick summary of hits over time (grouped by decade).
The demo is here. It's crude (minimal error checking, no progress bars while it talks to BHL), but it's home time. As an example, here is a screen shot comparing the occurrences in BHL for two rival names for the sperm whale, Physeter catodon and Physeter macrocephalus - [maybe not quite a mashup, but an interesting reuse of BHL data] For fun I've created a Zotero group called Biodiversity Heritage Library which will list articles that I've extracted from BHL. At some point I may investigate automating this process of extracting articles (using existing blbiliographic metadata mapped to BHL page numbers), but for now there a mere 27 manually acquired items listed in the BHL group. (Rod Page)
- Rudimentary hook to the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) API plus some screen scraping for the OCR bits.
- pybhl is a Python library that works with the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) OpenURL-based API to retrieve metadata about material held in the BHL's online collections. pybhl is loosely based on mjy's rubyBHL (see http://github.com/mjy/rubyBHL for code, etc.).
- Not quite a mashup, but tips and tricks to get BHL on your mobile reader. From John Mignault
- Yet another ROD PAGE mashup: Book viewer What I want BHL to do More discussion of the viewer
- Still yet another ROD PAGE mashup: Latest experiment with BHL viewer, has editable metadata http://bit.ly/43oMjv #bhl
- EndNote hack (wish list). Working on an Endnote parser for MX as part of our interactions with the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL). We want to collect new terms parsed from Journal of Hymenoptera Research (JHR) articles OCRed on BHL.