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Table of Contents

BHL-Europe Work Package 5
Time Lines
M0-M12 Deliverables for WP5
Month 3
Month 6
Month 12
Month 15
Description of work
Task 5.1 – Establish BHL-Europe Communications Working Group
Task 5.2 – Develop and establish Web environment
Task 5.3 – Develop and prepare promotional materials and newsletters, press relations
Task 5.4 – Demonstration and awareness raising
Task 5.5 – Plan and organise user evaluation activities
Milestones and expected result
BHL-Europe | WP1 | WP2 | WP3 | WP4 | WP5

BHL-Europe Work Package 5

Dissemination, Exploitation and Evaluation


14 May 2009 Berlin - Dissemination Workshop
17-18 Nov 2009 Prague - CWG meeting Prague 2009
25 May 2010 Vienna - CWG meeting Vienna 2010


Google analytics
Statistics are from period 1st January – 27 April 2011
Google Analytics report for BHL.doc
Summary Overview.pdf
Visitors Overview Report.pdf
Geo Map Report.pdf
Traffic Sources Report.pdf

Follow the project via:
- Facebook: link
- Twitter: link BHL-Europe Twitter page
- blog:
- discussions on mobile access to natural history legacy literature

Dissemination activity by partners
Global BHL Dissemination

BHL-Europe Logo for download
Press release Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe FINAL.doc
Publications / Press releases
Presentations at external meetings (Slide library)
Deliverables M3
Deliverables M6
Deliverables M12
Deliverables M15

Time Lines

M0-M12 Deliverables for WP5

Month 3

Month 6

Month 12

D5.7 page for review
Final version: BHL-E_5pt7_20100427q.pdf
(D5.7 Online questionnaires for user survey Responsible: Jiri Kvacek, Henning Scholz)

Month 15

D5.8 is the summary of the results of the user evaluation survey. For any comments:
D5.8 page for review
Final version: BHL-E_5pt8_100805.pdf


Description of work

Task 5.1 – Establish BHL-Europe Communications Working Group

Task 5.2 – Develop and establish Web environment

5.2.1 – Plan, design, publish, maintain, and update BHL-Europe Web site for internal and external
communication with publication of all relevant results and links to partner networks.
5.2.2 – Develop a mailing list to facilitate communication of new developments (internal and external);
update the list regularly to include all relevant parties.
5.2.3 – Develop self-running demonstrators to illustrate BHL-Europe use and functionality.

Task 5.3 – Develop and prepare promotional materials and newsletters, press relations

5.3.1 – Develop, prepare, and update target group specific promotion kits (fact sheets, flyers, posters,
presentations) and related printed matters (e.g. illustrated book on best practice guidelines and
standards for the public).
5.3.2 – Prepare a quarterly newsletter to be published online.
5.3.3 – Ensure proper press relations; maintain the press review; distribution of articles for various types of
print and online media (journals, newspapers, blogs).

Task 5.4 – Demonstration and awareness raising

5.4.1 – Prepare and update multimedia presentation (automatic demonstrator) as information about the
project for the general public.
5.4.2 – Maintain and update the database of conferences and public events relevant for BHL-Europe;
identify consortium members to present the project at selected events.
5.4.3 – Alignment of public awareness activities of related projects (e.g. EDIT).
5.4.4 – Organise public events and talks.
5.4.5 – Represent BHL-Europe at conferences and special events (responsibilities depend on conference
location and theme).

Task 5.5 – Plan and organise user evaluation activities

5.5.1 – Put in place Web-based evaluation tools to survey users (to determine target group of the users,
country of the users, most interesting content, page views, etc.).
5.5.2 – Develop online questionnaires to identify user requirements, preferences, experiences, benefits, and
un-met needs; document case studies of non-science usage of content.
5.5.3 – Establishing user testing groups; evaluation of this group using interaction logging.
5.5.4 – Plan and prepare the two special evaluation periods during the project.

Milestones and expected result

Responsibility: WP5 will led by National Museum Prague. This museum has an experienced team for
communications, public relations, and related issues. RBINS supports the alignment with EDIT
dissemination and public awareness activities.
M5.1 Agreed dissemination plan (M 6)
M5.2 Review of the 1st evaluation report (M 15)
M5.3 Review of the 2nd evaluation report (M 30)


D5.1 Web site, including multimedia presentation (M 3)
D5.2 BHL-Europe newsletter and mailing list (M 3)
D5.3 Database of relevant conferences/events and ownership for BHL-Europe presentations (M 3)
D5.4 Deliver composition of Communications Working Group and 1st dissemination plan (M 3)
D5.5 BHL-Europe dissemination plan (M 6)
D5.6 BHL-Europe promotion kit (M 6)
D5.7 Online questionnaires for user survey (M 12)
D5.8 First user evaluation report (M 15)
D5.9 Second user evaluation report (M 30)
D5.10 BHL-Europe multimedia presentation, final version (M 36)
D5.11 Illustrated book on best practice guidelines and standards for the public (M 36)