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CWG meeting Prague 2009

Minutes of the workshop
BHL-Europe Communication Working Group
Prague, 17-18 Nov 2009

Evaluation tools
There will be a meeting in January 2010 in London to work on the project server.
The interpretation of Task 5.2.2. can be quite broad, the first test survey (user requirements survey) has already been performed, prepared and analysed by Francisco. There was some discussion on what to next user survey should be, and which tools/services should be tested. There will be 4 tools in February; BHL, BHL-Europe prototype, Bibliographic database and monograph serials and CiteBank.
For month 12 (Apr ’10) Online questionnaires for user survey (D5.6) should be in place, what to survey? The German prototype would however not yet be ready before this deliverable, only in month 18. We do not want to give test users the wrong impression on what they’re testing, need to give a clear message about this. The results should be used to improve the BHL-Europe service.

It was proposed that we could do a survey with small group of experts 20-30 people, to survey the 4 tools that would be available next year February. To see what they like or don’t like and compare the services.

Action: To improve the questionnaire and decide which service we will survey.

Preparation for Year of Biodiversity 2010
All museums are involved BYSE2009
We need the calendar of actions Jiri and Tine will collect events circulating short questionnaire
Presenting BHL – we should prepare the poster (minimum)

Day of biodiversity in the Museum in Berlin. Use the public that is coming to perform user testing, let them work with the system directly and look up data.

PR campaign: alignment with Europeana

- Press releases - German prototype
- coordinate with Europeana
- Adveriting BHL-E in Europeana (illustrations and news and newsletters)
- 3 rights cleared images, high-res, from BHL-Europe project partners for media usage on the Europeana Group site. Select three that represent the BHL-Europe project. Probably circulate/change the images over time, if we receive a lot of imagery from the partners.
- Lizzy to send email to Jiri to inform how to write this request to the bhl-Europe partners. Information on high-resolution images to be provided by Lizzy to Jiri.

Newsletter strategy: how to make it more attractive, guidelines for authors

Suggested Newsletter rules
- Deadlines after report delivery period of 3 months (Align reports of BHL-Europe with the newsletter issue, re-use items from the report.)
- Character of papers – topic close to digitizing and digital technologies (preferably of biodiversity publications), biodiversity items, relevant issues related to the project, not very personal views.
- “Ask the expert” item proposed for the newsletter. Example topic could be, will BHL-Europe be available in Ebook, Kindle, Mobile device? Proposed to ask Chris Freeland for a first item. This to attract more questions from readers, mentioning that your question could be in the next newsletter.
- Highlight book of the week/month, linking to the BHL-Europe website.
- “For critical comments please contact Marketing & Communications person from BHL-Europe @”
- Project updates on BHL-Europe and related project

Jiri to circulate these proposed items/rules to the CWG and decide on required items/rules for guidance on what the newsletter should feature.

Web site: new content, presentation of results, languages, download of publications

Jiri will arrange:
- Interface for updating (mailing list)
- Improvements in Subscription screen (Link to Personal Data P replacing text)
- Home – scroll down instead of Find out more
- Find out more switch for About us
- Presentations – Jiri will ask Henning which ones are appropriate
- Publications
- Update events list (Tine)
- News Europeana, Edit – Montpelliere
- Prague + photographs from the museum
- Links more contacts (Europeana projects), link from Nancy

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