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Third Global BHL Meeting

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Third Global BHL Planning and Technical Meeting

Berlin, Germany, June 7-8 2012

This meeting follow a 3 day BHL-Europe event, see here and also here:
You are all invited to join at least the public parts. These meetings will take place a couple of metro stations south of the Museum für Naturkunde. Therefore, we picked hotels close to the event venue. However, we also have some rooms reserved at the Mercure Hotel next door to the museum. So it is now up to you, if you join the BHLE events and stay south of the museum or if you prefer being close to the museum so you have a shorter walk to the museum for the reception on 4 June and for the Global Meeting on 7-8 June 2012.


The goal of the meeting is to bring together the decision-makers and technical colleagues from each regional node to discuss and decide on topics related to the Global BHL.


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Invalidenstraße 43
D-10115 Berlin

The meeting will take place in the North Building on the museum campus, meeting room 3330, 3rd floor. When you enter the 3rd floor, you will pass the BHL-Europe headquarter and pass a steel door to enter the administration department of the museum. This is where the meeting room is. Please follow the signs with the BHL-Europe logo.

This map shows the way from the underground station "Naturkundemuseum" to the museum. The big red dot marks the Mercure Hotel, where maybe at least some of you are. You leave the Mercure right and follow the red path until the end, where you should find a door with the BHL-Europe sign - leading you to the meeting room, as described above. More maps and directions will come with the package for the BHLE final events. In case of doubt: both Graham and Chris should have an idea how the area looks like and can hopefully guide you a bit. We have big construction work going on in the road in front of the museum, so walking routes may change unexpectedly during your stay.

Map and directions for all the BHLE events (PDF)

external image pdf.png

Dinner venues

7 June 2012, 19:00 Eschenbraeu
We meet at 18:30 in the lobby of the Mercure Hotel. We go a few stops with U6 to the north and walk the rest. This is a small beer garden and pub, almost no food (but we will prepare a nice picnic), but in Henning's opinion the best beer in town (microbrewery in a student apartment building), and they even have a much better selection of liqueurs/brandies.

8 June 2012, 19:00 ProbierMahl
We meet at 18:15 in the lobby of the Mercure Hotel. We probably travel by underground U6 and U9 and walk the rest; you have to make sure you find your way back yourself, as I will go home from there in a different direction.

Attention: this is the first evening of the European Championships (soccer), we hopefully found a place without a screen, but you never least Germany is playing on 9 June first...


For information on hotels, please follow this link:, under Venue and Hotels.

Confirmed Attendees

Global BHL Coordination and Technical Meeting

United States
Global BHL


This Agenda has been developed from your suggestion on topics you would like to talk about.

Thursday June 7th

08:00 a.m.
Breakfast at Hotel
09:00 a.m.
Arrive at venue.
09:10 a.m.
Welcome and Introduction – William Ulate Third Global BHL Planning and Technical Meeting.pdf

Progress to date.

Around the world updates -
Each Program will present their progress to date, their plans and proposals for further development.
09:20 a.m.
Australia - Ely Wallis AU_gBHL_Update_Jun2012.pdf
09:40 a.m.
Brazil - Abel Packer BHL-SciELO-update-gBHL.pptx
10:00 a.m.
Egypt - Noha Adly BHL_meeting_Berlin June2012.pdf
10:20 a.m.
Coffee break
10:40 p.m.
Europe - Henning Scholz BHL-Europe progress - Henning Scholz-120603.ppt
11:00 p.m.
US/UK - Martin Kalfatovic 2012.06.07 gBHL.pdf

Governance Topics

11:20 p.m.
Global BHL By-laws - Nancy Gwinn
Global BHL Bylaws-draft 06-07-12.doc
Global BHL Bylaws-approved 06-07-12.doc
12:00 m.d.

Technical Topics Discussion

01:00 p.m.
Synchronization, Global Replication, Backup, Redirection
03:00 p.m.
Coffee break
03:20 p.m.
Consistency, Code Share, Shared Metadata Standard
05:00 p.m.
Adjourn for the day
07:00 p.m.


Friday June 8th

08:00 a.m.
Breakfast at Hotel
09:00 a.m.
Arrive at venue

Technical Topics Discussion (continued)

09:10 a.m.
Scan Requests, Deduplication, Feedback
10:30 a.m.
Coffee break
10:50 a.m.
Scan Permissions, Subcollections, Communications Plan
12:00 m.d.
01:00 p.m.
Parked items – Connie Rinaldo

Future Perspectives

02:00 p.m.
The Global BHL ahead (sustainability, regionalization, future meetings)
03:00 p.m.
Coffee break
03:20 p.m.
Brainstorming to identify future project ideas and potential project proposals
04:00 p.m.
Action Items – Bianca Crowley
04:45 p.m.
Next Steps – Meeting wrap-up
05:00 p.m.
Close Meeting
07:00 p.m.



Global BHL Technical Meeting Discussion Points

  1. Synchronization. Review and optimize the way that synchronization of books is currently done at different locations. Keep track of who has what. Periodically, make sure that all nodes have synchronized all the books they want to synchronize. Should all sites keep all files? How synchronized (monthly, weekly, daily) will different types of information be (e.g. content, copyrights info, metadata, pagination)?
  2. Global replication. How can a site know what book is on which sites? How can a site request a copy of a book from another site? Could sites implement a web service that provides a query and access to their content in a certain standard to check f a site has a book?
  3. Backup. How to use Internet synchronization for incremental backups. What is the order or precedence of nodes? Which site is to be considered the master? Who should take from which site? Should there be any preference to select the sites? Should site x check site y first then site z?
  4. Redirection. Can we implement redirection to another node that holds the book based on different things like geolocation, current availability or current load? (Could each node keep an index of what each other node has?
  5. Consistency. Maintaining the consistency of files (comparing against md5s periodically)
  6. Code share. How to share and benefit from local developments. For example, the User Interface and Annotations from BHL-Australia and BHL-US, the Search functionality from BHL-Europe, the OCR functionality at BHL-Egypt, the Common names functionality from BHL-China and BHL-Europe.
  7. Shared metadata standard. We will all have local metadata needs but then as records are shared among ourselves what metadata standard can we all agree to use for data exchange? MODS? How would each site maintain the different formats, if the internal format used is different than the ones used in other sites? Could there be an agreed exchange format that we all could provide and consume?
  8. Scan Requests. Strategy for handling and managing scan requests globally
  9. Deduplication. Avoiding duplication of scanning. What is the current status of the GRIB?
  10. Feedback. How to coordinate feedback (issues) between the nodes? If BHL-Europe receives an bibliographic issue for an BHL-US item, for example, how to coordinate feedback. This should include requests for scanning, correct?
  11. Scan permissions. Coordinating permission to scan in-copyright content.
  12. Subcollections of BHL content BHL US has sub-collections of content in the BHL portal as well as in iTunes U. BHLE has the Virtual Library Exhibitions. Perhaps there are ways to coordinate these efforts? What about additional global nodes -- could we use existing tools to showcase global partner sub-collections?
  13. Coordinated Communication Plan. Who is in charge of outreach and communication for each node? What communication activities are you performing/involved in? How can we coordinate activities across global nodes?


Suggested Topics for the Agenda

A specific Agenda will be developed from your recommendations and suggestions, so please feel free to submit the topics you would like either group to talk about by adding to this wiki page or by sending your suggestions by email to William[dot]Ulate[at]mobot[dot]org, by Skype: william_ulate_r or by phone at: (314) 577-9473 ext.6398.

Global BHL Coordination Meeting

  1. Review of Progress to date: Around the World updates
  2. Governance issues
    1. Global BHL Coordinating Committee By-laws (Global BHL Bylaws-draft 03-21-12.doc)
    2. Recommendations from the Intellectual Property Rights Group
  3. Future Perspectives
    1. How long are the individual projects running and what are the future plans
    2. Future project ideas to identify potential proposals to write (brainstorming)
  4. Social media strategies: alignment of global nodes
  5. <Please add new topics here>

Global BHL Technical Meeting

  1. Technical Progress to date and Development Plans. Presentation from each Program, considering suggested solutions to the topics for discussion:
  2. Discussion on the following topics:
    1. Synchronization. Review and optimize the way that synchronization of books is currently done at different locations. Keep track of who has what. Periodically, make sure that all nodes have synchronized all the books they want to synch. Should all sites keep all files? How synchronized (monthly, weekly, daily) will different types of information be (e.g. content, copyrights info, metadata, pagination)?
    2. Global replication. How can a site know what book is on which sites? How can a site request a copy of a book from another site? Could sites implement a web service that provides a query and access to their content in a certain standard to check if a site has a book?
    3. Redirection. Can we implement redirection to another node that holds the book based on different things like geolocation, current availability or current load? (Could each node keep an index of what each other node has? - joelrichard joelrichard May 24, 2012) We should also discuss possible changes in the 404 mechanism for BHL-US, which I believe needs some tweaking. - jmignault jmignault
    4. Deduplication. Avoiding duplication of scanning. What is the current status of the GRIB?
    5. Scan Requests. Strategy for handling and managing scan requests globally
    6. Scan permissions. Coordinating permission to scan in-copyright content.
    7. Shared metadata standard. We will all have local metadata needs but then as records are shared among ourselves what metadata standard can we all agree to use for data exchange? MODS? How would each site maintain the different formats, if the internal format used is different than the ones used in other sites? Could there be an agreed exchange format that we all could provide and consume?
    8. Backup. How to use Internet synchronization for incremental backups. What is the order or precedence of nodes? Which site is to be considered the master? Who should take from which site? Should there be any preference to select the sites? Should site x check site y first then site z ?
    9. Consistency. Maintaining the consistency of files (comparing against md5s periodically)
    10. Code share. How to share and benefit from local developments. For example, the User Interface and Annotations from BHL-Australia and BHL-US, the Search functionality from BHL-Europe, the OCR functionality at BHL-Egypt, the Common names functionality from BHL-China and BHL-Europe.
    11. Feedback. How to coordinate feedback (issues) between the nodes? If BHL-Europe receives an bibliographic issue for an BHL-US item, for example, how to coordinate feedback. This should include requests for scanning, correct?
    12. Subcollections of BHL contentBHL US has sub-collections of content in the BHL portal as well as in iTunes U. BHLE has the Virtual Library Exhibitions. Perhaps there are ways to coordinate these efforts? What about additional global nodes -- could we use existing tools to showcase global partner sub-collections? - lipscombb lipscombb May 1, 2012 Example of Virtual Exhibition at the Royal Museum for Central Africa (Tervuren, Belgium) :Local Virtual Exhibition integrating BHL-Europe and OpenUp!.ppt >>
    13. Coordinated Communication Plan. Who is in charge of outreach and communication for each node? What communication activities are you performing/involved in? How can we coordinate activities across global nodes?
    14. <Please add new topics here>
  3. <Please add new topics here>