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BHL staff fall meeting 2011

BHL Staff fall meeting 2011

Table of Contents

Concurrent Workflow Staff & Technical Breakout Sessions
All Staff
BHL Staff L&L Report


Many of you will be attending the Life and Literature Conference in Chicago, November 14-15. The BHL Institutional Council approved a BHL Staff meeting to be held at the Field Museum the day after the conference, Wednesday November 16. Please respond to Bianca Crowley with an expression of interest. This will be a good opportunity for BHL staff to use the results and input from the Life and Literature conference to help shape the future of BHL. The agenda is not set at this point and should be constructed from the interests and needs of those BHL staff attending the meeting. Please contribute to the agenda building on the BHL wiki. The next BHL staff call will have the topic of this meeting as part of the agenda.

Attendees will need to cover the cost of lodging for the meeting from their own budgets.


Field Museum, Chicago, IL | Lecture Hall 2 (LH2), near the West Entrance


Day after Life & Literature conference, Wednesday November 16


Conference Line 1-866-748-1119 passcode 1912897# please contact Bianca, to let her know which sessions you plan to call in for
Diana Shih (via conference)


Cal Acad
Becky Morin
Christina Fidler (via conference)

Mary Ochs
Marty Schlabach

Christine Giannoni
Diana Duncan

David Iggulden

Judy Warnement

Matt Person
Diane Rielinger (via conference) 10:30-12

Joe deVeer
Chris Carden (via conference)
JJ Ford
Connie Rinaldo

Michelle Abeln
Doug Holland

Alison Harding
Jane Smith (via conference call)

John Mignault
Kevin Nolan
Susan Fraser

Grace Costantino
Martin Kalfatovic
Suzanne Pilsk
Keri Thompson
Gilbert Borrego
Robin Everly (via conference)
Joel Richard
Bess Missell
Gil Taylor
Bianca Crowley
Trish Rose-Sandler
Mike Lichtenberg
David Heskett

Boris Jacob (briefly)
Henning Scholz

Fieldbooks Registry
Carolyn Sheffield


Time Keeper / Parking Lot Attendant: Suzanne Pilsk


8:30 [15 min] Welcome, Announcements Martin Kalfatovic
8:45 [15 min] Ice Breaker activity Bianca Crowley / Grace Costantino

Concurrent Workflow Staff & Technical Breakout Sessions

9:00 [90 min] Technical breakout session (Library conference room) | Lead: Mike Lichtenberg
A discussion of various technical issues related to BHL. By invitation only.

9:00 [15 min] BHL Staff reaction to Life & Lit | Lead: Grace Costantino Notes: Bianca Crowley
The purpose of this session will be to identify BHL staff members who would be willing to contribute to a final report that documents BHL staff reaction to the Life & Literature conference. The report will provide an opportunity for BHL staff to communicate a coherent statement to BHL decision makers about the future of the project. This session will briefly touch on feedback received from conference attendees.

9:15 [30 min] New BHL MOU | Lead: Martin Kalfatovic Notes: Grace Costantino
A explanation of BHL's new governance structure and MOU. This session will briefly touch on the roles & responsibilities of BHL members within this new structure.

9:45 [30 min] BHL Domains of Tasks | Lead: Bianca Crowley Notes: Matt Person
A discussion of the various domains of tasks needed to run the BHL. A goal of the discussion will be to assign task domain leads who can serve as the organizers and points of contact for these tasks. What tasks are you involved in/want to get involved in? What task domains are not listed? One of the key tasks is BHL documentation, i.e. the BHL Cookbook and there is a need to improve this task going forward.
BHL Staff Reports

Q4 FY11 SIL ReportBHL SIL Q4, FY11 ReportSmallestFileSize.pdf

10:15 [15 min] BREAK

All Staff

10:30 [60 min] BHL Workflows | Lead: Keri Thompson Notes: Grace Costantino
There are various methods to get content into the BHL, however, some are easier than others. Most of us now know how to send books through the established Internat Archive (IA) "scribe machine" workflow, but other methods of incorporating content exist that can be implemented with varying degrees of difficulty. This session will provide:

11:30 [30 min] CiteBank | Lead: Trish Rose-Sandler Notes: Bianca Crowley
CiteBank is BHL's open access platform to aggregate citations for biodiversity publications and deliver access to biodiversity related articles. This session will provide an update on CiteBank's recent developments and statistics thus far.

12:00 [10 min] Group photo -- everyone is required to participate in this rare group photo opportunity!

12:10 [50 min] LUNCH -- Social Media ideas brainstorming session | Lead: Gilbert Borrego Notes: Grace Costantino
Over lunch, we will brainstorm ideas for new things we can share about BHL via our 4 major social media outlets: the blog, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr. Are there other social media platforms that we could get into?

1:00 [60 min] Round Robin | Lead: Bianca Crowley Notes: Michelle Abeln
Continuing the tradition from monthly BHL staff phone calls, this session will allow BHL members to share with each other about how the project is going for them at their home institution. Please follow the "Round Robin" link above to see the questions that will guide the discussion. It is HIGHLY encouraged that you fill out these questions before the session. This session will also touch on the topic of paginating content in BHL.

2:00 [30 min] BHL Tech updates | Lead: Mike Lichtenberg. Notes: JJ Ford
Mike Lichtenberg will provide a brief update on BHL Technical development projects, esp. regarding the proposed changes to the BHL user interface (UI). This session will also briefly describe the recent developments regarding the Sub-Collections module in the Administrative dashboard: and the ability for BHL Staff to create sub collections of content for display via the BHL portal
BHL Development Priorities 2011-2012 v.2 (updated Nov.2011).pdf

2:30 [10 min] BREAK

2:40 [20 min] Show & Tell | Lead: Various Notes: Bianca Crowley

3:00 Goodbyes to those that have to leave and catch their flights home

3:10 [50 min] Outlining BHL Staff Life and Literature Report w/ available staff | Lead: Martin Kalfatovic Notes: Grace Costantino
The BHL Staff response to Life and Literature is important. If you are catching a late flight home, please stick around to help document your idead/thoughts/comments/etc. THANK YOU!


BHL Staff L&L Report