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Round Robin Nov162011

Back to Nov 16 BHL Staff Face-to-Face Mtg Agenda

Table of Contents

IA Scanning Workflow
Non-IA / In-house scanning workflow(s)
OPAC / Library catalog linkages to BHL
US Works 1923-1963 where (c) NOT renewed
Questions for Round Robin
Each institution should provide an update on the following if applicable

IA Scanning Workflow

Actively scanning w/ IA?
Performing QA?
Frequency and size of shipments?
Additional notes
Historically via IA facility in NJ; currently via FedEx to SIL
Yes, retrospective
bimonthly or so; about 25 vols. per shipment

Cal Acad
Ship to IA facility
Not yet, but plan (hope?) to.
3 shipments of approx. 100 items each. 4th will go next week
Have had some IA woes. Workflow took a while to get established with SF center

Historically via UIUC; currently via FedEx to SIL

Recently awarded some funds to scan Africa-related materials at IA center in Ft. Wayne. ~30 titles.

Harvard Bot

Ship to IA facility
periodically every few of months scanning 10-20 vols.

Ship to IA facility
about one shipment of 175 vols. every 2 months

No, scan via in-house Botanicus workflow

In process of uploading content to IA
IA facility on premisis
15-20 items every fortnight

Yes (but not BHL)
Historically via IA facility in NJ; currently via FedEx to SIL (see additional notes)
We are shipping to IA this fall a non-BHL shipment. On a Metropolitan NY Library Council grant.
IA facility on premisis; ship to IA facility
50 books per week
We are also scanning our rare library at our IA facility on site. Most of our scanning comes from Gemini requests (most regular, all rare). We also periodically scan books from non-scanning institutions at SIL.

IA facility on premisis

Non-IA / In-house scanning workflow(s)

Does your institution have or are you planning to have non-IA scanned/in-house scanned content that you would like to include in the BHL?
Yes; we plan to scan some of our rare books in the near future
Cal Acad
Will be uploading content as part of IMLS "Connecting Content" grant.
Yes, we have content that is “non-IA scanned”. We would need to check for duplication, but here is a summary of potential content we have to offer.
--We have 170 Entomology rare and medium-rare volumes and are planning to scan another 200 volumes.
--We have 3 serial titles with a total of 159 volumes scanned. (These are Core Historical Literature of Agriculture (CHLA) and Hive & HoneyBee titles).
--We also have several hundred monographs in CHLA that would be applicable.
--Materials scanned for the Microsoft project are available on IA. Not all are applicable, but there must be at least 1,000 monographic volumes.
--We also have thousands of Google-scanned serials and monograph to offer, if the appropriate metadata, format, resolution, etc standards can be met.

We would like to do this but are currently reviewing whether this will be the best means for us to contribute.
Harvard Bot

We plan to but do not have staff/funding - did make scanner purchase this year.
Yes, we scan over-sized items in-house. We would like to see all of the content on BHL. Currently, some of it is on the portal via Botanicus. We're in the process of finding an easier solution for upload to IA.
All our scanning is in-house and is added to BHL.
Yes we will need to scan rare monographs and serials on non-IA scanners. We need an easier way to add these to BHL.
Yes. We have several hundred books already scanned and have a full in-house scanning program up and running. We'd like an easy way for this material to be ingested into BHL. BHL can have all of it.
We scan folio-sized items on an in-house camera using Macaw. We also have previously-scanned content that we will eventually add to BHL.


OPAC / Library catalog linkages to BHL

What is your institution doing to link your catalogs to BHL if anything? Do you link to just your own content in BHL or to all? What's your process?
We add links for all the materials we ssend to BHL, as well as stuff contributed by other BHLers sporadically, esp. for books that are in our Rare Book collection.
Cal Acad
Will add URLs title by title as the issue arises. Would love to do more, but we don't have the staff.
Cornell regularly receives BHL records from Serial Solutions for all BHL titles. These records have often been too brief, lacking crucial info and the serial records in particular have been essentially useless. Serial Solutions was harvesting their records from IA. Cornell has been working with Serial Solutions to improve the quality, and Serial Solutions has been working with BHL staff as well, to get records from BHL instead of IA.
The brief summary of the main two issues/needs:
1.) Improve journal holdings information (currently the Serials Solutions records for BHL serials have no holdings info).
2.) Enhance bib records by adding fields which include subject info: 650, 050 (LC call number)
We add URL's to catalog. Add URL's for our items that we've scanned (part of check-in process when items return). We will also add non-Field item URL's we come across. Have instructions for this process as it is primarily done by volunteers.
We would like to do this, and are interested in hearing how colleagues approach this and their experiences.
Harvard Bot

We link our scanned content. We should link all BHL content. Our ILS is Voyager. We create a text file and run a script to add a "junction page" from serials holding record of BHL vols per serials title ie:
We link to MCZ content in the BHL portal from net holdings records in Harvard's HOLLIS catalog records. Links have thus far been created manually via our ILS, Aleph. Records are linked even If we contribute just one volume to a serial or monographic series in BHL. We have, thus far, created links only to titles for which we have contributed content.
We add links to our catalog of our own BHL contributions, as well as contributions from other libraries. We monitor the BHL RSS feed to keep up with all ingested/ contributed material. Links are also created to BHL from TROPICOS.
New scans lnks both to IA and to BHL. Older contributions link from our scanned items to IA but will definately be changed next year to link to the BHL home page.
We link to BHL firstly, and we link to content regardless of whether NYBG contributed it or not. We link to our own digital library if the book is not in BHL yet. We feel BHL offers users better options (for the most part) in terms formats, viewing, UI etc.
We bulk add urls to our catalog for content in BHL.



Are you facing a backlog of work? In what areas? Do you intend to review what you have scanned for the purposes of pagination and other editing?
Yes, we have a QA backlog, as we have only one volunteer going through the materials returned from scanning. We also have a backlog of Gemini requests, but only due to the size limitation of shipments. The Gemini requests for rare books are ignored for the time being.
Cal Acad
Have QA/review backlog of items returned from IA

Have a backlog of Gemini requests.
Not applicable at current time as not contributing content as yet.
Harvard Bot

Yes, have backlogs, have gotten to some Gemini requests but not all. Yes would like to paginate our content - one assistant paginated 3 volumes 2 summers ago.
Have backlogs but, manageable. Spec. Coll. items take considerably longer to process (more extensive review and lots of in-house scanning which means they can not be ingested into BHL immediately) There are three of us on staff who paginate irregularly, although low on the priority list.
We have a manageable backlog of Gemini requests, try to do older requests first unless otherwise prioritized. Pagination and editing are done at the same time when the scanners have finished with each individual book/ volume.
Have a backlog of Gemini requests. No time to review just have to react to feedback.
Backlogs galore. Gemini etc.
Gilbert Borrego is working through manual pagination of SIL-contributed content in BHL. Have a small backlog of Gemini issues. We do statistical sampling of QA on all items returned.


US Works 1923-1963 where (c) NOT renewed

Works registered or first published in the US between 1923 and 1963 where the copyright notice was NOT renewed are in the public domain. The issue with these works is confirming that copyright was not, in fact, renewed. BHL is considering developing guidelines to facilitate this process so that you may incorporate these items your workflow if you so choose. Do you see an opportunity to scan these types of materials at your institution?
Same response as SIL. We could send materials to be scanned there if they can accommodate them; in-house scanning personnel will be very limited
Cal Acad
Yes, if I could get it through legal
We have scanned, and would hope to scan in the future, content that falls in this category and that can also be determined to be in public domain. Cornell is party to a law suit with Hathi Trust and other universities with respect to this category of content. It would be important to proceed with caution, but proceed.

As with NHM not US, so not sure how this would affect us.
Harvard Bot

Early in BHL MBLWHOI scanned a few hundred monographs in this category. We used the Stanford copyright database renewal as our due diligence guide. Since then we have received a single request to take down content, which we did immediately- the issue has not arisen since.
Yes, we would be interested in scanning such content if approved by our legal dept.
Yes. We certainly would like to move into these dates when possible. Don't forget works published 1923-1977 without copyright notice:
Not US so not sure how it affects us. Under UK legislation scanning to 1907 at present for most titles. Where explicit permission has been recieved from rightsholders may scan beyond 1907 in some cases have permission to scann up to and including recent publications.
Yes, we would be interested in scanning these things if copyright status could be confirmed.
