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Table of Contents

BHL-Europe Final Events & Review
List of participants and registration
Venue and Accomodations
02 June 2012 - Long Night of Science
04 June 2012 - International Symposium
05 June 2012 - BHL-Europe Show and Tell
06 June 2012 - Final Review (EC)
CBD Articles we refer to for the symposium:

BHL-Europe | WP1 | WP2 | WP3 | WP4 | WP5

BHL-Europe Final Events & Review

04-06 June 2012, Berlin (Germany)

41_arrivingflights_thumb.gif List of participants and registration

Registration is closed now, no list of participants on the wiki, but altogether ~90 people are coming for the events on all three days.

Venue and Accomodations

For information on the venue and hotels, please follow this link:


02 June 2012 - Long Night of Science

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften -
BHLE will be present with a booth at MfN to show books (digital and physical) and BLE, between 17:00 and 01:00.

04 June 2012 - International Symposium

Meeting venue: Jerusalem Church, Lindenstrasse 85, 10969 Berlin
Google Maps:

09:00-09:30 Arrival, registration, coffee

09:30-09:45 Welcome, introduction, housekeeping

09:45-10:20 Keynote: Thomas Koetz (EC): 20 years CBD
10:20-10:50 Gregor Hagedorn (JKI): Identification is key
10:50-11:25 Coffee break
11:25-12:15 Identification and monitoring - Highlight talks
12:15-12:30 Identification and monitoring – Discussion & summary

12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Poster presentation (see below for posters)
14:00-14:35 Research and training - Keynote Johannes Vogel (MfN): Living with biodiversity
14:35-15:20 Research and training - Highlight talks
15:20-15:35 Research and training – Discussion & summary

15:35-16:00 Coffee Break16:00-16:35 Exchange of information - Keynote
Donald Hobern (GBIF): Sharing biodiversity information – what have we learned?
16:35-17:20 Exchange of information - Highlight talks
17:20-17:35 Exchange of information – Discussion & summary
17:35-17:45 Wrap-up and closure

19:00-22:00 Under the dinosaurs - reception in MfN
Meeting place:
Dinosaur Hall through main entrance, Museum für Naturkunde, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin
Google Maps:

Poster exhibition:
1.) Laurence Bénichou (MNHN), Koen Martens (RBINS), Graham Higley (NHM), Isabelle Gérard (RMCA), Steven Dessein (NBGB), Daphné Duin - EJT: European Journal of Taxonomy
2.) Stijn Cooleman, Patricia Mergen, Michel Louette (RMCA) - Afrotropical bird content digitization at the RMCA: via LifeDesk to EOL
3.) Martin Kalfatovic (SIL) - The Global Biodiversity Heritage Library: A Global Picture of Taxonomic Literature
4.) Agnes Kirchhoff (BGBM) - Saving endangered Biodiversity Data - the reBiND Project
5.) Jiri Frank (NMP) - OpenUp!
6.) Constance Rinaldo (MCZ), Bianca Crowley (SIL), Boris Jacob (RMCA) - Biodiversity Heritage Library: Supporting Research with Open Content
7.) Vohland, K., Marquard, E., Paulsch, C., Heink, U., Häuser, C. L. - Mediating the science-policy dialogue at different scales
8.) TDWG - Biodiversity Information Standards
9.) The Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe
10.) The GRIB – A Union Catalogue of and Scanning Management Tool for Natural History Libraries
11.) BLE - BHL-Europe’s Virtual Exhibition
12.) Biodiversity Literature in Europeana
13.) BHL-Europe - Ancient knowledge in a new dress

05 June 2012 - BHL-Europe Show and Tell

Meeting venue: Jerusalem Church, Lindenstrasse 85, 10969 Berlin
Google Maps:

8:45-9:15 Arrival, registration, coffee
9:15-9:45 BHL-Europe – achievements, content/data workflow, architecture overview, tools, services [Henning Scholz]
9:45-10:15 Global BHL [Martin Kalfatovic]
02_2012.06.05 BHL Europe.ppt
10:15-10:45 Europeana: Update, content highlights, Europeana Portal – New functionalities and features [Lizzy Komen]
03_Europeana Update 5 June 2012 Berlin.ppt

10:45-11:15 Coffee

11:15-11:35 OpenUp! – update and progress – [Alexa Michel, Petra Böttinger]


11:35-11:50 BLE: Overview, demonstration, next steps - [Jiri Frank]
11:50-11:57 Virtual Exhibition integrating BHL-Europe and OpenUp! content [Patricia Mergen]
23_Local Virtual Exhibition integrating BHL-Europe and OpenUp!.ppt
11:58-12:05 Using Europeana's API Services [Boris Jacob]
24_Using Europeanas API Services - BHL-Europe_final.ppt
12:05-12:30 GRIB: Overview, demonstration, next steps [Henning Scholz, Andreas Krausz]
25_2012-05-05 GRIB Presentation_final.ppt

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:30 Pre-Ingest: Introduction, Training (content providers to learn how to work with their own data and go through all steps of the Pre-Ingest workflow actively) [Chris Sleep, Wolfgang Koller]
31_BHL-Europe Preingest.ppt

15:30-16:00 Coffee
16:00-17:00 BHL-Europe Portal: Introduction, highlights, live demonstration [Jiri Frank, Chris Sleep]
32_BHL-Europe Portal_120531.ppt

18:30 Departure of ship for dinner cruise at Friedrichstrasse
Meeting point: 18:00, Weidendammer Bridge (Google Maps:; this is where the Friedrichstrasse crosses the River Spree. I’m waiting at the Southern End of the bridge (see maps below for download).

06 June 2012 - Final Review (EC)

Meeting venue: Jerusalem Church, Lindenstrasse 85, 10969 Berlin
Google Maps:
All presentations are uploaded here: BHLE_final_ppt
09:30-10:00 Arrival, registration, coffee
10:00-10:05 Welcome and introduction.Context, purpose and objectives of the review [Krister Olson]
10:05-10:20 Short overview of the project and its objectives [Henning Scholz]
10:20-10:25 WP3 overview [Graham Higley ]
10:25-10:50 The BHL-Europe system: Process/storage/ data management/ tools/ services/multilingual content [Chris Sleep ]
10:50-11:10 Final Presentation of the BHL-Portal [Chris Sleep ]
11:10-11:15 IPR solutions (BHL-Europe Source Code Licensing) [Chris Sleep ]
11:15-11:20 OCR experience [Henning Scholz]
11:20-11:30 Link with EUROPEANA [Lizzy Komen ]
11:30-11:45 Coffee Break
11:45-11:55 Virtual exhibition. Biodiversity Library Exhibition [Jiri Frank]
11:55-12:05 Dissemination and awareness activities (e.g. events) [Jiri Kvacek]
12:05-12:15 Best practices guidelines & standards [Henning Scholz]
12:15-12:30 Performance indicators (content/data providers); User surveys [Henning Scholz]
12:30-12:40 Sustainability – BHL-Europe services [Henning Scholz]
12:40-13:30 Questions & Answers session
13:30-14:15 Lunch
14:15-14:35 Meeting to discuss initial impressions and preliminary conclusions (without project representatives) [Krister Olson, Reviewers]
14:35-14:45 Preliminary feedback to the consortium on review conclusions [Krister Olson, Reviewers]
14:45-14:50 Closing remarks [Krister Olson]

18:30 Dinner at Brachvogel (Restaurant / Beer Garden)
Meeting point: 18:15 main entrance of the Jerusalem Church – from there it is a walk of ~1km.; Google maps:

Connie made a suggestion for an alternative evening, but if to many people stay away from the restaurant, we may get a problem with them...
If anyone is interested, I plan to attend the show, LOFT, at the Chameleon Theatre on Wednesday night, June 6. You can always go a different night if Wed. conflicts with the BHLEurope dinner. - ConnieR ConnieR May 21, 2012

For non consortium partners not attending the day with us, Ely made a nice suggestion to spend the day:
And I am thinking of taking a bike tour around Berlin on Wednesday, June 6 if anyone would like to join in (Ely Wallis)
PDF of the full agenda:

Conference location (4-6 June):

For maps and direction, see this pdf:

The Convention on Biological Diversity was adopted 20 years ago. We think it is a good time now to have a look where we are 20 years later with the topics of relevance for us and what we still need to do to foster the implementation of the CBD. As stated in the preamble of the CBD, the contracting parties are “Aware of the general lack of information and knowledge regarding biological diversity and of the urgent need to develop scientific, technical and institutional capacities to provide the basic understanding upon which to plan and implement appropriate measures.” The goal of the symposium is to review with biologists, computer scientists, publishers, students, and other stakeholders the status of the information and knowledge space for taxonomists and the capacities to provide the basic understanding on biological diversity. Eventually, we would like to identify the needs and possible actions for the near future to support the further implementation of the CBD towards a sustainable development of the environment and the biological diversity.

We plan to start this one day symposium with a high level overview presentation (key note) to introduce the CBD and its history and relevance for the community. Afterwards, we have three thematic session, each focussing on one article of the CBD (see below for more details on the CBD):

Each topic will have a chair and a minute taker. The chair will introduce the topic with an overview talk and handle the management of the session. We thought about having short presentations of various projects, initiatives, products/prototypes, ideas or studies that fit into the topic. Each presentation is only 10 min long without having a direct discussion afterwards. At the end of every session, we would have a general discussion with the speakers and the audience. The minute taker will record key aspects, challenges, problems, success, controversions etc. reported by the speaker. After the discussion we summarise the presentations and discussions into a short paper and a presentation, that will be given by the chair. Afterwards, we move into the next session.

Good candidates for 10 minute talks, the CBD articles it may relates to in brackets:
GBIF: - Walter Berendsohn (7)
Catalogue of Life, 4D4Life, i4Life, Sp2000 – Peter Schalk (7)
Ornitho: Johannes Wahl (7)
The Paleobiology Database: - Wolfgang Kießling (7 or 12)
Key to Nature: - contact e.g. Gregor Hagedorn (12)
DEST: - Isabella Van de Velde (12)
ViBRANT – Vince Smith (12)
Zookeys : - Lyubomir Penev (17)
Citebank: - Chris Freeland (17)
Biota: – Mark-Oliver Rödel (7 or 17)

Maybe candidates for 10 minute talks, the CBD articles is may relates to in brackets:
Anymals: - ? (7?)
Mendeley: - Jan Reichelt (? or 17)
Plazi: - Donat Agosti (17)
Impact Factor for taxonomists, see e.g. - Antonio Valdecasas (7 maybe?)

Further suggestions for candidates we still have to discuss and evaluate:
! IUCN: - Sebastian Winkler, see also (7) (7)
TDWG: - Patricia Mergen (17?)
? CETAF: - Christoph Häuser (12)
Natural Europe: - (12)
! OpenUp!: - Walter Berendsohn (17)
? LifeWatch: - Wouter Los (7)
PESI: - Thierry Burgeon
Consortium of Scientific Partners on Biodiversity: -
? Contribution of science to monitoring (DIVERSITAS White Paper): - (in German)
EEA: - Jacqueline McGlade, see also
Biostor or similar things: - Rod Page (17)
Fishbase: - Reiner Froese (7 / 17?)
Biodiversity Exploratories: - talk to Maren Gleisberg (BGBM) (7 / 12?)
IPNI ( or
! World Checklist ( - somebody from Kew Gardens (7 / 17?)
Somebody from CBD directly to give the 1st keynote of the day
Plos Hubs: Biodiversity: - Rod Page (17)
Conservation Commons: - (17)
Conservation Policy Briefs: - Barbara Livoreil (17)

Draft agenda for the day:
- h-scholz h-scholz Feb 1, 2012 Today, the Berlin office with guests (Ralf, Katrin, Volker) discussed the programme again, and here is the outcome of this discussion. It is still an early draft, but we need to start inviting speaker very soon. The names etc. below are still suggestions. No speaker or chair is confirmed yet. We may need somebody from Belgium, Netherlands or France as a keynote speaker, for the European coverage).

09:00 - 09:30 Arrival and registration
09:30 - 09:45 Welcome [BHL-Europe, NeFo, MfN]
09:45 - 10:45 Keynote and questions: 20 years CBD
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 - 11:45 Identification and monitoring – overview - tbd (keynote and chair), tbd (co-chair and minutes)
11:45 - 12:30 Talks 1-4: Ornitho, IUCN, DIVERSITAS Germany, Biota
12:30 - 12:45 Identification and monitoring – discussion & summary
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:30 Research and training – overview - Johannes Vogel (chair and keynote - confirmed his attendance, details to be sorted out), tbd (co-chair and minutes)
14:30 - 15:15 Talks 5-8: Key to Nature, DEST, Vibrant, ???
15:15 - 15:30 Research and training – discussion & summary
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 16:45 Exchange of information – overview - Walter Berendsohn (chair and keynote incl. GBIF, BHL, OpenUp, World Checklist, PESI, Conservation Commons; Walter has confirmed his attendance, details to be sorted out), Henning Scholz (co-chair and minutes)
16:45 - 17:30 Talks 9-12: CiteBank, CoL, Plos Hubs Biodiversity, Conservation Policy Briefs
17:30 - 17:45 Exchange of information – discussion & summary
17:45 - 18:00 Wrap-up and closure (move to MfN for evening reception afterwards)
19:00 - 22:00 Under the dinosaurs - reception in MfN
Poster exhibition: we have room for about 10 posters in the lobby of the event location, we should offer that space to the participants. Posters of BHL-Europe and NeFo/GTI can be placed in the hallways or in the main meeting hall.

CBD Articles we refer to for the symposium:

for the full CBD see

Article 7. Identification and Monitoring
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate,in particular for the purposes of Articles 8 to 10:
(a) Identify components of biological diversity important for its conservation and sustainable use having regard to the indicative list of categories set down in Annex I:
(b) Monitor, through sampling and other techniques, the components of biological diversity identified pursuant to subparagraph (a) above, paying particular attention to those requiring urgent conservation measures and those which offer the greatest potential for sustainable use;
(c) Identify processes and categories of activities which have or are likely to have significant adverse impacts on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, and monitor their effects through sampling and other techniques; and(d) Maintain and organize, by any mechanism data, derived from identification and monitoring activities pursuant to subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) above.

Article 12. Research and Training
The Contracting Parties, taking into account the special needs of developing countries, shall:
(a) Establish and maintain programmes for scientific and technical education and training in measures for the identification, conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and its components and provide support for such education and training for the specific needs of developing countries:
(b) Promote and encourage research which contributes to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, particularly in developing countries, inter alia, in accordance with decisions of the Conference of the Parties taken in consequence of recommendations of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice: and
(c) In keeping with the provisions of Articles 16. 13 and 20. promote and cooperate in the use of scientific advances in biological diversity research in developing methods for conservation and sustainable use of biological resources.

Article 17. Exchange of Information
1. The Contracting Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information, from all publicly available sources, relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking into account the special needs of developing countries.
2. Such exchange of information shall include exchange of results of technical, scientific and socio-economic research, as well as information on training and surveying programmes, specialized knowledge, indigenous and traditional knowledge as such and in combination with the technologies referred to in Article 16, paragraph 1. It shall also, where feasible, include repatriation of information.