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Life & Literature Conference

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Table of Contents

Life and Literature Conference
Conference Notes
Breakout Session Notes
Final Track Descriptions and Bios of Speakers and Planning
Four Questions for Day 2: The Future of Biodiversity Literature
Draft Timeline
Draft Schedule
E-mail Announcements
Suggested Tracks

Life and Literature Conference

November 14-15, 2011 Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois USA
Public web site:
Draft post-conference report LifeandLiteratureReportmoreedits.docx
Staff Reactions to Life & Literature Report staffreactionsL&L.pdf

Conference Notes

William: Research, Informatics, and the Published Record
Bianca: Publishers, Aggregators, and Authors
Grace: Learning and Education
Gilbert: Building Collaborative Networks

Breakout Session Notes

Linked here

Final Track Descriptions and Bios of Speakers and Planning

Four Questions for Day 2: The Future of Biodiversity Literature


For posting and distribution life and literature conference flyer.pdf


Life and Literature Conference Proposal.pdf Proposal to Lounsbery Foundation: Do not share at this time

Draft Timeline

View the reverse calendar of dates for the conference.

Draft Schedule

View the draft schedule & comment/correct/change

E-mail Announcements

Location / Who Sent / When

Hold the date language:
The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is planning a major conference in Chicago (United State) November 14-15 involving librarians, taxonomists, biodiversity informatics researchers, publishers, and other users and producers of biodiversity literature. Please save these dates when planning calendars. If planning any major workshops, symposia, etc., please take into account any overlapping audiences. Please consult the regularly updated conference website at for more information.

Suggested Tracks

[please suggest individuals to invite under each track. Place an * by those whom you wish to give talks). Please feel free to recommend removal, to add more, to flesh out. Also need to find better names.

1. Biology and biodiversity literature. Chris Freeland
Rod Page
EO Wilson*
Jim Hanken?
Donat Agosti

2. Education and Learning: Finding a Place for the BHL in Lifelong Learning. Nancy Gwinn, Marie Studer, Connie Rinaldo
The digital resources of BHL have numerous uses for education and learning and should increase as better tools and services are provided to search and access content. The potential audiences include citizen scientists, students from K-12 and university, educators, informal science education centers, exhibit designers and the interested public.

Questions to be addressed in the Education and Learning track include: What do different audiences want from digitized literature resources? How can we make the digital resources in BHL accessible and useful to different learning groups? What are the tools that provide added value to the resources in the BHL? (species interaction tool, tree of life tool -- should we be more specific about these?) Can we leverage these audiences to provide crowd-sourcing tasks such as identification of images, species descriptions, historical range and distribution information? How can we incorporate BHL resources into electronic textbooks combined with content from EOL? . For more on the Education and Learning track go here:E & L track

3. Publishers, aggregators, and authors - new models and access. Cathy Norton Connie Rinaldo
This track will bring together publishers, aggregators and editors/authors in the digital and print biodiversity publishing communities. The session will address current and future publishing models including economics, sustainability models, electronic archives and impact on the biodiversity community. Goals for the outcomes of the conference and this track include outlining plans for a better understanding between authors, publishers, and libraries. What are the resources that institutions use currently to support authors, publishing and libraries? How are the long standing relationships among libraries, publishers and authors evolving? What changes have occurred with an Open Access environment? How does author retention of copyright or using Creative Commons rights affect libraries, publishers and authors? Further, the track will discuss innovative technologies of publishing, disseminating, indexing and aggregating biodiversity information with a special focus on automated tools and XML-based editorial and dissemination workflows.

Suzanne Skomal, BioOne, confirmed
Lyubo Penev, Pentsoft Publishers* confirmed
Kevin Guthrie, Ithaka*
PLOS: 2/28email to Peter Jerram's (CEO) attention--confirmed Peter or someone else.
BMC: 2/28email to Matthew Cockerill, managing director
Jan Reichelt from Mendeley--confirmed

SUrF Foundation in the Netherlands is funding research on enhanced publications/ text and data...
contact John Doove on +31 (0)30 234 6600.

4. Life and Literature Humanities Track: Building Collaborative Networks for Science and the Humanities through Scientific Literature (Martin Kalfatovic)
This track will bring together members of the humanities, bioinformatics, information science, and taxonomic communities, to explore and build collaborations around tools, data, and user communities. Sessions will address such topics as digital library systems and services, application protocol interfaces (APIs) for data mining and analysis, scientific illustration as art, blurring community boundaries for collaboration, and more. Goals for the outcomes of the conference and this track include building new collaboration communities, outlining plans for cross- and inter-disciplinary funding, and greater understanding of resources and content by all participants.

Possible speakers or panelists:

Potential Plenary Speakers:
Richard Pyle
Nathaniel Philbrick

Plenary Session Suggestions:

1. International projects of note

2. BHL Mashup Competition. Prior to the conference developers will be invited to develop innovative and research-enhancing uses of BHL content and services. A review panel will develop submission guidelines and will judge the submissions. An award will be announced at the conference.

3. ARTLIFE session. Presentation/reuse/display of art works incorporating BHL texts or images including painting, drawing, sculpture, or electronic media.

4. Conference Poster competitions.
s sessions; discussions; next steps; farewells.