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Life and Literature Communications Plan

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Life and Literature Communications Plan

This page will serve as the note and development space for the communications plan for the Life and Literature Conference. Committee Members include: Connie Rinaldo, Bianca Crowley, Becky Morin, and Grace Costantino


  • Official notes of the conference; taken by Grace, Bianca, William, and Gilbert
  • Notes will not be published per se, but provided to Tom and others for their official write-up of conference
  • We do not have to take them in a public place, nor is it a requirement to make them public after conference (though Tom says there is no reason we cannot make them public if we want to)
  • At this point, will probably take official notes on internal wiki unless better suggestion provided
  • 1 official note-taker per session

There will be no official note-taking during the plenary sessions

There will be one official note taker for each panel session. See schedule for assigned times for note takers.

There will be official notes taken during the Break-Out sessions; however, it is the responsibility of the break-out leaders to find the official note taker of their choice. Session leaders will get us some sort of copy of some sort of notes taken at the end of the session for us to put on a wiki page created for break-out session notes. See schedule for each session leader and appointed note taker.
Unofficial Notes

  • These notes will complement the official notes taken
  • These notes will be taken by our student volunteers
  • These will be live notes, taken via (probably) pirate pad
  • These notes will be shared with conference attendees at all times, and attendees will be allowed to make comments/edits in real time, as they are being taken
  • The link to the unofficial notes will be provided to attendees on paper insert in folders & on housekeeping slide at beginning of conference
  • 1 unofficial note taker per session

There will be no unofficial notes taken during the plenary sessions

There will be one unofficial note taker for each panel session. See schedule for assigned times for note takers.

There will be no unofficial notes taken during the break-out sessions.
Live Tweeting

  • Members of this committee will officially tweet for BHL and Life and Literature during the conference. There will be live tweeting during plenary and panel sessions. NO official live tweeting during break-out. encouraging attendees to tweet with hashtag. See schedule for assigned times for tweeters. William will tweet in Spanish from personal account when he can and we will retweet from life and lit and BHL.Becky & Connie will be the life and lit tweeter. Bianca and Grace will be the BHL tweeters.
Video Interviews

  • There will be short video interviews taken by student volunteers during conference break times
  • We will provide 2 students at a time with a flip camera from SIL
  • We will provide students with questions to ask attendees; Bianca will draft approx. 4 questions to give to students. They may also ask their own questions; students are encouraged to mix up which questions they ask each person
  • Interviews will be posted on YouTube and then the blog (will be posted on its own tab on the Life and Lit blog & then linked to in synopsis post on BHL blog)
  • Students will keep log of who they interviewed, at what time, and have interviewee sign paper after interview indicating that they are okay with it being posted on YouTube/Blog
  • Interviews will go up post life and lit

  • There will be 1 official photographer provided by the venue
  • One of our student volunteers will also take pictures (Paul - attend conference & take pictures when has time - no other duties)
  • Bianca will coordinate with student for when to take pictures/how to provide us access to them

Organization of Committee, derived from call on 10/12/2011

The communication areas we need to cover include:

Grace will coordinate a phone call/skype meeting with Connie, Bianca, and Becky sometime next week, either Wednesday, Oct. 19 or Thursday, Oct. 20th, where we can discuss the details of these elements further.

Agenda: 10/19/2011 Call

Notes, Meeting 1, 10/19/2011

Questions for Life and Literature Committee

Call 10/27 Action Items:

Bianca to create Pirate Pad link by 11/2 and send to Grace
Grace to contact break-out session leaders about note takers - DONE
Grace to create Pirate Pad cheat-sheet
Connie and Becky to work out official tweeting schedule for life and literature account