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Kick-off Meeting of Simon Sherrin's Visit to STL
Kick-off Meeting Notes
Monday October 1st

Kick-off Meeting of Simon Sherrin's Visit to STL

Date: Start work on 1 October 2012 (Monday) for 3 weeks, returning home October 22nd.

Attendees: Simon Sherrin, Mike Lichtenberg, William Uate.


Sep. 28th: Simon arrives to STL.
- Simon will stay at Anderson House till Oct. 10th. Keys at Ridgeway.

Oct. 1st: Simon at CBI, MOBOT
- Cassandra will check the computer and get it on the network. Responsible: William.
- Kick-off Meeting with Mike, Simon and William to set this Agenda
- Mike indicated Simon should be already added to TFS.
- William will get Simon a screen, a keyboard and a mouse.

Oct. 3
- 6:30pm Central time. Meeting with Martin and Ely cancelled.

Oct. 4
- 7:00 pm Simon is invited to dinner

Oct 5
Goal: Homepage, the Search page and the Feedback page first version ready

Oct 8
- 7:00 pm Meeting of Simon with Ely for briefing.

Oct 10
- 6:30 pm Meeting with Martin and Ely.

Oct 11
- Simon will stay with Chris.

Oct 15
- 7:00 pm Meeting of Simon with Ely for briefing.

Oct 17
- 6:30 pm Meeting with Martin and Ely.
Should have the site functional ready to go. Available in Staging.

Oct. 17-19
Joel Richard and John Mignault visiting STL.
- Macaw's hosted solution
- NEH use of Macaw

Kick-off Meeting Notes

Monday October 1st


Won't be adding anything from the Admin functionalities to the new project until it is ready.
Simon explained they will be done by the end of this month. Joe Coleman will go to another department.
MV will be keeping a copy of the database.
To sort out why the Unicode is not coming in, Mike mentioned that internally, .NET uses a string that needs to be changed.
Mike mentioned the names tables has already been changed. Since AUS will be starting from scratch, users have been told not to worry about the database being out of sync, it will just be replaced with a new copy of it when we are done.

Objective: By the end of the three weeks, we should be able to plug the switch. Martin opened up the possibilities of testing it in Staging while at our meeting in Boston. Simon would be ok if that testing is only for bugs and while the preparation for the Launch is been done. Article-ization is ready from the database standpoint. Mike said the Search table has also been built already and is ready to be populated. Site should be functional ready by Oct. 17
Simon has already contacted Trish, Grace and Bianca to look at the test site and comment on it.
Browse results should have a split with Articles.
Articles/Chapters – Will be all shown (no clustering done by now) with an icon that differentiates them.
Simon will need to code for the BookViewer. This will be left for the end to get the low hanging fruit first.
Mike needs to write the indexes for the tables, once the queries are known.
By Friday, having the Homepage, the Search page and the Feedback page.

Afternoon: Talk about the structure.

Wireframing for the discovery for the subjects
It was agreed that the About page would have a shorter version that Bianca and Grace would work on and that would be in the site.
Help will be still in the Footer. Mike indicated some of the wiki content may need to be worked on.
Simon suggested that we could get things from the wiki API and pull it to the site. To be seen.
The testing would be done as we go. Simon has already contacted Bianca and Grace for their feedback.
For the Segments (and the topic of clustering those equivalent against the canonical record) we will show everything for now and then see how to play with it.
Simon suggested to add a tab to show the Books/Journals and the Articles/Chapters, except in Browse by Collection.
Action Item: Simon will send an email to Simone to get her take on the tabs.
Browsing by article collections would be left out.
What to show in the Search Results page (and in the Segments browse): Title, Author, Year, Book/Journal, Volume, and Starting Page
After discussions, it was decided that we would leave the "Contributed by" in the search results.
Mike indicated Simon he should be already added to TFS.


Simon and Mike looked at the structure issues needed to set up the UI.
Adjourn at 5:00 pm.