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BHL User Interface merge

The purpose of this page is to document requirements for the merge between the BHL US/UK and BHL Australia websites.

Table of Contents

Proposed Timeline
1. Design phase -- COMPLETE
2. Comment and response phase -- COMPLETE
3. Final sign -- COMPLETE
4. Simon Sherrin Visit to STL (see Notes at SimonVisit2STL) -- COMPLETE
5. Simone Downey Visit to STL (tentatively, if necessary) -- NA
6. Texts BHL-AU-US Texts -- COMPLETE, but Welcome statement TBD
7. PR -- est. start late January
8. Beta Launch & Start Testing -- Wednesday January 16 -- COMPLETE
9. End Beta Testing -- Wednesday January 30 -- COMPLETE
10. Incorporate Testing fixes -- February 29 -- COMPLETE
12. Final UI Launch -- March 18 -- COMPLETE
First Phase of Designs
Usability Test feedback
Recent BHL US/UK website changes
Future article data model changes
Follow up Meetings

Proposed Timeline

1. Design phase -- COMPLETE

Dates: August 6th – August 24.
Input: Specifications/descriptions/notes about new features as soon as possible.
Outcome: A full suite of designs, that incorporate comments from the 2011 usability survey and incorporating any new features that you have planned or are already building.

2. Comment and response phase -- COMPLETE

Dates: August 24 – September 14.
Input: Comments to the suites of designs
Outcome: Comments and responses to comments
Notes: Simon will be taking a week of leave in early September 3-7 (tentatively).

3. Final sign -- COMPLETE

Date: 21 September.
Output: The full suite of designs signed off by September 21, packaged, files transferred across to MOBOT.

4. Simon Sherrin Visit to STL (see Notes at SimonVisit2STL) -- COMPLETE

Date: Start work on 1 October 2012 (Monday) for 3 weeks, returning home before 29 October. Joel Richard and John Mignault visited STL by the end of Sherrin visit.

5. Simone Downey Visit to STL (tentatively, if necessary) -- NA

Date: On or about October 6-7, for 2 weeks, returning home on or about 19-20 October.

6. Texts BHL-AU-US Texts -- COMPLETE, but Welcome statement TBD

7. PR -- est. start late January

Specific dates TBD depending on official launch date; Grace has got it covered!
Blog (Grace):
Three blog posts:
  1. Post by Simon Sherrin about the UI work he’s doing in St. Louis now – just a short summary of what work is being done and his experience in St. Louis. Include a recent (as in in St. Louis) picture of him and screenshot of new homepage. To post end of November.
  2. 2) Teaser about new UI, to be released 1 week before new UI. Will include link to Au site and screenshots
  3. 3) Announcement about actual UI release, gleaned from Press Release, with links to cheat sheet. To release on day of launch.

  1. Starting one month before release (early December), have a weekly tweet going out as a countdown to the release. These countdown tweets will include the screenshots, indicated below.
  2. As soon as Martin sends out screenshots, start tweeting those screenshots as teasers. He will say when to start sending out and verify which are the correct screenshots

All tweets should also go on Facebook (Gilbert to do), so will begin early December and post weekly.

Press Release:
Put together press release as soon as possible talking about:
  1. 1) Fabulous new improvements to BHL announced
  2. 2) Special thanks to Au team
  3. 3) Special thanks to Missouri implementation team
  4. 4) Special thanks to BHL Secretariat
  5. 5) List of key improvements
Martin to get me the list of key improvements and to let Liz know to expect this. We want to release this press release on day of UI launch. Will send copy to institutions to release if they want as well.

8. Beta Launch & Start Testing -- Wednesday January 16 -- COMPLETE

9. End Beta Testing -- Wednesday January 30 -- COMPLETE

Give BHL Staff and others 2 weeks for testing
We are planning to use Bug Herd to register the observations.
Check in with Mike L. about extent of Fixes needed

10. Incorporate Testing fixes -- February 29 -- COMPLETE

Mike to work on this - Actual time will be estimated once observations, errors and changes reported are known.

11. User Instructional Materials -- est. due March 18
Bianca and others to work on this
Suggested Due Date: TBD, by launch date

12. Final UI Launch -- March 18 -- COMPLETE

First week (18-24 March):
User comments were gathered through Feedback Form, Tweets, Facebook, etc. Very positive comments in general.
Slowliness, confusion with horizontal tabs (ovals around text) in some pages and failure in sending PDF request message were among the messages received. New reports were registered all in Gemini.
Different factors may have affected: site hits increased (almost doubled), Internet bandwidth assigned maxed out, two hicups in the service for 2 hours each at 2 nights of the week and software in the server was uninstalled (unused version of SQLServer).
Tech Team reviewed and discussed each issue, coordinated with IT Dept. at MOBOT and looked for solutions or alternatives.
Three improvements were done, 10 more MB were assigned to BHL for outgoing traffic, Google bots were tuned down and bug tracker tool was completely removed from production site.
Two periodic communications with updates were sent to TAG and Secretariat who's handled direct communications with users social media and emails.
Two main issues still remain to be addressed (as of 03/24/2013): slow performance of the site in general & big queries with several 1000's of records.
Monitoring effects of improvements for first one during second week when also hits are expected to diminish. Second issue will be addressed on third week because staff will be out of the office.

Second week (25-31 March):


First Phase of Designs

BHL US/UK site:
BHL AU site:

The requested changes/additions resulted from 3 activities:
a) Usability Tests comparing BHL US/UK and BHL AUS sites conducted in 2011
b) BHL US/UK site changes since the usability test
c) planned changes to BHL US/UK related to accomodation of articles.

Bullet points below are not listed in order of priority but it should be noted that our overall top priorities for design are:

Usability Test feedback

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Recent BHL US/UK website changes

A list of the BHL-US functionality changed since the 2011 Usability test

Home page

Future article data model changes

Now, here is the planned new functionality that is not yet in the BHL-US interface. Much of the following revolves around articles, but also incorporates chapters and sections, as well as individual citations. As a whole, we are referring to these as Segments. None of the following is completely settled, and really only exists in the heads of BHL-US staff (so no wireframes, sorry).

Follow up Meetings