This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.



Seriality, Or How to Handle Structural Metadata for Serial Publications at the Issuance Level

August 29, 2008 Phone call on Harvard's and Smithsonian's work towards Articlizing.

see also: Seriality schemas and documents

Serials Mashup!
Discusses the mashup of the serial titles and has the initial "bidding" system link

Examples of serials that pose cataloging difficulties:
-Sub series: Small animal practice; Equine practice; Exotic animal practice; Food animal practice
-Solidarity seminar series
-Solidarity (which it is number 124)
-And then there is a note "Continuing The Solidarity Seminar Series on Public Issues/No. 19"

Reference Documents:
(Article repository stuff here: BHLArticleRepository)

I'm glad the work on the BHL Seriality identification project is starting to ramp up. I'd like to recap where we are and what we’d like to accomplish with this test:

- we sent two titles comprised of a number of physical pieces
- each physical piece was comprised of a number of "intellectual units" (e.g. "issues")
- we sent a spreadsheet that delineates the "intellectual units"
- we also marked each identified "intellectual unit" with in the bound physical piece with acid free markers

The goal for the scanning center is to scan a bound volume and deliver the "intellectual units" as discrete sets of files. Each bound volume and associated “intellectual unit” are tied directly to a parent metadata record. How this happens is what we hope that the Internet Archive will develop.

There is a minimum of two levels of metadata in this outline:
- parent metadata record (e.g. the bibliographic record for a serial title)
- child metadata that describes the “intellectual unit” and relates the child hierarchically to the parent record

In the best of all possible Panglossian worlds, the identification of the “intellectual units” would not be done either by pre-preparation of the materials or metadata (e.g. slips of paper or spreadsheets), but through software identification. In reality there may have to be some combination of human intervention with the machine identification of “intellectual units”.