This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Table of Contents

Collections updates
UI updates
Mission discussion
BHL Projects and Initiatives


  1. FYI $10K scanning money allocation (Bianca)
  2. FYI Digitization Project nomination form (Bianca)
  3. FYI BHL new UI development update (Tech Team)
  4. Discussion: Mission statement discussion (Matt Person)
  5. FYI IF TIME: BHL Projects and Initiatives (Bianca)

Notes below to be revised:

to be discussed today, as a vision statement:

Sparking Discovery Through Free Access to Biodiversity Knowledge

Notes for Mission Statement agenda item:

Current mission statement:
“The Biodiversity Heritage Library is a consortium of natural history and botanical libraries that cooperate to digitize and make accessible the legacy literature of biodiversity held in their collections and to make that literature available for open access and responsible use as a part of a global ‘biodiversity commons."

Notes from BHL Mission Statement sub-committee:
On Friday, November 2, Diana Shih of AMNH, Clare Flemming of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Grace Costantino of SIL, and Matt Person of MBLWHOI met via conference call to discuss a final recommendation from BHL staff to the Executive committee for a revised BHL mission statement.

- This was a third step in this process:

The first two steps took place at the BHL staff meeting at the end of September in Cambridge, followed by an invitation to staff who were not at that meeting to participate in our mission statement word suggestions and voting process:

On the October Staff call we followed up with a full discussion of the results on our October staff call…which led to a number of suggested mission statements:

as a reminder, here are the elements involved in constructing a mission statement
Business describes what an organization does. We currently say that we “digitize and make accessible the legacy literature of biodiversity.”

Values describe what is important to an organization.

Audience describes who we serve as an organization. We currently do not make a statement about audience in our official mission statement. The collections committee suggested “widest possible audience.”
Top Voting Results:
The top theme from the voting for Audiences centered around the concept of “everyone.” There were a total of 11 votes for this concept, described using a variety of particular words and phrases.

Top Business Votes
Top Values Votes
Top Audience Votes
Enhance/Spark Discovery
Free/open (access)
Below are 5 possible mission statements Staff contributed:

On November 2, Grace, Diana, Clare, and Matt met to take into account the entire process and the results thereof described above, and attempted to synthesize a mission statement reflective of a solid understanding of who we are, what the library we work in is, and how it serves those who are our library community.

We agreed to concentrate on this statement:

The BHL Empowers humanity through free (digital/open) access to biodiversity knowledge.

And we weighed the use of certain terms such as humanity, free, digital, and open, as these had been discussed during the October BHL staff meeting, and we looked at some of the big vote getters such as enhance, spark, and discovery, and after a 40 minute discussion we crafted the flowing statement:

The Biodiversity Heritage Library sparks discovery through free access to biodiversity knowledge.

We worked with this further, and edited it to read:
Sparking Discovery Through Free Access to Biodiversity Knowledge

We then, through email correspondence and one additional conference call fully critiqued, looked at alternative suggestions, took the above statement apart, replaced it with others, questioned where it fits within the domain of a textbook mission statement and discussed the expressed staff wishes, and also the helpful suggestion which had been given by the BHL Director during the mission statement exercise at the Cambridge meeting, to make the statement concise, direct, and "something you can say on the elevator" After all the above we agreed that the above statement is worth consideration as the BHL Staff suggestion for a mission statement, to the BHL Steering Committee.


Attendees: Alison, Bianca, Marty Joy, Don, Diana D., Matthew B., Diana S., John, Trish, William, Matthew P., Kevin, Becky, David, Suzanne, Keri, Daria, Joe

Bad echo on the call, Bianca to investigate this for future reference but for now, we'll have to work through it

Collections updates

UI updates

Mission discussion

BHL Projects and Initiatives