This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


CURRENT Mission Summary Document | Working Group Plan | Mission Discussions | ARCHIVE Mission Discussions | Mission Goals

CURRENT Mission Summary Document


Working Group Plan

Mission Working Group: Grace Costantino (Lead), Clare Flemming, Matthew Person, Diana Shih


Mission Discussions

BHL Staff call on Oct 18

ARCHIVE Mission Discussions

Working mission
The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)

The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is an international collaboration of libraries, museums, and research institutions working together to make biodiversity literature available for use by the widest possible audience through an open access environment and sustainable management of its resources. Much of this literature is rare or has limited global distribution. More than any other digital library, this collection and its associated services are centered on the history and future of biodiversity literature.

- lipscombb lipscombb Nov 23, 2009 Sustainable management might need to be defined a bit more in terms of something, management of...?

- d_wheeler d_wheeler Nov 23, 2009 Yup. Yer right. And I see another opportunity for clarification. SO, how's this: " make biodiversity literature available for use TO the widest possible audience through an open access platform and sustainable management of it's resources." (tools and data). Or is the term platform too geeky?

- cgiannoni cgiannoni Nov 23, 2009how about "an open access environment"?? - or is environment too publisher-oriented?

- matt707 matt707 Nov 24, 2009 this is excellent. I have just at this moment finished some editing on the alcts award doc, and my first reaction to this was: I should cut and paste this into the award doc., in other words, this says it, says is well...the "don't self promote" side of me thinks that "More than any other..." is an excellent way of saying climb aboard, don't be left behind in the stagecoach dust. "history and future of biodiversity literature"...very forward thinking.
- ConnieR ConnieR Nov 24, 2009Looking good. How about "this collection and associated services" rather than "our". Also, not just natural history libraries but "libraries, museums and research institutes" to fully incorporate some of the members (especially in Europe).

- EverlyR EverlyR Nov 30, 2009 I agree with Matt this is an excellent mission statement. It's flexible, broad and mentions future endeavors. My two comments are the wording "sustainable management"---not clear what that means and can't think of another way of phrasing what I think you are trying to get to. Also, I agree with Connie that rather than natural history libraries, the term "libraries, museums, and research institutes" should be used. That allows for more cooperation in the future.

Suggested Revisions

Mission Goals

Working goals taken from the strategic plan, at present a combination of strategic goals and mission goals -- the focus here will be identifying and drafting goals that support our mission statement:

Establish the major corpus of digitized biodiversity publications on the web.

Through scanning its members library collections, through sharing with partner projects, and through cooperation with content providers BHL will establish the most comprehensive collections of digitized, openly accessible, biodiversity publications available on the web

Improve access to accurate, documented information about the world’s biodiversity.

The BHL will create services for disambiguating the complex web of 250 years practice of citing and documenting biodiversity literature and will create a repository for community-vetted bibliographies in support of ongoing research.

Improve the efficiency of biological research for users.

The BHL Portal will be regularly improved and further integrated with the Encyclopedia of Life and other biodiversity projects.

Preserve the textual (original) record of biodiversity for the future.

The BHL will ensure that the corpus of biodiversity literature is available for future generations using the most effective technical and social practices ???

Globalize the BHL.

The BHL will seek international collaborative projects to ensure and demonstrate that the legacy of biodiversity research belongs to all of humanity and is the exclusive provenance of no one country.