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BHL Europe Berlin PMG Meeting Agenda

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BHL-Europe | WP1 | WP2 | WP3 | WP4 | WP5| BHL-Europe PMG Meeting

BHL-Europe PMG/TMB Meeting - Agenda

(February 22-26, 2010 Museum für Naturkunde Berlin)

22th February, Monday - PMG Meeting
Seminar Room Zoology

Remark: On 22 and 23 February, LifeWatch holds a workshop in Berlin. The program is attached below. Some of the attendants of our Monday meeting may find it interesting to listen to one or the other talk of the Monday afternoon session. Depending on when you all arrive and what we identify as important agenda items, we may reschedule our sessions somehow to at least join the talk by Wouter Los from 16:30 to 17:00. A few of you are also allowed to join the evening reception. Once I have all registration for our meeting, I will plan this accordingly to make the most out of this coincidence, having two events of related projects at the same time at the same place...

10:30-19:00 PMG meeting (Henning, Adrian, Nancy, Jiri, Graham, Lizzy, Chris, Jana, Boris)

10:30-12:00 Preparation of Technical Review

12:00-13:00 lunch

13:00-14:30 BHLE planning

14:30-15:00 BHLE and Europeana

15:00-16:00 BHLE and BHLUS

16:00-16:30 Coffee break

16:30-17:00 Dr. Wouter Los (University of Amsterdam): Life Watch as European Biodiversity Research Infrastructure within the context of other international activities - Henning, Adrian, Jiri, Chris and Graham have indicated interest and need to register for the LifeWatch workshop.

17:00-19:00 First round of user survey review (Henning, Jiri, Francisco, and others with interest)

19:00 Reception in MfN for those registred for LifeWatch (Henning, Adrian, Jiri, Chris and Graham)
19:00 Dinner (for the rest of the group)

23th February, Tuesday - GRIB Day
Seminar Room Zoology

PMG meeting Berlin - GRIB day_minutes_20100224.docPMG meeting Berlin - GRIB day_minutes_20100224.pdf

9:30-10:30 Recap and review

10:30-12:00 Brainstorming session

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-15:00 WP2 - WP3 integration

15:00-15:30 Coffee Break

15:30-17:00 Planning, decision, recap

19:00 Dinner
24th February, Wednesday - WP3 Meeting
- Today we have two sessions parallel, see below -

9:30-15:30 Technical Workshop (Adrian, Graham, Chris, Roger, Lee, Sami, Walter, Wolfgang, Andreas, Dennis)
Seminar Room Zoology

9:30-15:30 Use Case Workshop (Heimo, Boris, Michael, Francisco)
New BHL-Europe headquarter (North Building)

12:00-13:00 Lunch

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:30 Plenary (bring the parallel session together - Seminar Room Zoology)

19:00 Dinner - together with the group of the Berlin CETAF meeting

25th February, Thursday - WP3 Meeting

- Today we have two sessions parallel, see below -

9:30-18:00 Technical Workshop continued (Adrian, Roger, Lee, Sami, Walter, Dennis)
Seminar Room Head office (North Building)

9:30-18:00 User survey workshop (Henning, Boris, Francisco, Frank, Andreas) - discussing the questionnaire
New BHL-Europe headquarter (North Building)
- We will have a conf call from 17:00 to 18:00 with Bianca for alignment with BHLUS -

19:00 Dinner

26th February, Friday - WP3 Meeting
Seminar Room Zoology

9:30-12:30 Technical Workshop continued (Adrian, Lee, Walter, Andreas, Boris)

12:30-13:30 Lunch

19:00 Dinner