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SIL BHL Staff Meeting
October 3, 2012
Attending: Grace Costantino, Gilbert Borego, Kristen Bullard, DIane Shaw, Bess Missell, Suzanne Pilsk, Martin Kalfatovic, Keri Thompson, JJ Ford, Katie Wagner (phone).
- GRIB status and SIL's sending MARC data
BC will ask Henning if/when they need SIL MARC data - Staff Meeting De-Brief
GC and MK led a recap of the BHL Staff and Technical meeting; please read the minutes of those on the wiki. - List o mania!
- 1) BHL Staff list. Anyone who shows interest in staff topics
- 2) SIL-BHL staff list. SIL staff interested in BHL as it pertains to SIL
- 3) BHL AMNH list. Lots of people, many not related to BHL institutions (like Internet Archive)
- 4) BHL Tech list(s). BC owns, will get list of members and MK will take over
- 5) BHL Collections list. BC owns and runs
- 6) global BHL tech list
- 7) BHL Steering Committee
- 8) BHL Institutional Council
- Due Diligence.
Develop a template/standard operating procedure for "diligent search" requests? (Bianca and JJ to chat about Gemini Issue 9022)
JJ and BC will follow up to create a template working with the wider group of - Scan Requests.
Bianca and JJ need help, drowning. Looks like Grace's outreach campaign is working.