- Metadata flow back into ILS after scanning
- Horizon Prep for NH TSP Scribe Station.doc
- SIL will include a 583 Action note back into our ILS that records information about the TITLE that was scanned
- Action
- Date of Action
- Site of Action
- Action Agent
- Extent
- Unit of Extent
- Public Note
583 $a digitized $c 20070625 $j NMNH $k Internet Archive $n 35 $o image count $zBHLDP
- BHLDP = Biodiversity Heritage Library Digitization Project
- *Each barcode is NOT being recorded in the bibliographic record because
- there will be a check box marked for each item (see below)
- there would be too many for serial runs.
- SIL will mark a box on the ITEM level for items scanned
- A Check Box is now in our item record that will be checked with that item is scanned
- SIL will circulate material to the scanning station with the loan period of 3 weeks
- Borrower record will SIL NH Scribe SILIA - SIL Internet Archive Station
- Borrower's address is Erin Rushing, NH 24 Mez
- Decisions
- SIL will NOT create new Bib records for scanned titles
- SIL will NOT create new Item records for scanned volumes
- URLs will be PURLs pointing to the BHL Portal
- Any "enhancements" to the title by the BHL will not be reflected in the SIRIS record
- A note will be inserted in the item record to reflect which items have been scanned
- Outstanding Issues and Concerns (October 1, 2007)
- ISBNs maybe assigned to digital scans - new ISBNs for the digital especially for titles that the hard copy did not have a ISBN - Should we record this new ISBN? If so, where? How do we code it?
- DSpace storage of SI produced material - How to handle and URL in SIRIS record?
- Should the SIRIS Public interface have a Eye Readable/Friendly note about the BHL copy?
Metadata for scanning not owned by SIL material