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Portal Admin Instructions

Table of Contents

Portal Admin Instructions
Log In
Viewing Reports
Editing Titles
Editing Items
Editing Pages
Merging Titles
Uploading MARC records
Back to Scanning Issues & Topics

Portal Admin Instructions

Log In

  1. Click
  2. Log in with user name & password
    1. Link also available at the bottom of the public facing wiki page:


Authors are listed as “creators” under Admin Functions.

Titles are the bibliographic records.

Items are the individual volume records.

Pages refers to the paginator. The paginator defines the table of contents, title page, etc.

Names refers to the taxanomic names found by uBio, not anything to do with the bibliographic records.

Title ID is assigned by the portal (appears after /bibliography/ in the URL).

MARC Bib ID is a messy-looking derivative of the MARC leader.

Item ID is assigned by the portal (appears after /item/ in the URL.

Item Barcode is not your institutional barcode. It's the IA identifier.

Viewing Reports

text here

Editing Titles

Uncheck the box “Publish on BHL Portal” to make the item “go dark”. It will make all items and the title disappear.

Editing can be done using free text in any of the white “boxes”. Language requires a drop-down selection. Beyond the first section of the titles page, you must first select the “add xx” button at the end of the topic to get a new line before adding anything. You must select “update” after each change. Remove is done with the link on the left side of the individual entry. Some, such as authors, require the data to already be in the portal (i.e. you have a preset list from which to choose).

For item editing, the edit button to the right is only used to change the sort order. Any other changes to the item must be done by selecting the item ID and going into the item page.

*Hit the “save” button at the very bottom of the page to save your changes*

Editing Items

Similar procedures to the title editing.

Important note: An item cannot be an “orphan” – it must be assigned a title. To move an item to a different title, you must first add the correct title and select “primary”. Then the incorrect title can be removed. The correct title must already exist in the portal – you cannot just add a title as free text.

*Hit the “save” button at the very bottom of the page to save your changes*

Editing Pages

text here

(Editing the Portal Conference Call (30 April 09) Agenda)

Portal editing wish list

When editing, always hit SAVE
CF: for open URL purposes, no need to worry about the bib standard, the info passed is all numbers, could be "banana 7"


updates have been made to the numbering schema that has made sequencing much easier
What do we do re: policy decision?
default to minimum standard present for enumeration of serial
bibliographic standards should be followed when possible if standard is in question, if too overwhelming then stick a Gemini ticket in

Item level corrections
click on the identifier for the item
in volume field box you make your edits, follow minimum standard existing for a given serial
What do we do re: policy decision?
default to minimum standard present for enumeration of serial
bibliographic standards should be followed when possible if standard is in question, if too overwhelming then stick a Gemini ticket in


Users should be able to search on a variety of "correct" names, not the preferred name for different forms of the name
click on "Add creator" to select from the drop-down list of existing names and save
If name is not in the drop down, how do we get the name into the creator list?
Go to the Dashboard, click on Creators, enter field information and SAVE
if you want to edit the creator's name select the name from the creator drop down, then edit where appropriate and SAVE
There is a need to do creator merging...
Can you delete a creator entry? Not via the Admin interface
allow for creator search
creation of committee for creator stuff
CiteBank will prove just how necessary this is -- need to address this issue in the short term
ML: need for extra engineering to fulfill creator issues, currently only 1 table
discussion repeated issues brought up yesterday regarding drawing from existing name "authorities"
go back to the title by clicking on the title identifier


click on item identifier
all pages are listed, click on "paginate this item"
hit "lock for editing" so no one else can touch the record when you're paginating
indicated pages vs. page types
whenever indicated page is blank the default goes to the page type
clicking on the thumbnail icon brings up the page image on screen
click on ... of indicated pages
change prefix to whatever you want
OH, make sure to CHECK the box(es) next to the page you want to edit
assign = append vs. replace
books can have figures and plates and you don't want to confuse the 2
some automation for sequencing pages
use prefix as indicated in the book
implied checkbox inserts brackets around the number
are their standards for pagination?
to discuss via staff call
page type does have a drop down, example has an illustration and text?...there is no wrong, the important part is marking the illustration for the benefits of the users
mark all blank pages as page type blank
CF: we ran query to see how many page types = blank and found 30K
SP: wouldn't it be helpful to query how many page types are illustrations, plates, etc.
BE SURE TO UNCHECK pages before making further edits
year? volume? piece? for use in indicating pages within bound-withs - doesn't currently appear in user interface but openURL resolver DOES use this information, otherwise it acts on fuzzy match with volume info assoc. with the item. Important for assigning years for proceedings of a year that are published and bound within a volume of a later year for example.
Open up pagination to crowd sourcing efforts, volunteers, interns, etc.
difference b/w unlock or complete? carry over from windows client, probably one could go away
not sure about how easy it will be to make changes to the asynchrony b/w the page viewer and the paginator...Mike to investigate b/c portal has similar functionality...

portal editing will be an ongoing task as part of BHL

Merging Titles

gap-fill example: Journal de zoologie. 12011 & 13355
merging 13355 INTO 12011 makes 12011 the parent record
who becomes the parent record?
all things being equal, it's up to you
whichever has better MARC record becomes the parent
MARC elements may be moved to improve upon the bibliographic record
write down "child" titleID
go to record you want to be parent record and hit pencil
add item, enter title ID or search full title and hit "search", select option you want and save
what happens to the record of the child title that was merged into the parent?
maintain duplicates when merged
"notes" field does not currently show in UI, but we need a place to enter notes for users, how can this note be incorporated into biblio data UI screen?
DON'T screw with vol. field b/c used for openURL resolver!
add additional notes field for public facing notes, maintain in-house "notes" field currently existing
change "expand all" to something else that invites users to look at volume information (added as action item)

see Display of Duplicates discussion: StaffAgenda010710
see also Primary and Secondary Title Discussion

Uploading MARC records

Ex. Bulletin -- United States National Museum no. 277 SIL supplied
cataloged as serial and monograph depending on library
HAR has cataloged as monograph
joe has method to use URLs to extract records via XML but must happen 1 at a time, need to use MARC Edit for batch uploads
MARC 21 used when?
upload MARC XML by browsing and selecting file from your computer
error message appears when no error, Joe considers it a good sign, to email Mike the XML record for Mike to investigate
go back to dashboard
search for MARC record just uploaded and Add item, search for Bulletin -- United... and select no. 277
check "publish on the BHL portal"
error message received, but this is ok
and SAVE
while we're trying to deal with errors we need to communicate error occurrences to Mike via =debug URL
how does this affect the openURL resolver?
what do we do about a case where 1 item is numbered differently as part of different series/serials - is this common enough for us to need to figure out how to solve it?
you can have 2 or more MARC records that point to the same item but the item information needs to have multiple volume fields that can be associated with a given title ID
Ask a librarian for citation resolution as well
OH! and you have to activate the series statement -- Mike, can we make this the default? Yes, part of the import code.
simple fixes - everyone can do
major fixes - do in conjunction with institution who contributed it
ILL when can for gap fills if institution with book is no longer scanning. However, when marc record is not associated or available at institution who will scan, institution who has book will send to their scanning center, but institution still scanning will pay for it. Contributing library will be library with book, sponsoring library will be library paying for it.

SP: Do we create pool fund for gap fill billing to do this? So IC presentation item - create pool fund for gap fill scanning with institutions no longer scanning that do not have money to scan.