This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

November 4, 2009 IC Meeting

Institutional Council Meeting

November 4, 2009


Introductions and Welcome (Cathy Norton)

Round robin introduction for new members.

Administration Updates (Tom Garnett)

Welcome by Cristian Samper

Thanked the participaing library and staff for their work. CS also offered to work with the parent institutions of BHL member libraries to work for getting more support for BHL (both internally and externally). He also asked about South America and the status of discussions there.

Project Updates (Chris Freeland)

Chris Freeland gave an update of the project for Jan-September 2009. See presentation the wiki.

Summary Report and Discussion of BHL Staff Meeting (Bianca Lipscomb)

Report on BHL Financae and Current fund-raising.

Finances (Tom Garnett)

TL2 (Chris Mills): IAPT owns copyright for TL2, IAPT interested in allowing BHL to scan; issues surrounding ownership of copyright for electronic version - Dutch publishers BRILL digitized TL2 but it is not clear who owns copyright, BRILL or IAPT, 10,000 pages, 30,000 works, Larry Dorr working from archives at NYBG w/ Dan Nicholson complied A-E; BRILLs quality not the best, recommendation is to re-scan TL2 anyway; subscription cost issues - seen as modest $ to lose b/c benefit would outweigh; IDC did scanning originally, has TL2 microfilm collection; TL2 as bridge to special collections; Larry Dorr is key player in potential work; need for TL2 vision...

Reference tool for BHL: Becky, Connie and Tom B. as reference staff

Transparency Issues (TG)

Discussion to continue tomorrow.