may 17 2012 Notes
May 17, 2012 Staff Call Notes
Bianca Crowley
Grace Costantino
Diana Shih
Diana Duncan
JJ Ford
Keri Thompson
Don Wheeler
Michelle Abeln
Alison Harding
Matthew Bolin
Suzanne Pilsk
Kevin Nolan
Chris Carden
Gwen Henry
Joe deVeer
John Mignault
Trish Rose-Sandler
Becky Morin
Jenna Nolt
William Ulate
Welcome JJ Ford to SIL, Gwen Henry to MCZ, and Jenna Nolt from USGS
- JJ Ford joined SIL staff. Came from working on BHL at MCZ. She is taking over Grace's old job. She will be coordinating all SIL scanning.
- Gwen Henry has begun working 1 day a week on BHL for MCZ, filling in JJ's old role. (She is working at MCZ 2 days a week, but only 1 day a week on BHL; The other day she is working on an archival project for MCZ).
- It is Jenna Nolt's (USGS) first BHL Staff call. She is filling in for Richard today. USGS has Macaw up and running and is sending content to IA every week via the Macaw process.
Interns/Volunteers updates (Bianca)
- Bianca now has a way to add logins specifically for interns and volunteers on the BHL administrative dashboard. If you have BHL volunteers or interns, let Bianca know ( and she will get a login for them.
- We are starting to put together queue of things for volunteers/interns to do in Gemini.
- Mike L. working to revise reporting in admin dashboard so that we can track intern/volunteer work in BHL. Mike is also working on a way to export that report.
- Questions/Comments:
- Diana Duncan: Christine had request from librarian at Northwestern to volunteer in some way. How can virtual volunteers contribute?
- Bianca: It would be good to follow up with this specific person. Diana can send that name to Bianca. There is a BHL committee working on addressing volunteer issues. In general, however, we want to focus on in-person interns and volunteers first before we start a virtual campaign. In this case, however, the person is local so he could get in person training and then contribute virtually after that. We don't want to discourage people from helping, so we want to use them if we can.
- Becky has interns who do BHL stuff for connecting content and QA on scanned material.
- Diana Shih has volunteers doing QA and may get volunteers and interns that could also help with portal editing. She would want a procedure for them to follow to give guidance on what to work on. This would probably be the Gemini queue of portal editing issues.
CC=0 for BHL bibliographic and page metadata approved by BHL Execs, like language on public wiki here -- Data Licensing
- The BHL executive committee approved CC=0 (free, open, public domain) for BHL metadata. What this means is people can take our bibliographic data, page level metadata and scientific name metadata and use for any purposes (including commercial). This has been already available technically with our open access principles, but now we have official language stating this. This language is on the public wiki. Plan is to try to repurpose this language in various pages (permission page, copyright page, data export page) on public wiki. Bianca and Trish will be working on this process.
- Questions/Comments:
- Don: If data will be used commercially, can we get some sort of remuneration? Can we get credit when people use our data?
- Bianca: I was not involved in these discussions, so I don't have an answer. Ask Susan or Martin for more clarification.
- Grace will send EC notes to group so they can look to see if this was discussed on Exec calls
- This new language will help with the issue of Serial Solutions taking our content.
BHL Newsletter (Grace)
- Newsletter now out. It will be issued on a quarterly basis. See the links above for sign-up sheet and archive page. Staff were not automatically added to mailing list so you must sign up if you want to continue to receive the newsletter. You can also send the newsletter to any researchers or anyone that might be interested in receiving it.
- This newsletter is geared towards public, so will provide information more at a "don't know much about BHL" level.
NEWS!: BHL Staff and Technical meetings to be held in September (approx.) at NYBG - dates TBD
- We will be having a BHL staff and technical meeting at NYBG in September. Dates are still TBD. We are looking to nail down dates soon.
- Questions/Comments:
- Suzanne: Can we contribute dates we don't want to have it on?
- Bianca: Yes, send dates you don't want the meeting to be on to Bianca. Having this meeting is a result of the Lounsbery foundation grant that has leftover money to support this meeting. We're still in beginning stages of planning. Bianca will ask for volunteers in the future to help with this meeting.
- John: Will there be an IC meeting as well?
- Bianca: Just staff and technical meeting. No IC Meeting.
- Don: How long will the meeting be?
- Bianca: Not sure, but more than 1 day at least. The staff and technical meeting may run concurrently. We're not sure yet.
Round Robin
SIL: JJ is doing a bid weeding project at SIL. She is closing bids for things SIL has completed scanning. She is also identifying gaps for things SIL bid on and still have not scanned. She is also merging title records for SIL scanned content in BHL (in BHL) and resequencing items (in BHL). Harvard has already done this process. Perhaps other institutions could do this as well?
- Don: NYBG has a volunteer working in the bidlist to update NYBG bids or remove bids we're not working on. It's not systematic, though.
- Keri: JJ is an expert at this process now. We'll be putting out some best practices for how to do this. If people want to put an intern on this, we can help define the process by providing suggestions.
AMNH: Still waiting for shipment to come back from SIL. Matthew continuing to have QA done by volunteer. His department is also identifying the 50 worst QA problem items to send for at least partial rescanning to SIL. List not finaliazed yet, but once complete, Matthew will be in contact with Bianca to send these items to SIL.
Field: No updates.
NYBG:Sent shipment of gap fills to SIL for scanning. Waiting for these to return. Almost done with Connecting Content scanning as well.
- Suzanne: I need some metadata records from NYBG so SIL can continue the scanning process on NYBG items. Suzanne will send title to Don so he can send record directly to Suzanne.
MOBOT: Got new camera to replace betterlight scanner, which was used for folios. This is now the Leaf scanner and it is currently being used for connecting content material. It is much faster than the betterlight, so when connecting content scanning is done, MOBOT will go back to scanning folios for BHL. All scanning staff are now back after various sick leave issues. Scanning had fallen behind but will ramp up again. Current scanning involves Gemini issues and connecting content items.
CAS: Connecting Content scanning underway. More fieldbooks will show up in BHL shortly. About 1/3 done with creating magic spreadsheets for for Connecting Content items. CAS is getting to the end of MacArthur scanning allotment. The last or last major shipment is at IA now. Becky waiting to get the invoice to see if there is any money leftover. CAS also has rescanning that will need to happen at IA.
Next connecting content intern (paid, through connecting content grant), based at SIL, will likely be going through fieldbooks in BHL portal, locating scientific names, matching against namebank, and manually inputting them to they can be harvested by BHL namefinding technology. If this internship is successful, there's always room to expand the intern project to volunteers, which CAS could count as cost share volunteer time. It also might be an opportunity for a second, transcription grant.
- Bianca: Rescanning? From my understanding rescanning should be free within certain time period.
- Becky: Yes.
- Bianca: Let me know if you have more money and I'll get more Gemini issues to you.
MBLWHOI: MBL has been handling Gemini requests, working towards a shipment with alternate funding (MacArthur grant money all spent). Also assistaing in clearing up of our permissions/in house publications issues. Happy 5th anniversary, BHL!
USGS: Scanning operation handled entirely in-house. USGS purchased a book scanner for the library last fall. They are currently working on optimizing it. USGS is also working with an in house developer to get Macaw up and running to get things into BHL. USGS is now scanning public domain rare monographs. The entire process is being handled by Jenna Holt. It will be while before USGS can contibute large volumes of content, but they now have a working process. Jenna has created documentation for the USGS process and archival standards. She will send this documentation to the group. Jenna is also currently doing the first USGS Flickr upload.
In short, USGS scanning is still in the experimental stage but staff hope to get interns or volunteers to handle scanning in the future.
MCZ: Half a year of funding left for scanning. MCZ will be focusing on special collections scanning at the in-house facility. The in house facility just finished a shipment and MCZ will send the next shipment after Memorial Day. Harvard recently added staff at the in house facility so this will allow MCZ to send shipments regularly. In house facility is also doing connecting content field notebooks scanning. Sent first shipment already and will send second next week.
MCZ is still interested in getting a Macaw installation. Connie is working on getting a server to allow this to happen, but due to restructuring at Harvard, this may take time. There is also a general collection shipment at IA. MCZ has little left to send IA for future shipments. Mostly special collections scanning now.
MCZ found additional funding and Chris Carden will stay on for another 6 months.
NHM: Not scanning because IA operator was promoted to scanning center coordinator. NMH was waiting for her return. There is now a new IA scanner. However, he's leaving on vacation so there will be another hiatus in scanning. Once he comes back NHM will be working through Gemini requests. Should have funds to continue scanning at least through rest of year. IT department still working on BHL-E, so has not set up Macaw installation at NHM yet. Will continue to work towards that in the future. There is plenty of material they can upload once Macaw is set up.
copyright metadata update
- 1st round of US permissions titles reviewed
- Institutional publications titles reviewed
- US due diligence titles reviewed
- 2nd round of US permissions titles reviewed - a few stragglers not realized in 1st round
- to review UK titles soon
- Mike to receive a complete set of updates for US titles, then UK titles to follow
- Bianca: I've been doing a complete review of copyright metadata in BHL for items that BHL institutions have scanned. I'm looking at the copyright status to make sure it is correct and updating due diligence titles to say "no known copyright." US Permissions titles and institutional publications titles (institutional publications represented nearly 3000 items) have all been reviewed. Due diligence titles are partially reviewed (orphan works or works for which copyright not renewed. SIL, MBL, and NHM have done scanning in this area). Bianca has gone through US due diligence titles but not UK titles yet. If you scan another institutional publication, let Bianca know or add it to the appropriate wiki page (see links above).
- Once the review process is complete, Bianca will send Mike a list of permission, institutional publications and due diligence titles to have the copyright metadata updated appropriately. We will then send that information to IA so the metadata can be updated on IA as well.
- Questions/Comments:
- Don: What about moving forward? Will there be a stop gap or officer in charge for future scanning to ensure copyright metadata is correct?
- Bianca: I have sent out a link to the new copyright/metadata standards. I need folks to include this information whenever they're scanning a permission title. There is no way to police this except that when I go through and review permissions titles, I can review on a case by case basis. This requires an item by item update in BHL and IA. This should be avoided. Please pay attention to new standard and be diligent about implementing them.
- Joe: Sometimes it's inconsistent at IA with this information getting into IA. Sometimes even if the information is included in the spreadsheets, it doesn't make it into IA. People should regularly check to make sure the information is passed to IA.
- Bianca: This has happened to everyone. If you see any examples, please send my way. In general make me aware of metadata/copyright issues.
- Becky: Reminder to everyone on connecting content, Archival material has copyright issues and you should check with folks in charge of archival material if you have questions to make sure copyright status is correct and current on magic spreadsheets.
- Keri: Please also keep me involved in any notification of metadata not making it into IA. We've noticed this a lot lately. IA is not parsing MARC record correctly to create marc.xml - this means author, title, and pub date are missing in IA.
Citebank and Art of Life updates (Trish)
- Trish: Citebank recently had a 40% increase in citations by bringing in over 56,00 records from OTS (Costa Rican materials) and JSTOR Early Journal Content. Also Citebank content will eventually be merged into BHL. Mike L. has begun work modeling how citations/articles will be incorporated into BHL. First test set to portal will be bringing in Rod Page's content from BioStor. Good test set to figure out how to incorporate articles with other BHL content.
- Art of Life grant officially began May 1. The first meeting has been scheduled for May 30-31 in St. Louis.
- Connie and Trish submitted a BHL proposal at ACRL for 2013. They will also submit a proposal to the data conference in St. Louis called StampedeCon as well.
Remember to add any presentations, posters, or papers to the Presentations or Posters/Papers wiki pages. Please also add proposals you submit.
Next call to be July 19 @ 11AM EST since June is a big travel month -- need someone to help take notes, please.