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Thursday, June 10, 2010
11:30 Eastern
Suzanne, Grace and Bianca - Meeting leaders/note takers.
First caller:
Passcode: 6346854#
Everyone else
Passcode: 1912897#
1. BHL E reporting
- Bid List turned Scan List
- Lets form a group for a quick hit list of requirements for DeDuping and Serial Selections
- Use Case Scenarios for workflow
- Sharing lessons learned, among them being: BHL global librarian staffs: parallel, independent and interdependent.
- Survey
- Results and reporting
- Next steps - Jun 4, 2010 I'm going to need help...Connie has volunteered, just need one or two more people.
2. Portal Editing
- Multiple catalog records pointing to one scan - how's it going
- Pagination and numbering - understanding what we need to put in the fields
- Missing pages - select rescanning of missing pages/insertions and what it does to pagination and page identifiers
- Who has a list of titles that they sent back for rescanning that IA kept the initial identifier
3. New Procedures/Processing from IA?
4. ALA Events
- Award Ceremony
- BHL Program/Presentations
5. Collection Management/ Ingest Group (if time)
6. Conference calling/ video conference capabilities of the BHL partner libraries?
6. News/Round robin (feel the love)