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BHL-Europe > BHLE_WP3 > Developer_Information > Installation of server

This page describes the installation of the server on the legacy development host ( which is to be closed down. For a more information on the installation on the current development server, bhl-mandible, please refer to Installation_of_Handle.net_server_2

Information about technical manual :

After having installed Java.

Download and unpack server :
sudo su
cd /opt
tar xvzf hdl6.2.5_02.tar.gz
mv hdl6.2.5_02 handle

Launch Handle.Net Server setup
cd /mnt/nfs-demeter/
mkdir handle_srv
chown -R bhladmin handle_srv
cd /opt/handle/
java -cp ./handle.jar net.handle.server.SimpleSetup /mnt/nfs-demeter/handle_srv/
Follow the choice as defined bellow :
Will this be a regular or caching Handle server?
1 - Regular Handle Server

Will this be a "primary" server (ie, not a mirror of another server)?(y/n) [y]:y

Through what IP address will this server be accessible? []:

Enter the (TCP/UDP) port number this server will listen to [2641]:2641

What port number will the HTTP interface be listening to? [8000]:8000

Would you like to log all accesses to this server?(y/n) [n]:n

Each handle site has a version/serial number assigned
to it. This is so that a client can tell if a particular
site's configuration has changed since the last time it
accessed a server in the site. Every time you modify a site
(by changing an IP address, port, or adding a server, etc),
you should increment the version/serial number for that site.

Enter the version/serial number of this site [1]: 1

Please enter a short description of this server/site: BHL-Europe guid resolution and generation

Please enter the name of your organization: BHL-EUROPE

Please enter the name of a contact person
for BHL-EUROPE (optional) [(none)]: Sami SMATI.

Please enter the telephone number of Sami SMATI or of BHL-EUROPE (optional) [(none)]: 33170921976

Please enter the email address of Sami SMATI or of BHL-EUROPE:

The Handle System can communicate via UDP and/or TCP sockets.
Since UDP messages are blocked by many network firewalls, you may
want to disable UDP services if you are behind such a firewall.

Would you like to disable UDP services?(y/n) [n]: y

The private key that is about to be generated should be stored
in an encrypted form on your computer. Encryption of the
private key requires that you choose a secret passphrase that
will need to be entered whenever the server is started.
Note: Your private key may be stored unencrypted if you so choose.
Please take all precautions to make sure that only authorized
users can read your private key.

Would you like to encrypt your private key?(y/n) [y]: y

Please enter the private key passphrase for Server Certification:
Note: Your passphrase will be displayed as it is entered
Biodiversity Heritage Library Europ Project

Generating keys for: Administration

The private key that is about to be generated should be stored
in an encrypted form on your computer. Encryption of the
private key requires that you choose a secret passphrase that
will need to be entered whenever the server is started.
Note: Your private key may be stored unencrypted if you so choose.
Please take all precautions to make sure that only authorized
users can read your private key.
Would you like to encrypt your private key?(y/n) [y]: y
Please enter the private key passphrase for Administration:
Note: Your passphrase will be displayed as it is entered
Adm BHL-Europe Project

Generating site info record...

You have finished configuring your regular (primary) Handle service.

This service now needs to be registered in the Global Handle Registry (GHR).

Go to to register to
become a resolution service provider and then upload
your newly created file. Please read the
instructions on this page carefully. When the handle
administrator receives your file, a prefix will be
created and you will receive notification via email.

Please send all questions to
Thank you for your interest in CNRI's Handle System.

Prefix assignment

You have been assigned prefix 10706. I just created the prefix in the Global Registry so you should be all set. Please continue to follow the INSTALL.txt instructions. See below for prefix configuration details.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Thanks again.
You have been assigned prefix 10706. Your handles will be of the form 10706/hdl1, etc. Remember that your handle server must have an Internet presence (ports open to incoming and outgoing requests).
The information below shows how your prefix was configured. You'll find more documentation on (Technical Manual and FAQ).
See below for some helpful tips.

NA = Naming Authority(Prefix)
Prefix Handle 0.NA/10706
Prefix Admin Group 0.NA/10706 index 200
Prefix Public Key 0.NA/10706 index 300

When authenticating you will need to identify yourself using the Prefix Admin Public Key(see above) and the associated private key which is your admpriv.bin file on your computer. The instructions for this are in the INSTALL.txt file. This is how you will authenticate yourself when you 'home' your prefix. (Your prefix is also your admin value).

When creating new handles, you will need to specify an administrator who will have permission to modify or delete each new handle. This is done by adding an Admin value that references a public key, secret key or admin group to each new handle. We recommend that you specify your Prefix Admin Group(see above) value as the administrator for each new handle. Please note that Admin values are case sensitive and I used uppercase(letters NA) when creating your prefix and its values. Every value in a handle has a different index. We have been following this sort of pattern. Start with 100 for all admin values. The admin group starts at 200 and the public key index is 300.

So the values for the handle '10706/test_hdl', could look like this Index || Type || Value | 100 HS_ADMIN 0.NA/1706 index 200