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Gemini Conference Call Agenda

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Agenda/Notes From call
Gemini Topics for consideration:
Portal Error Button
Portal Feedback Form
Gemini UI/Features
Use Case Scenarios

Agenda/Notes From call

On the call:
Bianca, Diane R., Matt P., Don W. Joe DeV., Diana D. (Field), John M., Becky, Lisa, Grace, Erin T., Keri, Suzanne and Diana (AMNH)

1.Overview of Gemini and associated links in portal --see Screenshot

2. Participation for BHL contributing libraries

Gemini Topics for consideration:

Note: Questions about performing portal editing tasks, while closely related, will not be addressed here. Please see…

Portal Error Button

Portal Feedback Form


Gemini UI/Features


Use Case Scenarios

A user is looking at a monographic title in the portal and notices encounters a problem. The user clicks on the “Report an Error” icon and is directed to a feedback form. The user fills in the form and has the option to assign a category to the feedback as either “Technical Issues”, “Bibliographic Issues”, or “Suggestion”. The feedback information then becomes an “issue” that is automatically fed into the Gemini issue tracking software system. The category selected by the user in the feedback form becomes the “Type ID" associated with the issue.

The "Component" is listed as automatically marked "Web-Other" until further, manual examination of the issue
Some generous soul (GS) logs into the feedback system and, like a Mechanical Turk model, picks some of the issues to click on. That person then categorizes the issue into the correct "component". The ones that are still listed as Web-Other likely have not been reviewed - correct????
The GS may assign some of the issues to themselves or others to address (how do we get in touch with the others, such as Mike???). They note the status as "assigned". If the GS can take care of the problem right away or can determine that it can't be fixed, it is so completed and noted. The GS can address metadata issues from libraries other than their own.
If the GS doesn't want to/cannot deal with the problem, it remains unassigned for the next GS to look at.

I understood your comment about the collaborative nature of the project and the need to get everyone involved, and I completely concur - this is a group endeavor. However, if I understood the system correctly, I fear I may not be as big a GS as I need to be to make this work and I wonder if others will not be in the same boat and check the website only infrequently. I wonder if some of the issues will be looked at by many people (a duplication of effort) but nothing will be done with them. There could also be issues that nobody ever opens. To put a single person in charge of the initial triage is likewise unworkable, both in terms of workload and in terms of the collaborations that are so important. Would it make any sense to have a rotating "triage nurse"? Each institution would be assigned a week, or month, where they would be the nurse, reviewing, categorizing, and assigning the issues to make sure that all are at least reviewed and addressed. That way, we all share the pain. I honestly have no sense of how many of these issues would come in - there seemed to be a lot over the last week. Maybe a triage nurse would be too big of a burden, even for a short period of time???


The development of a feedback tracking system known as 'Gemini' is intended to help manage user feedback regarding metadata, QA, and collections issues (gap-fills) in the portal. The feedback link has been traditionally located here:
Feedback form

Has now been modified by the addition of a feedback button here:
Gemini link @ title level

AND here:

It is hoped that this modification will encourage users to provide feedback at the title/item level such that appropriate follow up can be more easily coordinated among BHL participating institutions. For example, users will be able to “Report an error” should they encounter missing pages within a particular volume. The feedback tracking system that supports the management of these issues is called ‘Gemini’ and this will be the focus of the next BHL staff call. A Gemini specific call can be scheduled for earlier in the month should the group like to address this sooner. A public announcement of this feature will be announced after we have had a chance to discuss Gemini as a group.

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