This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Final Thoughts

Collections Analysis < Functional Req. < Functional Req. 2 < Putting it together < Future Needs <>

Final Thoughts/Final Output

4:00-5:00 [??]
Structure of Functional Requirements Document
Preliminary Decisions (what to do now, what to do later)
Assignments, milestones and dates

Metadata still needs to be collected. Tom Garnett is going to chat with some of the Harvard people to see if the data can be extracted and sent soon.

Another meeting for directors is needed. A date needs to be set.

Some people will be in US for the TDWIG meeting in St. Louis. A meeting could happen there for various people.

Conservation Commons group should be contacted for potential affiliation.

BHL Meeting Action Items (June 14, 2006)
  1. Follow Up Meetings:
    1. There will be a governance/big issues meeting (primarily of library Directors or their appointees) sometime before September
    2. Follow up technical or other discussions will occur in New Orleans (Saturday, June 24 @ 5:30 pm, location TBD); please contact Martin Kalfatovic ( if you can meet
  2. BHL Wiki: Keri Thompson has sent all meeting attendees not already on the Wiki list, invitations to join the BHL Wiki (). If you have NOT received an invitation, please contact Keri at
  3. BHL Listserv: Those of you not currently on the BHL listserv, please contact Priscilla Watson ( at AMNH and request to be added to the listserv
  4. Meeting Presentations and Handouts: These are being (or have already been) added to the Wiki; if your presentation is not there, please add it or contact Keri Thompson
  5. Meeting Minutes: Keri Thompson is working on creating a structure for entering minutes on the Wiki. She will be sending out a note shortly to let you know the structure is in place. SIL assigned “unofficial minute takers” for the meeting so there will be some content for all sections. Feel free to edit the notes using the Wiki
  6. Executive Summary: Suzanne Pilsk has compiled an Executive Summary of the meeting; this will be placed on the Wiki shortly. Please feel free to edit
  7. Working Groups: the following Working Groups were discussed (with tentative membership) at the meeting. There is a space on the Wiki for the groups to start work (Working+Groups):
    1. Workflow: AMNH (Christie?), SIL (Ann J?, Lowell?), NH London (?), IA (Robert Miller?); Digital workflow: IA (Brewster?); Metadata workflow: OCLC (Bill?)
    2. Post OCLC Analysis/Data returns. Collection Analysis Team needs to form. Rights for Metadata: OCLC and IA (Quick agreement settled on regarding data that is returned from OCLC’s analysis that can be shared and any restrictions)
    3. Extraction of metadata records to OCLC: Suzanne (SIL), Bill (OCLC), Brian (OCLC), Chris (Kew), Joe (Harvard both locations?), Susan (NY Botanical), Eric (AMNH)
    4. Skinny End to End Pipeline: Bernard (NH London), Martin (SIL), Christie (AMNH), Brewster (IA), Mark (LuraTech).