common tasks
modifying config files
- In akubra-llstore.xml, modify the paths for objectStore, shortTermDataStreamStore and longTermDataStreamStore
- Purge all objects in Fedora Repository, and restart Fedora
how to test if it's working
- Check whether the corresponding folder in akubra-llstore.xml (normally,/mnt/nfs/test/data/archival-storage/fedora/data) contains data ingested.
login information if necessary
proxy information
- Purge all objects in Fedora Repository, then shut down the server;
- Place akubra-mux-0.3.jar and bhle-llstore-0.0.1.jar in ${FEDORA_HOME}/tomcat/webapps/fedora/WEB-INF/lib;
- Replace akubra-llstore.xml with the one in the install package, and modify the store paths and DataStream IDs according to your needs;
- Restart the server.
how it works
A subclass of org.akubraproject.mux.AbstractMuxConnection overrides the getStore method to provide BlobStore according to the keywords of DataStream IDs in akubra-llstore.xml. And the filesystem storage is reused from akubra-fs (simple filesystem implementatio) and akubra-map (wraps an existing BlobStore to provide a blob id mapping layer) without any modification. Therefore, all the path mappings for objects and datastreams are still based on MD5 mapping.