common tasks
- start: bhladmin@bhl-test2: /opt/archival-storage/fedora/tomcat/bin/startup.sh
- stop: bhladmin@bhl-test2: /opt/archival-storage/fedora/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh
- Host: bhl-<environment>.nhm.ac.uk
- Port: 80
- Context: fedora
- Querying page count within fedora:
Language: itql
Response: count
Limit: Unlimited
Query Text: select $object from <#ri> where $object <fedora-model:hasModel> <info:fedora/bhle-cmodel:pageCModel>
- FEDORA_HOME: /opt/archival-storage/fedora
- config files (/opt/archival-storage/fedora/server/config):
- akubra-llstore.xml
- Description: This config file describes the rules and location of Fedora Low Level Storage. Now, there are three location for placing objects, which are objectStore, shortTermDatastreamStore, longTermDatastreamStore.
- logback.xml
- Description: This config file describes how Fedora makes logs.
- jaas.conf
- Description: This config file describes the mechanism of authentication. By default, Fedora uses fedora-users.xml to authenticate. Optional choice can be Islandora Filter, LDAP.
- fedora-users.xml
- Description: This config file describes users and roles for authentication, and this is also one part of Fedora Security Layer, more details please refer to /opt/archival-storage/fedora/server/config/jaas.conf
- fedora.fcfg
- Description: This is the general config file of Fedora, including database connection, service deployment, etc.
- data: /mnt/nfs/<environment>/data/archival-storage/fedora
- When you receive 401 HTTP status code, it may due to the following security policies.
- /opt/archival-storage/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies
- deny-apim-if-not-localhost.xml
- deny-inactive-or-deleted-objects-or-datastreams-if-not-administrator.xml
- mysql : table <environment>_as_fedora
- tomcat (embedded in Fedora)
modifying config files
- Every time a config file is modified, Fedora needs to be restarted.
how to test if it's working
login information if necessary
proxy information
- Create database for fedora, please refer to MySQL Configuration
- Download binary installer fcrepo-installer-3.4.2.jar in http://www.fedora-commons.org/software/repository
- bhladmin@bhl-test2: java -jar fcrepo-installer-3.4.2.jar
- List of selection:
- Installation type: custom
- Fedora home directory: /opt/archival-storage/fedora
- Fedora administrator password:
- Fedora server host: [default: localhost]
- Fedora application server context: [default: fedora]
- Authentication requirement for API-A: [default: false]
- SSL availability: false
- Servlet engine: [default: included]
- Tomcat home directory: [default: /opt/archival-storage/fedora/tomcat]
- Tomcat HTTP port: [default: 8080]
- Database: mysql
- MySQL JDBC driver: [default: included]
- Database username: bhletech
- Database password:
- JDBC URL: jdbc:mysql://bhl-mandible.nhm.ac.uk/test_as_fedora?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&autoReconnect=true
- JDBC DriverClass: [default: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver]
- Enable FeSL AuthN: [default: true]
- Enable FeSL AuthZ: [default: false]
- Policy enforcement enabled [default: true]
- Low Level Storage: [default: akubra-fs
- Enable Resource Index: true
- Enable Messaging: true
- Deploy local services and demos: false
- Several policies need to be cancelled:
bhladmin@bhl-test2: cd $FEDORA_HOME
bhladmin@bhl-test2: sudo rm data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/default/deny-inactive-or-deleted-objects-or-datastreams-if-not-administrator.xml
bhladmin@bhl-test2: sudo rm data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/default/deny-apim-if-not-localhost.xml