MySQL Configuration
MySQL is installed on the common service host bhl-mandible
Installation and maintenance is via apt-get
common tasks
- start: bhladmin@bhl-db1:/$ sudo etc/init.d/mysq lstart
- stop: bhladmin@bhl-db1:/$ sudo etc/init.d/mysql stop
- status: bhladmin@bhl-db1:/$ sudo etc/init.d/mysql status
bhladmin@bhl-mandible:~$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database `environment_component_toolname`;
- grant rights on a database to enable access from a remote host (eg bhl-int1, bhl-test1 etc)
bhladmin@bhl-mandible:~$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> grant all on `environment_component_toolname`.* to `bhletech`@`157.140.%`;
(note that mysql root password is the same as the bhletech user)
how to test if it's working
bhladmin@bhl-mandible:~$ mysql -u bhletech -p
mysql> show databases;
- from an application (eg drupal)
Configure to connect to the database service as the bhletech user and confirm the application connectivity.