February 6, 2013
Attending: Kristen Bullard, Diane Shaw, Daria Wingreen-Mason, Suzanne Pilsk, Keri Thompson, Martin Kalfatovic, Grace Costantino, Gilbert Borrego
- SIL's In-Kind Contributions.
GC gave a report on the SIL in-kind to BHL; this will be distributed when the final all-BHL numbers are in - Workflow for cataloging issues before and after scanning - what is happening? how is it working?
- ALA Midwinter Booth Update
A very successful booth at the Seattle Midwinter meeting; also partnered with the Field Notes project (Carolyn S\heffield also hosted the booth); 81 people signed up for the newsletter and over 100 people; GC, BC, MRK, and Nancy Gwinn were also interviewed for the upcoming BHL video from Lockheed Martin . DIana Duncan from the FIeld Museum also assisted with the booth. - New Hire for BHL
Jackie Chapman has been selected to replace JJ Ford; start date TBD - BHL Internships
BC and GC have applied for interns via the paid internship project as well as a UMich spring break intern - AMNH is now a SC meeting or will be soon will be
- Fundraising News
At the SI Directors campaign meeting in NYC last week, Sec. Clough featured BHL; SIL received praise for doing well in the campaign (~55%)
- FYI Microfiche now weighted below other search results
- TL2 data - is there a list of titles and/or authors that the Collections Committee could use for collection analysis?
- What's the status of Index Animalium these days?
- ILL data analysis follow up from BHL Staff meeting action items?