This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Table of Contents

Round Robin
gBHL update


  1. Yay! NEH funding to support The Art of Life
  2. Round Robin (all, West to East this time) (30 min)
  3. Recap BHL IC meeting, see notes(Grace, Bianca 10 min)
    • Wiki page overview of: (bianca)
    • New exec committee members (Grace)
    • Every BHL institution has non-IA-scanned content that needs to be incorporated into BHL sometime... (Bianca)
    • Next phase of BHL scanning (Bianca)
      • want to take a more targeted collections oriented approach to scanning, making sure institutions fund scanning requests; for ex. scan all grasses collection, marine bio collection ==> easier to go to potential funders to say that we are developing a specific collection in BHL, packages of content, target for potential funders
    • Spending plan discussion (Grace)
    • New partners want to join BHL (Grace)
    • New era of BHL marketing underway (Grace)
    • Enthusiasm about getting interns/volunteers involved (Bianca)
  4. gBHL (global BHL) update (William 5 min)
  5. FYI -- Improved BHL search! (Bianca 5 min)
    • Quotes work, parentheses work... for example, (origin OR descent) AND darwin... search terms are combined with AND operators by default, but you can explicitly specify OR... no wildcards... punctuation ignored.
  6. FYI -- IA <curation> tag update - no more 45 day wait! (Bianca 5 min)
  7. CiteBank update (Trish 5 min)


NHM: Jane
MCZ: Joe, Chris
Cornell: Marty, Joy
AMNH: Diana, Matthew
NYBG: Kevin, John, Don
SIL: Grace, Suz, Bianca, Gilbert
MOBOT: Michelle, William, Trish
Field: Diana
Cal Acad: Becky

Round Robin

NHM: Slight hiatus in scanning, but resuming in a couple of weeks
MBLWHOI: Plugging away on getting shipment together but now quite there yet
MCZ: Plugging away, shipment just finished w/ about 75 items, wrapping up special collections, Widener scanning should be ramping up but not until July
NYBG: Metro NY Lib Council grant w/ IA, about 110 books on NY Floras - to be in BHL soon; applying for additional Metro grant
AMNH: Just got back a shipment via FedEx, going to get another shipment ready sometime next week, talking w/ MK next week about logistics for getting in-house scans loaded into BHL, also got a grant from Metro but not for relevant BHL materials, materials are museum specific
Cornell: Great at being at IC, getting ready to scan more, Frances Webb has gotten things plugged into IA, Joy Paulson = digital collections librarian
SIL: Sending same amount 30-40 items/week, AMNH, USGS, ANSP, in-house scribe also going strong, still scanning rare books, purchased 2nd camera not quite set up but should be scanning more folios to come
Field: Had had some QA issues but turned out it was only 5 vols., CG working on Gemini issues to send to SIL, applying on another grant from Africa council, generally about Africa
MOBOT: No much has changed, Gemini issues exclusively, sig drop in book scanning, Michelle may need to talk to Bianca, scanner coming back in May, but lost one to a broken leg (oh no!), all orchid folios have been scanned under Trio grant
Cal Acad: Sending las shipment next week or week after, gap-fills have been working out really well, QAing away and finding lots of issues, IA person is communicative, CAS out of scanning money, CF next week is her last week, Yolanda is taking over - great to work with

gBHL update

Bibliotecha Alexandrina now hosting about 16,000 BHL books and working on creating a BHL interface
BHL China has shared about 900 books and 5000 more in the queue to make them available
BHL Brazil to visit DC in April for technical discussions, they have 2 scanning workstations installed
BHL Europe aiming to have portal out this month, focusing on content, just tested infrastructure
BHL Australia working w/ Mike Lichtenberg on getting content synchronized
planning meeting for BHL Africa but depends on JRS funding, should hear this month
How does content from diff nodes relate to ea. other? We are using IA, BHLC has IA Scribe, BHL E hasn't started to upload content yet but should once they release their portal, BHL AU uploading to IA; all through IA, content then down-loaded to Woods Hole cluster and sending content via hard-disks to London, Egypt and China
Our BHL has BHL China, BHL Australia, BHL Europe to look into contributing content after their portal is released, BHL Egypt deciding what content
[ ] William to send link to BHLEgypt content
- The link to the BHL content hosted in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina is Just type “Biodiversity Heritage Library” (without quotes) in the Search box and hit Enter at this page. Alternatively, you can use the Advanced Search and look for the Biodiversity Heritage Library in the Collection or Contributor fields.

