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BHL 2012 IC Meeting Notes

Return to March 15-16, 2011 BHL IC Page

Table of Contents

Thursday, March 15th Notes on Next Steps:
Friday, March 16 Steering Committee Meeting Notes
Action Items:
Begin Meeting Notes:
Approve Notes from IC 2011 Meeting:
Election of Officers:
Financial Report, Budget, and Spending Plan Discussion
Funding from all sources Document:
Global BHL By-laws
BHL IC Membership & Growth of Membership
Strategic Plan Discussion
Concluding remarks, wrap up, next steps

Thursday, March 15th Notes on Next Steps:

How do we want to expand IC Council?

- overall theme - we want to pursue partnerships with Canadian partners, particularly those we've already ingested content from through IA ingest. Partners should be considered strategically for what they might bring to BHL, content, certainly, but other things as well.

Do we want to make societies signing permissions forms members of BHL?

This would be a different category of membership. We originally had idea that there would be contributing members and just members. Maybe we could form a publishers/content providers group where they're recognized, where their concerns can be heard and dealt with. There are advantages to this. However, we meed to be cautious about how big we grow, because the bigger we are, the more organizational work it will be. One point - just having meetings will be harder with more people. Not sure societies are looking to be members with us. Maybe a subgroup could look into this question, come up with criteria or list of qualities we want to consider in expanding the partners group.

There is definitely a servicable size for a working group. EOL identified people/organizations that they wanted to have within group through a rotating membership, with a changeover every few years. There were too many to have at one time.

What is our position with DPLA?
Yesterday Martin and Chris met with DPLA tech development team. DPLA will launch a tech development beta test site soon, and BHL data is part of that data set. One of the pitches Chris and Martin made - if there's a DPLA, shouldn't BHL to part of the "science reading room."

Are there foundations that can assist us in growth pattern (increasing size of IC)? We haven't yet asked for assistance from Moore for building business council of BHL. We should give thought to scope of what that would entail. We might be able to get a consultant to assist us in the process of deciding how to grow our membership and the implications of that. This is probably a great topic for TED. We could go to TED as BHL, tell them all we've done, tell them we're stuck on things like how to grow membership without overwhelming ourselves, and they'll provide help and guidance.

Does Mellon fund this stuff? We haven't done enough with the scholarly communications part of Mellon. There's a real opportunity for BHL. We should pursue scholarly communications support. The BHLSC and IC listservs are also new; after this meeting there will be more to say.

How can we communicate with each other?
Use whatever tools are out there to communicate. Bianca uses Skype regularly. Is there a way we can video conference more/get institutions on direct line, to help us chat more? We've talked about trying to use more video, but it's difficult.

Is communication a problem? The question is: are people at the executive level having enough conversations/communication/updates? Grace's work will help with communications. The BHL SC and IC listservs are also new; after this meeting there will be more to say.

Next Steps:

Friday, March 16 Steering Committee Meeting Notes

Action Items:

Begin Meeting Notes:

Approve Notes from IC 2011 Meeting:

Unanimous agreement to make IC 2011 Notes official:

Election of Officers:

Unanimous agreement on:
Nancy Gwinn: chair
Connie Rinaldo: vice chair
Susan Fraser: Secretary

Financial Report, Budget, and Spending Plan Discussion

Two documents - BHL Funding and Undesignated Fundsexternal image msword.png BHL undesignated fund discussion.docexternal image Overall BHL BUDGET.xls
Documents sum up all actual cash we've received specifically allocated for BHL as well as 100% dedicated to BHL.

Funding from all sources Document:

This is a document listing funding we have for BHL. Document lists source of money, Tom's best understanding of dates for money, and best understanding of where money is going. Notice errors, contact Tom & Grace to correct.

This spreadsheet does not include in-kind contributions. We could create a different sheet to include this information, but the purpose of this doc is to focus on undesignated funds and where we want to spend them.

Monies included in document:

Total undesignated funds approximately $140,000.00

Time Frames for Allocating Money:

Suggestions on Priorities for Spending Unallocated Money:

Global BHL By-laws

Based on document at last IC Meeting and BHL's by-laws external image msword.png Global BHL Bylaws-draft 03-08-12.doc


Action Item:

BHL IC Membership & Growth of Membership

Do we need to grow the IC Group and how should we grow it?

Action Item:

Strategic Plan Discussion

Nancy: We need to have a small group look at strategic plan and come back with revised document. Martin and Chris should be a part of this group.
Latest Strategic Plan for BHL US/UK: external image msword.png BHL Strategic Plan draft external3 .doc
BHL-Europe strategic plan: BHLE_D1-9


Action Item:

Concluding remarks, wrap up, next steps

Graham Higley named Founding Chair Emeritus.
Cathy Norton named BHL Member Emeritus
Tom Garnett named Founding Program Director BHL