This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Table of Contents

BHL-Australia Kickoff Meeting
1 - 4 June, 2010
Flights: Chris
Flights: Martin
Flights: Anthony
30 May (Sunday): Melbourne
31 May (Monday): Melbourne
1 June (Tuesday): Melbourne
BHL Content Day
2 June (Wednesday): Melbourne
Technical side of content delivery
3 June (Thursday): Canberra
BHL technical day
4 June (Friday): Canberra
National Library of Australia visit and BHL-Au functionality plans

BHL-Australia Kickoff Meeting

1 - 4 June, 2010


Flights: Chris

Flights: Martin

Flights: Anthony

Flights: Phil


BHL: Chris Freeland, Martin Kalfatovic, Anthony Goddard, Phil Cryer
Australian organisers: Ely Wallis, Lynne Sealie (Canberra), Leonie Cash (Melbourne)

30 May (Sunday): Melbourne


31 May (Monday): Melbourne

-No formal meeting but optional tours of Melbourne Museum and tour of Royal Botanic Gardens & Herbarium

9:30 - 10am
Arrive at Melbourne Museum at 9:30am for coffee. The Museum does not open to the public until 10am. Enter via left hand door as you're facing the building. Security will ask you to sign in. Either ring or text Ely (0403 360 462) when you arrive or proceed to Museum Administration and ask them to ring me.

10am - 12pm
Tour of Melbourne Museum galleries. Host is Ely Wallis

12 - 2pm
Tram and walk to Royal Botanic Gardens, lunch at the Observatory Cafe

2 - 4pm
Tour of Royal Botanic Gardens library and herbarium. Hosts are Allison Vaughan and Jill Thurlow.

1 June (Tuesday): Melbourne

BHL Content Day

Venue: Boardroom, Melbourne Museum
Invitees: museum and herbarium library contacts, university library contacts, State library contacts, CSIRO library
The aim of this day will be to draw in and engage librarians and scientists to BHL. Some of them may use it already or have heard of it. The work for this day will be to make more progress on developing a prioritised list for BHL-Au's digitisation efforts.

9:15 - 9:30am
Meet CEO of Museum Victoria, Patrick Greene. Patrick will sign the MoU documents during this introduction.

9:30am - 12:30pm

12:30 - 2pm

2 - 5pm

5 - 6pm

6:00 - 9:30pm
Dinner in Human Mind and Body gallery, Melbourne Museum

2 June (Wednesday): Melbourne

Technical side of content delivery

Venue: "The Helm" meeting room, Melbourne Museum
Invitees: staff at various institutions who are involved with literature digitisation and workflow
The aim of this day will be to discuss and map out the workflow for getting from digitised page into BHL-Au (and BHL).

9:30 am - 12:30pm
Visit to Museum Victoria library and rare books collection. Host is Leonie Cash (MV Librarian)
Talk about Museum Victoria's upcoming Scientific Illustration exhibition by John Kean (MV Exhibition producer)

12:30 - 1:30pm

1:30 - 5pm

5 - 6pm
Break, walk down to dinner venue

6pm -
Dinner at Longgrain (44 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne)

3 June (Thursday): Canberra

Fly MEL - CBR QF814 arr 9:30am

BHL technical day

Meeting venue: CSIRO, Black Mountain, Library Meeting Room.
Invitees: Atlas of Living Australia staff including David Martin, Donald Hobern, Peter Doherty, Owen Butler, John Tann, Jim Croft, Greg Whitbread
The aim of this day will be to discuss technical details of creating, populating and synchronising the BHL Australian node.

Arrival at CSIRO (approximately 10am) - 12:30, CSIRO Black Mountain, Library meeting room

12:30 - 1:30
Lunch at Hudsons in the Australian National Botanic Gardens

1:30 - 3:30pm, CSIRO Black Mountain, Library meeting room

3:30 - 5:00pm
Guided tour of CSIRO Australian National Wildlife Collection, at CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Gunghalin. Tour organisers are Lynne Sealie, Robyn Lawrence and host is Dr Leo Joseph

5 - 6pm

6 - 8pm
Cocktails in the Crosby Morrison Room, Australian National Botanic Gardens. Organisers are Lynne Sealie and Robyn Lawrence. Special guest is Senator Kate Lundy.

8pm -
Dinner, free time

4 June (Friday): Canberra

National Library of Australia visit and BHL-Au functionality plans

Venue: Morning at National Library of Australia (TBC), Afternoon at CSIRO, Black Mountain, Library Meeting Room.
Invitees: Atlas of Living Australia staff including David Martin, Donald Hobern, Peter Doherty, Owen Butler, John Tann, Jim Croft, Greg Whitbread
The aim of the morning will be to share information and experiences with National Library of Australia staff. In the afternoon the aim will be to discuss interface design, usability.

9:30am - 12:30pm, National Library of Australia

12:30 - 2pm
Lunch at the NLA cafe

2pm - 5pm

5 June (Saturday):
Return to STL/IAD