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BHL Cookbook Outline and Assignments

Table of Contents

BHL Cookbook
General Format for each Section:
Cookbook Chapters
A) Selection
1) Collection Decisions
2) Scan Requests
3) Ingest from Open Sources
B) Scanning
1) Specifications
2) Data Needed for Scanning
3) Non-Internet Archive Scanning or, the "Orange Bag"
4) Format/Derivatives
5) Quality
6) Deduplication
a) Monographs
b) Serials
7) Synchronization
8) Special Scanning Issues
a) Bound-Withs
C) Communication
1) Email Groups
2) Feedback
3) Gemini
4) Wikis
a) Public
b) Private
5) Face to Face Meetings
6) Social Media
a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) Blog
d) Flickr
D) Portal
1) Metadata
a) How to search
c) Portal Edit
i) Pagination
ii) Merging
iii) Other Staff Tutorials
2) User Tutorials
3) Identifiers
4) Deaccessioning
E) Policies
1) Open Access
2) Governance
3) Logo
4) Global Policy

BHL Cookbook

Or, Making Digital Libraries the BHL way

General Format for each Section:

The general format for each section of the cookbook should be as follows:

1) Brief explanation of what the section is
2) General workflow/steps taken to accomplish topic of section (this should focus on the process taken to get to the point we are at with each topic)
3) Documentation: links to any wiki pages/tutorials/etc. related to the topic
4) Results: What are the results of our efforts?
5) Lessons Learned

Some sections may not require all of the above categories. For some, it may be enough to simply have a paragraph with a few links, but where the process is more extensive, please adhere to this general format.

Assignment Color Codex:
Blue = Assigned and Okayed with Assignee
Purple = Assigned but need to discuss with Assignee
Red = No assignment

For existing discovered documentation for each section and text for sections already written, see the BHL Cookbook page.
- h-scholz h-scholz Nov 16, 2011: This is the BHL-Europe Best Practice Guide wiki page: BHLE_WP2_BPG. For questions please contact Melita and/or Michaela.

Cookbook Chapters

A) Selection

1) Collection Decisions

This section will discuss the development of the Collection Development Policy. Specifically, please address the process taken to formulate the collection policy (such as choosing core and supporting subjects, etc.) and link to the final collection development policy.


2) Scan Requests

This section will address relying on user-submitted requests for scanning to guide scanning selection. It does not need to go into deep detail about Gemini, as there will be a separate section on Gemini. It can link to that section for more specific information on workflow. This section should inclued discussion on requests for rare material and gap-filling.

Assign to Grace and Bianca

3) Ingest from Open Sources

This section will discuss the Ingest Criteria Revision and the process taken by the Collections Committee to refine what is ingested. It should give a brief description of why we ingest and where we ingest from. This is only for non-BHL partner material, not that material which is scanned by BHL-partners but is outside the IA workflow. That will be a separate section. This will also link to the wiki page on the Ingest Criteria Revision, from which the information for the specific format of this Cookbook can be gleaned.


B) Scanning

1) Specifications

This section refers to scanning specifications for BHL, not IA. It will not follow the typical format, as all it needs to consist of the BHL_Scanning_Specifications document, the BHL_Scanning_Specifications document, and the IA_MOBOT Specification wiki page, which was started by Bianca but needs to be finished.

Assign finishing linked wiki page to Grace/Bianca

2) Data Needed for Scanning

This section was already filled out by Keri. I can format along the lines of the standard format for the document.

Assign to Grace to format.

3) Non-Internet Archive Scanning or, the "Orange Bag"

"Orange Bag" = all content that is brought into BHL using the non-IA Scribe workflow including 1) MOBOT Botanicus scanning 2) process of getting BHL-partner materials not scanned at IA into BHL, MCZ and NYBG have used this process 3) uploading content via "magic spreadsheets" or the Darwin's library upload process 4) scanning content in-house and uploading to IA, or the SIL in-house process 5) incorporating content into CiteBank, etc.

Bianca to discuss overview of various BHL workflows; differentiate "IA ingest" from ingesting "orange bag" content

1) Assign MOBOT Botanicus scanning to Michelle/Doug/Mike Blomberg?

2) Assign BHL-partner materials sent to MOBOT to ?Joe/Kevin/Michelle/Mike Blomberg?

3) Magical spreadsheet process Bianca w/ help from Mike L.

4) Assign SIL in-house non-IA scanning into IA process to Keri/Joel - existing documentation already exists that we can use; will just need to format

5) Assign Citebank ingest section to Trish/Bianca

4) Format/Derivatives

This section will discuss the various formats that are derived from IA's process. This information is started on the wiki page used in Specifications and can simply be linked to that. A little introductory language can be included in the section to explain where these derivatives come from and the fact that some files in BHL (i.e. MOBOT files do not have all derivatives).

Assign to Grace/Keri/Bianca to flesh out wiki page and provide needed background language

5) Quality

This section is complete

6) Deduplication

a) Monographs

This section is complete

b) Serials

This section is complete

7) Synchronization

This section should include information on synchronization among the various local BHL nodes (node at MBL, node at MOBOT, node at NHM), as well as synchronization of global BHL.

Assign local BHL node synchronization to Grace - existing documentation by Phil will be used here. Will not have standard formatting for this section as the document form Phil will be enough.

Assign global BHL synchronization to William

8) Special Scanning Issues

This section will be made up of any special case issues we've run across over the years. Currently only 1 identified. More?

a) Bound-Withs

There is an existing wiki page discussing the bound-with situation, but it is more outlining the problem than providing solutions. We need to flesh out the wiki page for this section.

Assign to Grace for general write up. Members of the Collections Committee should also be included for fleshing out wiki page.

C) Communication

1) Email Groups


2) Feedback

This section exists, but I would like to break it up into a larger Gemini section, and leave in this section only the discussion that we have a mechanism for users to provide feedback, then point to the Gemini section.

Assign to Grace

3) Gemini

This section will discuss Gemini in detail, how we use it to not only collect user feedback but also as a workflow collaboration tool. Point also to the paper written for IFLA

Assign to Grace

4) Wikis

a) Public


b) Private

Describe how it was built, what it includes, how we use it, and how we manage/don't manage it.


5) Face to Face Meetings

This should discuss how we usually structure face-to-face meetings, where we hold them, what we talk about, and anything we've learned about having the meetings and getting productive use out of our time

Assign to: Connie

6) Social Media

a) Facebook

This section should discuss what we do on Facebook, how we developed our workflow, what our workflow is (including goals and how we meet those goals), what metrics we keep and how we keep them, and lessons learned.

Assign this section to Gilbert

b) Twitter

This section should discuss what we do on Twitter, how we developed our workflow, what our workflow is (including goals and how we meet those goals), what metrics we keep and how we keep them, and lessons learned.

Assign this section to Grace

c) Blog

This section should discuss what we do on Twitter, how we developed our workflow, what our workflow is (including goals and how we meet those goals), what metrics we keep and how we keep them, and lessons learned.

Assign this section to Grace

d) Flickr

This section should discuss what we do on Flickr, how we developed our workflow, what our workflow is (including goals and how we meet those goals), what metrics we keep and how we keep them, and lessons learned.

Assign this section to Gilbert

D) Portal

1) Metadata

a) How to search

This section will simply link to the "How to Search" document created earlier.

Assign this section to Grace


This section will discuss our MODS, the process we went through to choose the various MODS categories, the MARC to MODS mappings, and how the MODS is displayed and available to users on BHL.

Assign this section to Trish

c) Portal Edit

i) Pagination


ii) Merging


iii) Other Staff Tutorials

Simply link to the tutorials page and give a brief outline of what the tutorials are and how/why they were created and the committee and individuals responsible for them

2) User Tutorials

This section can link to the public wiki section, which mentions the tutorials, but should discuss what user tutorials are available, how they were created, how they are (or are not updated), who created them, and how users are referenced to them.

Assign this section to Grace

3) Identifiers

This section will discuss what our DOIs are and to what they are assigned. Perhaps also discuss the process we went through to get them, if it involved an outside company. This probably does not need to conform to the standard format, but can instead be a few paragraphs about the above.


4) Deaccessioning

This section should discuss what deaccessioning is (what it means for BHL, as it will still be available via IA), how we developed our policy on what we would and would not deaccession, where we find the stuff to deaccession, our policy, and how deacessioned items display to users.

Assign to Collections Committee

E) Policies

None of these sections will conform to the standard format. They can just be short sections describing each point.

1) Open Access

A short section discussing our open access policy

Assign to?

2) Governance

A short section describing the new governance/structure of BHL

Assign to Martin

3) Logo

This should just be a short section discussing our logo policy, with a short background of how the logo was created

Assign to Grace

4) Global Policy

This should be a short section that discusses how BHL-US interacts with BHL-Global and what those interactions are.

Assign to William?