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ADMIN NOTES September 23,2010

9:00am - 10:30am
Track 1: Administration

A. Policies & procedures needed for a global collaboration

Not a decision making meeting.
Abel will review his experience. Network and organization are different. Must collaborate and consult. Network needs a set of principles--need to be defined. Can be adjusted. Then governance bodies should be established. Need a function.."secretariat". Also advisory/coordinating board operated by the secretariat. Need a plan that is approved by governing body. Annually or every two years, need to meet and review with all. Sustainability plan is part of work plan.

-set of principles
-document of agreement
-Doing function
-coordination board
-agreed-on plans/plan of work

Currently we have multiple independent projects, managed and funded separately. The Global BHL is not a funding source. Maybe this is a principle: Autonomous projects that work together and share common principles. "Mutually supporting" "Sharing content & practices" "Collaborations"

Tom and Graham drafted a BHL global structure Draft BHL Governance (2).doc

multiple funding streams in US/Brazil; each project sends 1-2 reps to a "steering committee". Steering committee is not a parlimentary appointment, the committee can set up working groups (short term, task oriented, informal) or committees (long-term coordination/process; eg content committee, technology). Policy matters require checking in with each project. No independent budget for steering committee. Travel must be supported by each project.

Abel--create a circle where everything is connected. A circle is a better model with many internal circles. Abel said the model should replicate itself. (A fractal organization.) To avoid exclusion--have certified (comply with minimal principles) and non-certified nodes (initial entry need only agree with the principles in the first stage).

ACTION: Tom will revise visual to reflect interconnecting circles.

Must have some process to funnel members in an appropriate way that takes into account political and regional realities.
In Brazil funding is complicated--provincial government and federal and regional

In Europe similar issues--must follow rules of European Union, countries and institutions.

Recommending broad principles; issues of autonomy and locally different types of organization.

Other principles (shared by all projects): Biodiversity, Biodiversity literature, digitizing and making freely available
Tom asks how much wider so we want to make our principles? Many other biodiversity projects--big (GBIF & EOL) and small

BHL should identify a clear niche that is our specialty. "not: assembling all biodiversity knowledge from all over the world" but "digitizing biodiversity literature"

Develop objectives around biodiversity literature--define what the BHL is before listing principles. Principles are broad: cooperatively based networks, autonomous projects, decentralized management and operation, open access, interoperability & sharing of content & technical solutions, open/transparent process

Global objectives: multilingualism, digitize biodiversity literature, aggregating biodiversity literature, publish?, make biodiversity literature available open access, repository of biodiversity literature
"available, open, accesible"
Make BHL congruent--a fit with other biodiversity information resources, external and internal interoperability

Objectives, principles to accomplish, also need guidelines, directives with consultation

Today: define principles and objectives; the guidelines woud be created through the governance process (working groups and committees)

Principle is open access but local needs may differ.

ACTION: Draft document with principles/objectives for wider review this fall.
tgarnett Governance - abel gave a good talk. Set of principles – 3-6 principles. Our driven way to go. Function secretariat is what we are doing here. You need advisory board/coordinating board. Operated by the secretariat. Defines the main line of function. Approved by the governing board. That becomes the way to go. Every one or two years all board. Circle network. The model replicates itself. For
Each node needs to have its own plan steering committee. Fractal structure. Exclusion process; certified nodes and non-certified nodes. Certified nodes need to comply with minimal codes.
Articulation and setup ; acquiring dynamics; then certified.
Principles and operating objectives. Define what the bhl is before. Then we define the principles: transparent process/open process
Network based; cooperative coope; decentralization; open access. Autonomous projects; interoperability; sharing of content and technical solutions; multilingual Objectives: digitzing biodiversity literature. Repository of biodiversity; aggregating; make biodiversity literature available through open access; congruent; connected- interoperating. Set of guidelines; to be produced by the standing committee. Bhl creates or adapt tool for communication; network rationality; common space; basecamp? One node per call. Logos: branding global bhl; how do local nodes identify with the global bhl brand. Need coordination do we need consistency? There is funding in oz and eu. Sustainability plan – impact; how to maintain this service; value proposition survey; define criteria for certification do we require a sustainability plan? Need a global sustainability plan each node responsible. Each node needs to provide minimal resources for sustainability and interoperability. Fact sheet for global bhl.

B. Communication models: how can we facilitate a more networked communication with low overhead and continue to build on the relationships.
-Abel suggests that BHL adopts/develops a tool for communication (virtual conferencing of some sort?). Tom noted that we investigated tools but not all can be universally used. Must find a tool that can be used worldwide. Also needs to be social. Schedule a monthly call to update every one, not everyone updates on every call. Ely noted that it would be good to easily see what time it is in each region.

ACTION: Show worldwide time on the wiki and for pages for conference calls.

ACTION: Identify a tool that can be used worldwide for conferencing (Martin & link)

Still need face to face--coordinate with other conferences.

BHL Europe tracks conferences to find
Whenever 3 BHL people are in the same room, that's where BHL is--Cathy Norton

ACTION: Get URL for BHL Europe meeting page and request that everyone add meetings, conferences and workshops that will be attended.

For funding--the host can offer coverage for food and/or housing but not travel.

International Botanical conference in Melbourne next year. Chris is running a literature track.
February--Biosystematics conference in Berlin. Add a day or so for a global bhl meeting?
MCN have nodes around the world.
Museums and the Web

Global BHL meeting--annually or every 18 months or every 2 years (Task groups etc meet as needed)

WHITE BOARD: Biodiv Lit, multilingual, network-based, coop. process, congruent, available, open, accessible, decentralized management/operation, scanning/ingest/publish, open access, internal and external interoperability, sharing content, sharing tech, aggregate, open process, autonomy of projects, publishing

10:30am - 10:45am
Comfort Break
10:45am - 12:00pm
Branding & Identity brandingbhl.pptx
  • Local node branding and identity plans; relationship to funding or parent institutions
  • Logos, is there value in harmonizing visual branding of the local nodes?
  • Do local nodes identify with the global BHL "brand"? How?
Abel suggested one Global logo that can be supplemented with regional logos?
Concept of something that says BHL
Have some sort of graphic treatment that doesn't imply any script; have a design space where you add your script; logo without the word and add the words in whatever language
identify principles: non-clashing colors, verical or horizontal, left or right characters,
One logo tht freflects principles, BHL with local node changes, Egypt and China must weigh in. What happens if Russia and India join?
Individual projects may have own logos; but have a universal option that everyone can use and adapt locally

ACTION: Connie will articulate principles send to each international region.
ACTION: Design resource folks carry those principles into draft designs

Sustainability from a Global BHL perspective

Henning: BHL Europe has a deliverable of a sustainability plan and possibly business plan DRAFT due April 2011. Which institutions are committed? Adrian working on hardware/software sustainability--low-cost facility. Henning exploring secretariat (physical location for BHL Europe. Also completing a value proposition to identify key partners and activities as well as the value the project brings. Will brainstorm with Europeana to complete this. Others are asking why should we join? Need to show value of participation to participants as well as general. There is a template. NHM maintain tech infrastructure; Berlin maintain content/collection/management/dissemination (split secretariat).
Tom is also working on this on the US/UK side.
BHL nodes should share info about sustainability planning.
Abel: Define criteria for certification of nodes--minimum questions or business model?
One of the criteria be a sustainability plan. Global BHL requires (number) repositor(ies). Maintenance may be cooperative or rotating?

One of the principles we agreed on is that BHL regions are separately funded. Need a global BHL sustainability plan but will be different from BHLEurope plan or BHL US/UK plan. Global plan would note that each node is responsible for their own sustainability plan. Each project needs

ACTION: Henning and Tom will share drafts/notes of sustainability plans.

Need to develop a more formal method to share joint funding opportunities as one point of sustainability.

Write documents, send to wider group, then modify to get agreement. Perhaps then draft a new MOU/MOA. Perhaps more of a charter--everyone subscribes to the charter? What do we do next. This is a tactical issue.
ACTION: get the principles/issues agreed on.
Then figure out next steps.
  • Outreach activities, combined and node-specific
Marketing, outreach, dissemination, engagement, publicity
Europe has an organized process; Conference page and if someone is going, can send a poster along and use opportunities to spread the word;

Dissemination is lightweight/ peopletopeople. Principle of coordinated dissemination, not work package

ALA put together a simple sheet of key messages for all to refer to and include in presentations.
Thus messages remain constant. Fact sheets and these are updated.
Global message but funding is local so outreach needs to be focused on local nodes

Outreach doesn't go from the center out but node to node as appropriate. Executed at a nodal level.

How do the projects do outreach? Is there a contact person? Yes in BHL-Europe. Not currently in BHL US.
ACTION: develop a dynamic global fact sheet of messages (principles, identifiers) and where to get files (wiki, slideshare).
ACTION: need a press kit
  • Social networking and new media
  • Old media (press releases etc.)

Funding issues and opportunities
  • Local government funding opportunities, possibilities
  • Non-profit and corporate opportunities