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Global BHL Technical Meeting ACTION Items

Woods Hole, MA

22 - 24 September 2010

Attendees & Accommodations
View Agenda

Venue, in Woods Hole village:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Smith Conference Room, and Grass Reading Room, MBLWHOI Library
Link to arrival, logistics, dinner notes: Non-Technical+BHL+Global+Meeting+notes
Action Items in PDF form with due dates: Global_BHL_Meeting_ActionItems.pdf

ACTION: HOMEWORK for September 22: decide what you want to do on September 23. (completed)

ACTION: Tom noted that the deposit problem happens in many places and a small working group may be able to develop solutions (TOM).
FUTURE ACTION: Graham noted that the names management issue is a major thread of architecture.
ADMIN ACTION: Bibliotheca Alexandrina has offered to host a BHL meeting.
ADMIN ACTION: Need strategy for Russian collaboration (Graham within BHL Europe)
ADMIN ACTION: Need strategy for African Collaboration (Patricia within BHL Europe)
ACTION: Make the data available. Make random sample available for nomenclators to provide feedback on ratio of good names.
: Prioritize work on OCR correction above other crowdsourcing activities
Work with logical collaborators on the names problem
ACTION: Copyright: Graham, Tom, Bianca will work with Nancy to revise existing statement on public wiki Nov. 1 High priority=1

ACTION: Connie/Tom will articulate principles, objectives and to be sent to each international region (high priority=1 by Nov 15)
ACTION: Design resource folks carry those principles into draft designs (could be a competition) HIgh priority=1 Oct 15
ACTION: Henning and Tom will share drafts/notes of sustainability plans (completed spring 2011, high priority=1.
ACTION: develop a dynamic global fact sheet of messages (principles, identifiers) and where to get files (wiki, slideshare) for use in communication. priority 2; part of a press kit .
ACTION: need a press kit (logo files, fact sheet) medium priority, summer of 2011

ACTION: Write a clear problem statement and frame it around biodiversity text (scientific names, scripts): Chris High priority=1 by Nov 30 2010
ACTION: Identify 100 test pages and test for correction (see above) Mike and Chris by Oct 30 2010
ACTION: Influence Brewster/Robert to incorporate CJK modules (Chris) ASAP high priority=1
ACTION Henning to Contact IMPACT by Oct 30,2010
ACTION: Ask Bob Corrigan to talk to Google (Graham) High priority=1
ACTION: Talk to Noha about adapting BA system: Chris, Noha priority=2
ACTION: Talk with Australian National Library about their process: Ely Oct 30, 2010
ACTION: Develop a prototype/test for "correct this text" feature. Investigate wikisource; Australian solution (limited development resources). Chris/Mike High priority=2 Dec 31, 2010
ACTION: Henning will investigate potential resources from BHL Europe to work on this problem. (Speak to Adrian and then Wolfgang).
ACTION: Make articleization feature easier to use. This is a high priority=1 Oct 31, 2010 Mike
ACTION: Make articleization feature more visible.
This is a high priority=1 Oct 31, 2010 Mike
ACTION: Promote use of open URL resolver to other communities (IPNI, EOL, ATME). Chris Dec 31,2010 priority=3
ACTION: Revise landing page to have standard article database search boxes and use open url to deliver results. High priority, Oct 31, 2010
ACTION: Then add voting engine "no, not what I was looking for" or "yes this is what I was looking for" and store in citebank. priority=2 by Dec 31, 2010

ACTION ITEM: Mike, Adrian, Noha to describe a naming structure at BoF, send around for discussion & decision
Adrian et al. to deliver by Dec 25, 2010
ACTION ITEM: Chris, Martin & Suzanne to talk with George Oates at IA meeting in October about Open Library
ACTION ITEM: Chris to continue discussions with CrossRef & broach the idea about saving money high priority=1 by October 31,2010
ACTION ITEM: BHL-EU to build this global resolver / minting system; part of their existing deliverables (WP3) Adrian by Dec 2010 high priority=1
ACTION ITEM: Lakshmi, Ant, Chris, Donat, Guido, Stijn Coleman, Ely to discuss possibility of using this with GoldenGate & using GoldenGate output as training set, BHL as testbed by Oct 1, 2010
ACTION ITEM: Encourage another Nomina workshop on this topic with GBIF & other names-based services: Chris will develop problem statement by Dec 2010

ACTION Need for a document that articulates collections issues and defines workflow tools for global partners. Content snapshot: Bianca, Melita, Boris, Trish, Fabiana/Fabio (scanning locally, collaborating globally) Oct 22, 2010 and ongoing

GRIB Session Sept 24
ACTION For GRIB, list of requirements implemented in 2 weeks to be tested and by beginning of Dec. all requirements on the table for final rollout. Boris et al. Oct 8, 2010


Data Synch
ACTION develop data synch & preservation model. Adrian will share current BHL Europe plans to inform the model by Dec 2010. Phil and Ant will document Europe plans and test globally. Dec 2010
ACTION: Replication model. Adrian, Dec 2010
ACTION: Purchase more hard drives. Develop shipping pattern. Phil, Dec 2010
ACTION: data will flow through Internet Archive
ACTION: Change the BHL portal to display MODS on title page and have a transform document for other views. Mike and Suzanne, medium priority=2 Dec 31, 2010

ACTION: Send all meetings, conferences to William and he will compile. Patricia will work on this too.