This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

2017.07.18 NDSR Minutes

1866.890.3820 passcode 86126755#


1. Updates

Katie and Alicia: SWIB (Semantic Web in Libraries) in December: positive feedback. Katie: scientific names/GNRD and transcription--not great but not awful; common names but we would need to choose a taxonomy so non-starter; Alicia: collection analysis. Alicia: scientific names for content analysis--making them more connected to data sources: name details but not linked around except to EOL; using Global names resolver tool as far as kingdom; trying to connect names while avoiding taxonomic wars (buckets). Martin noted that the group of 12 NH collections museums are developing a high level ontology for the specimen collections (one world collections project for specimens)--directors cuts. Not sure about relationship to NCD.

Alicia: Poster about visually representing BHL International conference on Digital Preservation.(Kyoto, Japan). Tomoko Steen has been pushing connections in Kyoto and other areas. Connie will talk with Tomoko

Ari: focusing on interviews from flickr and science gossip; blog posts, reader stories; taxonomists; accepted into a training/technology community for women (6 month program) user experience to develop a portfolio. Can you use BHL data for the course work--wants to tie it in as much as possible for interface design for portal.

Marissa: finishing up contributions in science, articles etc. A real guts understanding of how this all works to inform research on APIs and digital libraries. Hoping that altmetrics can be monitored to help BHL monitor scholar online discussions. Richard to give a paper at Altmetrics conference in Toronto in September about this work.

Pam: Survey went live last week! Social media blast. info sent to BHL contact list and then other group contacts. 218 responses so far. Survey open through July 28. Probably not repeated for this time frame. Might extend deadline for one or two weeks. Will also send surveys specifically for members and system users.

2. Review travel budget/options: we may need to slow down on travel. We seem to have plenty of travel money. Some of us with more than 2 travelers may need to see what we have. Institutional constraints can be strict.

3. Meeting choices/institutional constraints: International is good. Scientific and discipline specific meetings are great places to spread the work and word. Connie will add residents' meeting list.
  1. List of past/upcoming meetings (Martin added)
  2. Resident spreadsheet:

4. Budgets: Clarify rules for purchasing international travel. If/how to split hotel costs purchased by one Resident to share with others. If Residents should purchase flights now for September Tech meeting.

5. September Tech meeting: Residents could prepare outline + lit review type of document for review and hold group discussions (rather than presentations.) Residents are now considering working on components of one shared document. Comments or other suggestions? From Connie: Presentations from each resident should happen but I like the idea of adding discussion groups.

Logistics and Details building here:

General agreement that we want to have presentations with discussions after. Synthesis on 3rd day for tech group to review. will discuss what NDSR proposes

6. Agenda for September meeting should be firmed up by mid-August.

7. Webinars? What do you want to do? Audience? EBHL, CBHL, BHL. To be made public eventually. Residents should start talking about what they want to do. Connie will look at Webinar software budget?