This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


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Bianca Crowley, Martin Kalfatovic, Becky Morin, William Ulate, Chris Cardin, David Iggulden, John Mignault, Matt Person, Kevin Nolan, Michael Neubert, Diana Shih, Marty Schlabach, Diana Duncan, Matthew Bolin, Susan Garfinkle, Trish Rose-Sandler, Mike Lichtenberg, Alison Harding, Keri Thompson, Carolyn Sheffield, Jackie Chapman, Randy Smith, Gilbert Borrego, Daria Wingreen-Mason

Partner Meta App (Bianca)
Partner Meta App will be replacing Wonderfetch but recommendations for use are not completely solidified yet.
The template for BHL metadata was sent to Jude @ IA to review and that is supposed to become BHL Partner Meta App. We're awaiting a status update so in the meantime keep using Wonderfetch. Note that there was some confusion coming from the NJ scanning center on if Wonderfetch was still being accepted. Please contact Bianca to keep her in the loop with any issues like this.

IA Leaders Forum is coming up in October and may be a place to learn more about the status of the MetaApp. Judy, Connie, Martin, Carolyn and Michael will be attending.

Global Names Recognition and Discovery tool now mining BHL OCR for scientific names -- notes inline above.

To follow developments as they're being tested, check out

Scanning is now open but unfortunately still waiting for an update on UK rates. We will continue to hold the second $12,500 in scanning funds until that is finalized, hopefully soon.

JC: Please take a look at priority issues. Check for the dates and start with the oldest issues first. Please continue to reassign those issues which you're not able to address. If you're not sure who to reassign it to, reassign it to Jackie or Bianca and they will figure out where it goes next.
Gemini sessions have been going well. Diana commented that she had found them useful. More sessions will be held when the second set of scanning funds are released.

Marty asked if there was a way to see title information in the issue list rather than the user's emails. Bianca and Jackie report that you can customize your issue list view to see title information. At the bottom right of the issue list screen there is a "Customize" option. In the "Pick which attributes you want to see" pop up box, move the "Description" field from the left column to the right column and hit "Save". You should now see title information in your list of issues. Bianca and Jackie to update the Gemini documentation, available with the pan-BHL scanning guide, with this info.

Portal Editing Queue
There are still about 20 unassigned issues that need to be completed. Any time you are able to devote to helping out with those is greatly appreciated.

Enumeration and Chronological Standards (Jackie)
We have these in place for our bibliographic work. See recommended BHL enum & chron standards for more detail

BHL Social Media
We're looking for assistance with social media efforts beginning in November, especially in terms of support for Facebook content and monitoring. Please contact Carolyn ( if you are interested in helping out.
Becky mentioned that the Cal Acad Library and Archives participate heavily in Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest
Diana Shih mentioned that AMNH has a Facebook page
Matt Person, MBL -- Facebook and Twitter, not as much lately but have tried to coordinate with BHL on those efforts in the past

Conferences & Grants
SAA proposal deadline is September 30. Heather, Carolyn, and Jackie are submitting a proposal.
Grant opportunity for Museums Connect: Building Global Communities: -- Deadline is Oct 7
Upcoming Conferences:
Please send dates and locations for your upcoming conferences to Carolyn for inclusion on the calendar

Connie is working on documentation related to new membership structure
A new form is being created
A committee of 3 members will be formed to review and vet applications for BHL Affiliates and Members
Bianca is putting together a draft for the Staff Group Charge and will send around for comment

Round Robin
Bianca keeps track of those that have IA logins and access to edit the IA <biodiversity> collection
AMNH – working on getting shipment; no IA acct
Cal Acad – pulling together priority scanning assignments, along with batch of rescans that IA owes her; no IA acct
Cornell – reviewing Gemini issues, starting on adding to the pan-BHL scanning spreadsheet, working on establishing relationship with IA scanning facility (Boston); yes IA account (Francis)
Field – not scanning at present, has a volunteer working on pagination, will check on if we want to do portal queue; no IA login
MCZ – JJ and Joe coordinating shipments, one IA shipment currently out; Joe and Connie may have IA login
LC – finding out how current digitization workflow can fit into BHL, of 4-5 existing Gemini issues down to 1 permissions issue still under reivew; no IA login but can walk into IA scanning facility to have IA make corrections, Susan and Tomoko might look into getting IA logins; getting 1st test cart together, scanning through LC's existing IA workflow
MBL – following up on Gemini issues; getting in touch with IA to check on login status but Matt thinks he has one; attended digital history of science meeting in Indiannapolis; text mining reports
MBG -- also attended digital history of science mtg where colleague, Darren, gave Engelmann project presentation; yes, has IA login; currently 2 scanners so slow but still chugging along
NHM – plugging through Gemini priorities, new IA person working at their local Scribe installation; has IA login w/ biodiversity collection, Gemma the NHM scanning coordinator recommends that all IA logins be with personal accounts
NYBG – slow going, recently experienced significant issues with shipping and book damage (of 31 books returned, 8 were damaged!); Don has IA login
BTW Field also experienced some damage recently and AMNH reported shipment from March moved into IA storage on account of hurricane Sandy which hasn't been returned yet
Kew – reviewing Gemini issues. Preparing to bid pan-BHL once ready. No IA login
SIL – getting few books back from FedScan b/c they are understaffed. Appears that QA issues have cleared up. Keri has IA login. Gilbert updating some documentation about pagination and BHL's uploads to flickr on BHL Help wiki page