what we learned on our dry run 8/2/2007:
- - the picklist's "Call number order" is not actually call no. order, but also not fixable, so we will have to cope. (it's 'alphabetical' so Q1100 comes before Q300, which comes before Q81)
- - we will need to take printouts to the stacks to make notes (e.g., NOS)
- - things in the REF collection are not marked as such on the picklist, so we should always check REF as a last resort when looking for those "NOS" items
specific problem items we encountered (need to be checked in SIRIS and picklist?):
- - F826.U51 1851 Exploration and survey of the valley of the great salt lake... was found, but the 1853 and other edition next to it were not in the picklist...why??
- - Q115.H25 1910 v9 p12 was on the picklist, but only v8 pt1 was on the shelf "Harriman Alaska Series..." barcodes were different. where is v9 p12?
- -F3058 G27x v.7 p.4 1852 - on shelf but not in picklist
tacit decisions we made:
- - dictionaries are out of scope and should not be scanned (selection commitee approval??)
- - inserts in pockets in the backs of books are NOT foldouts, and therefore the book shouldn't be rejected for scanning (up for debate - should run by selection commitee?) question - what do we do about the insert?
- inserts in a back pocket are usually placed there because they are bigger than the text pages, so it might not be unreasonable to reject because the pocket. Will there be a large format scanning phase to catch these things later? emg
- - anything remotely fragile should be selected. Eliza will make the fragility call.
- Eliza's comments after a couple of trucks of review:
1. I think oversewn text blocks will be the greatest hindrance in scanning. Oversewing can make the gutter margin very narrow, and it can also make the pages very wrinkled and it might be difficult to get the pages flat enough to scan. This would be a pretty obvious reject criteria for the person pulling the books off the shelf, but maybe between me and the scanner (Melissa?) we could come up with an exact measurement.
2. Brittle pages are not that big a hindrance as long as the scanners are careful when turning the pages.
3. Broken sewing/binding is not that big a hindrance either since the cradles provide good support and the glass lowers fairly gently. As long as the scanner is careful when handling the book, and turning pages...
4. do we want to have a "send to preservation" check-box for stuff that is a complete mess????
questions we need answered:
- - scope and automatic rejection of things 'out of scope' - what are our criteria?
- - how to integrate barcoding/CM work into workflow
- - how to integrate preservation approval/process into the workflow, and does it need to be acommodated in the picklist db
- - what do we do with problem materials e.g.,
- on shelf not on picklist
- on picklist, but item is not exactly as described
to do (w/ cart of books in Ent):
- check all books on cart out to NH Scanner in Horizon
- check Horizon for NOS items to see if they are checked out
- review procedures in wiki and update accordingly
- after Keri adds new reject reasons ("out of scope") go back into picklist and update records for all those Pxxxx dictionaries
keri to do:
- add link to search HiP off each barcode
- add new reject reasons