This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


RESCHEDULED to 23 August 2017

Agenda & Notes

HTTPS: Roadblocks to implementing and action schedule for ASAP implementation.
- Joel to outline issues to MRK and to provide weekly reports on Tech Call
- OCIO might be changing internal policies that will make things easier. Joel will follow up with network team.
- Changes coming to Chrome - will add some urgency. Joel will make sure they're aware and/or if that will affect timeline.

BHL & WikiData: A quick heads up (see also and discussion if/how this fits into the September agenda

Will CreatorIDs still be valid once cleaned up?
Start to try to locate more unique identifiers, include those in the system, like VIAF. Look to authority control within creators.
Part of process as we want to move forward.
MRK don't want to put out globally unique identifiers.
Not sure we should put our IDs out there. Rather use a known identifier to come into BHL. Then we could put our data in WikiData, which will overlap.
Action Item: Add to Tech Agenda

What is the point, and are we hoping WikiData platform could help crowdsource VIAF identifiers for our content? Or??
We would want to reconcile our data ourselves before associating with WikiData profiles.

User Survey Status Update: First survey being analyzed; next 2 (consortium and system users) going out very soon!

Unpaywall and BHL Articles. See Gemini item (which I might have entered wrong) and forwarded email (Below)
Hi Martin,

I’ve been using the Unpaywall extension (launched in March 2017 and supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation) to find legally-available open access versions of articles for which the definitive (DOI’d) version is behind a paywall.

Unpaywall rely on the article first having a DOI and, if an open access version exists, on that DOI being included in the metadata attached to the open access version. So it should pick up all the freely-accessible BHL articles that have DOIs included in their metadata.

However, I’ve tested it on a few BHL articles that have been segmented and have DOIs included on their landing pages and it doesn’t pick them up. For example, this article, published in 1858, is behind a paywall on the Wiley Online Library ( It is freely available online on BHL (

As far as Unpaywall is concerned, there are no freely available versions of this article available online and, if I want to read it, I have to pay.

I wrote to Impactstory, the people behind Unpaywall, and they sent me the following response.

Right now we get papers that are indexed by the BASE aggregator. It doesn't seem to include the BHL, based on a quick look I just did here:

Does the BHL have an OAI-PMH endpoint? If it has an endpoint already, registering in BASE is super easy...they have a great tool to help you do this:

Is this something we can make work? I’m assuming the other initiatives that search for free versions (aoDOI, oaFindr, Open Access Button, OAbot) use a similar approach? It would be wonderful if the BHL content could be picked up in their searches!

Thank you, Nicole

Mike did some research, it's in the space aggregator. BIodiversty - without the last 'i' Been there since 7/25/2011, they're OAI harvester indiscriminately pulls everything including things that are now longer there. Including user defined PDFs, only pulling DC not MODS, which means it doesn't have DOIs at all. SO. We could adjust DC to include DOIs, but wouldn't help with state of data that's already in there. If they used OAI feed for segments, would that be more appropriate for them to use? If supposed to be just articles, they would only just want that one set. Not sure if their harvester can do that.
Action Item: Martin will contact Heather w CC to Mike. Will Recommend purge and a start fresh. If they purge, we should adjust DC to include DOIs if they'll re-ingest. We do have MODS of segments but their OAI harvester mgiht not, just grabs everything at endpoint.

Trish - Other indexers she mentions, should we look into those as well?
Martin - let's start with this one.

Updates & Questions
Vision Strawman - please continue to comment. MRK has resolved some of those. We'll use the more final version for discussion at the meeting.
Can we add a statement about the purpose of the vision statement?
Martin will look at it again.

Tech Meeting Agenda -- all, please take a look at what Martin has put together.
Joel and Martin will come up with a Change Control draft template thing for us to look at during Tech Meeting