This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


Mike, Susan, Joel, Carolyn

Action Items
*Susan will coordinate with Bianca to get her input and we can revisit next week.
*Joel will share results / procedures with Susan
*Harvard Botany- Carolyn to Joel the contact info

Holding Institution
With all of the new contributor roles (holding inst, rights holder, scanning inst) there is the possibility of having one institution name repeated in multiple fields, resulting in a very text heavy display sometimes without adding much value to the user.

Might be a policy issue as much as a tech issue. There are a couple of ways could be handled.
For instance, could store all of the data and filter to control what is displayed
Or, could just not store the data if it is the same institution for all.

*Susan will coordinate with Bianca to get her input and we can revisit next week.

Gemini Ticket 48284

Re: selecting individual pages to create a custom PDF. Joel will be looking into options for providing more user friendly approach

Contributor changes and bug fixes went out about 2 weeks ago

Other changes coming down the pike:
One is testing for FBP specific instance
Removing Flash is the big outstanding one
Bianca and Joel are working on a perfect demo item. Working to return it to a refresh afterwards to be ready with perfect demo item loaded
Also Segment data for Macaw, once ready then Mike would need to work on being able to ingest that. Mike's change would be part of the once a month incremental change work

Segments and Authority Control
As adding/ingesting more segment metadata, the variations on author names are increasing.
How to address authority issues as it gets ramped up with segments coming in?

Joel hosted an intern looking at OpenRefine to throw against VIAF.
*Joel will share results / procedures with Susan

Susan went to Code4Lib session on OpenRefine, have found it helpful for reconciliation
Also, attended BHL cataloging group call and they like VIAF
Right now, BHL doesn’t include ORCID identifiers and Rod Page is really interested in seeing those. Can be especially useful for contemporary literature.
Main point is that even if we have a favored authority list, we would want a drop down list for type of identifier in case we want to add others in the future.

Full Text Search
Martin and Joel and others, met w Chin-Hsien Wang (from Smithsonian IT office/OCIO).
They are experimenting with full text, too so we will be looking to learn from their experience.

IA has switched to ElasticSearch.
Mike is trying to get in touch with someone to find out reason behind it
Susan noticed about 6 mo ago that for about a mo full text wasn’t working. Might have been the transition period

Macaw — Joel is also adding to search through completed items, if know identifier
MODS - have those been uploaded to IA from Macaw?
No, they stay within in Macaw
BHL does provide MODS to IA, though, wrapped in the METS file

LC provides a MARC 21 - MODS transformer

*Harvard Botany- Carolyn to Joel the contact info