This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


Action Items
Talk about full text basic requirements next week, each come prepared to discuss 5 or 6 things that we want it to do, e.g., See your search term highlighted in the text
Carolyn will reserve conference line going forward

Report on Tech Priorities at Members’ Meeting
Group prefers short bulleted list

Mention of proof of concept for type-ahead

Biggest point of discussion was UF
Form is hoped to solve a lot of it

BHL Move
Legal dept, working on it and don’t know when it will be done

Syncing of data, non-stop

Let’s just continue working

Will require doing add’l vulnerability checks?
At this point we’re good

Syncing of data and files, could hold off on that for time being

OCIO TRB group raised issue of terms and conditions at service level agreement
Because not falls in a grey domain
Need to have legal look at it

Second part is privacy threshold analysis
What we’re collecting and how we’re using it and disclosing it to our users
e.g., if we use cookies, need to notify them
They found it was that more than just website, widgets from blog, feedback form sends info to Gemini
No time frame has been presented

Some of those institutions that are already used at institution and already have clearance on them

At some point need to move off blogger
WordPress or Typepad

Wikispaces for public version, at some point we’d like to move off that. And more integrated and still updatable

MBG server upgrades
Probably up to us to decide

One upgrade could take it down for a day or three

Full text search
Technical perspective
UI perspective

Can we start ramping up now?
How do we want to proceed?

Technologcial solutions
Greatest concern is size
And whether SOLR can support it
SOLR and ELASTIC search and it might be ELASTIC is a better fit
SOLR might require an obscene amt of software
Need to consider our stopwords
What seen and read, no way to punch in numbers to see what would take
Need to prototype

Should we just start with ELASTIC?

Was going to try to write some code against both servers to see if there was an advantage of one over the other

DPLA launched with ELASTIC search. Mark ??? or Tom Johnson, could we talk to them or look at their code (believe it’s on GITHUB)

MB did some evaluations
Attempted to index w SOLR and encountered issues
Trying with ELASTIC now

Faceting or drill down

Does NARA have it?
NY Times?
Find examples

Iterative approach, maybe start with just basic search
Add facets later

Do we need another server for search functionality? Do we need more than one?
DPLA might be the best one on par with what we’re trying to do

Is there any kind of breaks we should put on it?

What is status of full text search of metadata?
Check documentation – make sure it says that.

List of requirements for what we want to see on the screen
Mike can go through some Gemini issues

Talk about it next week, 5 or 6 things that we want it to do
e.g., See your search term highlighted in the text

We can do more in-depth later

IFLA workshop for Visual Resources
Trish will take a look and see if it’s a fit

Offer from Bibliotheca Alexandrina for technical help
This group to discuss in May
Also interested in working on improving name finding
Doing similar things for EOL

So should jump hurdle of Membership first, not going to do any planning until actually cleared

EOL presentation at BHL meeting
Developing an editor to extract

Really relying on Egyptian team as developers
Andrew, product managers
Bob Corrigan
Dawn Mason
Edu team at Harvard
Katja Schulz and Jen Hammock

All servers are running here at the Smithsonian through the other zone

Images and tagging have been successful. Perhaps something building on that?
They will be starting to re-ingest the images
Questions about tagging, Grace and Jen will be talking when Grace returns.
What kinds of images and what kinds of tags EOL will accept