This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.



Metadata Model
Thanks to all for completing the Doodle poll. Questions about travel logistics or cost projections can be sent to Carolyn.

Wiki migration updates
Public wiki: Launched
Private wiki: Has everyone had a chance to provide feedback?
Joel is anything else needed from any of us?
Any updates on Dropbox as a possible home for the private wiki archive so that non-SI collaborators can access?

Mike: Status updates since last week
Anything needed from any of us?
Carolyn: collect info on who has transcriptions ready to go? (Cover to cover ITEM counts for transcriptions collected in one of the three platforms we've been discussing). ~125 items from NYBG; if page numbers available, that's interesting, too.
From last year:

Action Items from previous call
Susan: Talk to Diane about MM-DD per:
Carolyn: Contact Jirka regarding BLEs (he was away last week; sending this week)
Joel: Ongoing problems with PDF notification emails. See BHLFEED-79881 - turns out user got the email about an hour after she sent email.
Tricky in terms of how different systems are checking for spam. Joel wants to test it one more time. We may need to change the from address; to be determined.

Gemini Issues
Page alignments - Joel happy to help. Usually only takes 5 minutes.

Cataloging Committee
Joel has ideas on using OCLC to get VIAF numbers for authors. He'll review it and we can discuss.
Lesley Parilla adding VIAF in BHL, combining/eliminating duplicate names, preferred names.
About half titles in BHL have OCLC numbers; WorldCat sometimes includes VIAF numbers for creators; can we take 100k titles that have OCLC, grab bib record WorldCat, look for VIAF, and add back to BHL.
Joel will send a paragraph to Cataloging Committee.

Index Data
Send to Cataloging Committee.