This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


For discussion from BHL EC meeting:
  1. Egypt technical development options--how would we want to make use of their expertise/infrastructure? What would be the best way to do that? How feasible is that?
  2. For permissions titles, what would it take for BHL to include a link in the metadata to online-only (read 'can't be ingested') open access content?

From TDWG meeting:
  1. Pensoft OAI issues
  2. iDigBio as a datastore

Full text questions / updates
Macaw beta testing update
Any other updates / questions?


Bibliotheca Alexandrina & BHL
Possible work for a 5 year package:

1. Global names and further integration / improvement still one option
2. Image serving options, a process for migrating and serving
3. Authority control for author names, specifically how to modify database to store identifiers, etc, from a service such as BackStage

Full text maybe not of as great interest since we are now kind of far down that path.
BHL version 2 implementation, also tricky with the timing. NDSR is happening, could be an ongoing thing. They’d like a 5 year agreement
and had wanted some initial cost-able projects. Once we have NDSR results, might also be able to implement something.

Image Serving:
Maybe even if we want to look into IIIF

Overall, for image serving it may be good to involve them in looking at how to plan something out; would need to be implemented at SI; how to store? how to deliver quickly? Finding out that what we have now is not exactly fast. Perhaps we could even start by working with them to come up w specs to increase performance.

They do store lots of data of various sorts

Could this also address page insertion problems?

Action Item: Martin wants to send a note to Yousseff at end of CY with some details, and schedule a time to discuss in more detail
Want to make sure it is acceptable to Members as it is a special situtation

No one
Personalized BHL site, no demand to be able to sign in to BHL and save things

Author names

MRK: have been thinking more of Backstage as the solution for authority recognition. Backstage is a library vendor service provider, provides data clean up of authorities data for libraries, washes data through authorities such as VIAF, LC, and comes back with reconciliations. Provide all back to the library so that when you search you get the 'see also's'

Then, look at having a place to hold the data in BHL.
Backstage may cost a few thousand dollars annually.

Action Item: MRK will look into Backstage costs and share with the group

Maybe Egypt could help with developing the place in the database to store the cross references/ variant names / etc.

Is this at the point of search, or as we ingest?
Basically with backstage, you’re out of sync between when content is added and when cleaned up periodically.

Might be good to talk to Bib Alex about back end portion

Susan has noticed that with Rod’s work lately, for example, Question Entomologique - citation is being derived by scraping. Recenlty had
50 new creators, single part names, so when that happens we “burn” creator ids.
So it would be good to also see additional checking at ingest time

Would language be an issue for BA for a project like this?
Might be a good match because they are the national library, and language might not be such an issue.

We have something very close to this request already in the works, which is the hyperlinked 'Rights Holder' field
This is what we’re doing for the OAI feed. From a database standpoint, this should be good. For display, we should be able to do easily

Phytologia - this one is a moving wall. 85 issues, with the most recent issue only available on the publisher's website.
So in theory, we could have 10-20 volumes on the right hand side, and the last few of those issues would actually be at the publisher site.

MRK: looking at Phytologia, would like to see on the left side, in the record, a link that says something like 'Current volumes available at __', and then you click on hyperlink to go there.
Susan: people familiar with the site and navigating the items will likely be focused on right hand side of screen. Maybe once accustomed, they can learn to look at the left side.
MRK: With the appropriate label, though, maybe included on right would work just as well.

Action Item: Mike to look at how could be repurposed to other portions and displays. Susan to think about what a label might say.

From EC meeting, the criteria we discussed was for links only to open access content, and only for publishers for which we have explicit permissions agreement.

Is there a way to store this?
If it ends up being title level, there is not currently somewhere to put it. If at the item level, we would have a place.
So depending on how we want it represented, may or may not have to do much.

Australian publishers and Paris have requested, also PenSoft

Pensoft & OAI issues, etc
Lyubo - Trish’s email exchange regarding OAI issues. They are also interested in ingesting PenSoft content. There are some
aggregation issues, volume issue, title, articles and so on. We'll want to schedule a time with him in new year to discuss how we might approach.

Trish: OAI issue, reports for EABL, and realized PenSoft wasn’t showing up. Ingest had stopped in Sept 2014. Discovered there was an issue in their parameters, basically coming back with empty results. Basically, they just need to fix the bug on their end. Perhaps we could just email them to see if they have a timeline. We’ll have to force our process once we know it’s been fixed. Might be a couple thousand of things we’ve missed.

PenSoft is currently all external links and that’s what they were interested in changing
A call in early 2017 would be partially about how we want to go up and down the hierarchy, if we ingest articles, how do we recreate title and item? Mike: If we don’t have scanned content, we can't.
Susan: It sounds like what Mariah is doing on EABL; Using Adobe Acrobat combining individual articles into items. How can we do it from metadata so we don’t have to manually create? How do we aggregate back up a hierarchical tree? How to attach articles to item? We’d have the metadata. Sounds doable, kind of what BioStor does.

Action Item: Schedule call with Lyubo in January, but talk to MRK first. Would like to have a focused discussions internally first.

iDigBio as datastore
iDigBio has harvested a lot of BHL data already. Might like to see if they’d be best place to serve as datastore for computational things. Once MRK hears back, we’ll reopen from there.

Global Names
Dmitry's PPT on global names changes. He's really keen on having more sustainable place for global names to sit. Schedule a call with Dmitry in January; Mike and Joel discussion with him to learn more about how this might work. Mike - yes, Joel and Mike to start
Action Item: Mike, Joel and Dima to get together to discuss global names changes

Full Text
When we provide basic search results, titles or items?
Item level.
Bibliographic page, not a way to return this at the item level currently. If indicates item, then we want to be able to go to bibliographic page with Item expanded for that particular item in question.

Browse by Dates: Changing to 25 year increments for 1800s; all else stays the same

Sometimes people misspell collection - don’t notice until try to upload, permission denied. Adding feature — for a prompt that if new collection name, ask 'are you sure?'