This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


Action Items:
All: If you haven't already, please complete the Metadata Model Doodle poll:

All: Look at private wiki and send feedback to Joel

Joel: Look into Connie's account

Joel: Look into Dropbox as a possible home for the private wiki archive so that non-SI collaborators can access

Carolyn: collect info on who has transcriptions ready to go? (Cover to cover ITEM counts for transcriptions collected in one of the three platforms we've been discussing). ~125 items from NYBG; if page numbers available, that's interesting, too.

Susan: Talk to Diane about MM-DD per:

Carolyn: Contact Jirka regarding BLEs

API v.3
Announcements went out today

Scope reminder: Stopgap measure to get transcriptions in. We'll want to revamp to gather transcriptions more robustly in the future. Currently, we are only addressing requirements for BHL Partners that have collected cover-to-cover transcriptions in one of the 3 platforms (SI TC, FTP, or DigiVol).
Action Item: Who has transcriptions ready to go? (Cover to cover ITEM counts for transcriptions collected in one of the three platforms we've been discussing). ~125 items from NYBG; if page numbers available, that's interesting, too.
With batch editing tool for article definition, batch has to be homogenous, only one type per batch. With that in mind, don't need to support two sources in one batch. Keep drop-down on first screen and user selects type, rather than file-by-file. Mike: easy either way.
Joel: of the three types that we can receive, DigiVol and FTP, SI Transcription - is it possible to automatically determine source? Probably/most likely. Then, if this file type, then user doesn't have to select it. The file name is identifier. You can upload as many as you want. Multiple files to be uploaded with Item ID and BHL has to parse to figure out what kind of file. Would be simpler. One step further, could be a zip file.
Moves the manual work form the BHL admin to the transcription platform. Will require renaming from FTP; might be able to negotiate something to manage this.

Wiki migration updates
Public wiki: About BHL is up; issues with adding or editing content. Pushed to 17th; we'll update links from BHL website. Issues not occurring on dev or staging so will need to work with OCIO to debug. Joel will look into if there is a backup of Grace's edits.
Private wiki: Sent out an email to EC, Secretariat, and Tech. Ready for DRAFT review. Copies of pages moved over; content looks ok, links and attachments are working; navigation ok. Do these reflect Martin's tree changes?
Actual archive of wikispaces - exports html pages; Joel has restyled; We found a search tool developed for this purpose, browsing in browser, where to put it? SI Internal, but Susan and Connie won't have access. Dropbox could be a possibility. Could we recreate the structure in Dropbox?
Connie's Login
All, send feedback

Metadata Model Doodle Poll

Gemini Issues
60710 - Susan will talk to Diane