This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.



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JSON, would need to do data cleansing to create those ranges

1899-1901 - some publications may span two ranges.

Once we get logic in place, change range parameters is probably pretty easy

Joel will look at this to see how many per each of our current we have

IA also indexes by Date ingested, date uploaded
We've had one user request this.
How much effort is it to add this?
If it's trivial, then maybe add it and see what feedback looks like
BC and SL used heavily in IA

Not a fan of putting in public UI for admin interface.
If admin site, doesn't need to be ES
Let's leave it out for now

One vote for collapsible facets, might be more clicking. Other version might be more, too, with showing more.

Author Authority names
We need to write a grant for cleanup and for ingest, and database side
Focus on data

Will need to click on each version of the name in facet list to get all the results

Could order them in facet list, by alphabetically or by number of results
ES default is by results

Maybe a phase 2 would be pop-up option to view all names, sort alphabetically. Like

Test collection
Indexing will be fast but will still take time.

Server, at least 3-4 weeks. Hoping for January

Would it make sense to copy stuff to server Mike working on?
No, process runs on app server, not that much space

Beta testing changes
Joe DeVeer likes, Bianca - looks great!
Maybe after new year, switch over

Other news/updates?
Gemini ticket on accessibility issues.
Changing title tags on advance search page. Form fields Generally, pretty limited in scope
EOL link on bottom will appear on page, no alt tag
Joel will be looking at some of these more closely, PDFs. Mosquito group and East African, given to us as is. Joel will keep in mind as he reviews ones flagged by scan,

Joel will attach the scan report to the Gemini ticket