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Staff Call Meeting Notes Jan. 7 2010

NOTES from BHL Staff Meeting 11:00-noon January 7th 2010

Attending were:
Suzanne P, Bianca, Grace, Erin
Don, Kevin, John M

Joe, Connie

Matthew B, Diana Shih

Diana Duncan, Christine Giannoni

Becky Morin
Diane R (meeting facilitator), Matt P. (note taker)

I Updates-

1. Permissions List

-Bianca has been going through the list and updating Gemini relative to gaps or needed new scanning.
Also noting permission granted titles not in Mashup, and adding Issue Watchers based upon local holdings.

2. Pagination Intern Project

-Becky at CAS – 2 interns and one volunteer working on pagination as soon as semester starts.
-Joe at MCZ – 1 student working on it .
-Suzanne – points out documentation on workflow needed – agreed- this will be created as project ensues.
-Matt P. – pointed out idea he and Erin discussed of expanding to online degree students, when project is underway. Becky noted her students are part of online program.

3. GEMINI- (Grace, Erin, Bianca)

-Bianca said they have looked into other issue tracking software…and they will have list of alternatives soon – goal is to looking for hosted system to relieve MOBOT.
-Grace requested that everyone fill out the survey she sent out previously

4. Field notebook project –
See notes from Jan 5 meeting IMLSFieldNotebookNotes

Becky reported:
- Meeting at SIL held this week with excellent results
- Group worked with SIL people involved in related CLIR grant, and related Engleman(?) grant at MOBOT – so that ILMS grant application does what it is meant to do and fits in and compliments these projects.
- Due at IMLS on Feb 1
- Mission statement (via Suzanne)
“The Biodiversity Field Notebook Project is a collaboration among Libraries, Archives and Museums to develop an innovative framework for integrating primary source documents with museum collections and digitized published literature.”
- MOBOT- is working on budget issues
- CAS working on narrative of grant
- Suzanne- working on establishing all workflows relative to this project.


II November action items review

1. Bianca led discussion on “slush fund” or “gap filling fund post institutional scanning allotments.

-There was concern about using ILL systems for this (Becky, Christine)
-Diane R. pointed out perhaps payment could be worked into an IA BHL gap-fill account; this could be similar to Boston Library Consortium –IA relationship.
- how much money will be available for post gap filling?
-Resolved- Bianca will review with all involved to move this along.

2. Portal admin how-to guide on WIKI –
Bianca just looking for consensus on this – group affirmed this is good idea.
-volunteered to work on this: Bianca, Grace, Matt P. , Joe

3. IA ingested content serials bidding update-

-This issue needs further work due to staff changes in Europe.
-Connie pointed out that this arose in Exec Cmte. Meeting -ingestion related deduping is on a BHL-E track through the German Consortium/NHM- London.
-Point remains of needing to account for California Digital Library titles in bidding and deduping systems.
-Bianca- will investigate via Graham Higley at NHM

4. BHL – US survey – Bianca mentioned that Chris is thumbs up on this -needs to be worked on by team below, who have initially discussed issue.
team: John, Matt P., Keri, Erin, Bianca, Grace, Suzanne.
-Bianca will doodle a meeting.
See here for wiki page

5. Bianca brought up NYBG initiated discussion of need for listserv address

-Needs to be addressed via a single email address
-Suzanne saves the day – with Smithsonian clunky listserv offer
-It’s possible – Suzanne will start process to establish staff list

6. Duplicate issues- see Bianca’s work on this in this meeting’s agenda (I am just letting the notes flow here, reflective of a lot of people giving ideas during the conversation)


The agenda displays 2 options relative to dupe volume issues and merging dupe titles.
These are (refer to above link for details):
1- no title merge
2- with title merges
- Grace presented scenario of confusion pointed out by patrons when there’s multiple results for a title
- General question: How many vol 1’s and volume 2’s do we want to have…?
- Don – NYBG has established rules for multiple copies
-Diane, how do we deal with many volumes.
-one Option considered -Do all merging, and publish, or unpublish titles
- question asked - But this does keep a record of unpublished titles?
- Suzanne: How can we display multiple volumes in a better way?
- Matt P. and Bianca pointed out Chris’ email on Treasure Trove – that dupe results are matter-of-factly displayed
-Matt B – Can dupes be tagged? - In a way that people could to know of existence of volumes, even if you can’t see them?
-Diane R.- need for another way a way of displaying - There was a general concern about the “unpublished yet in portal” situation.
-Diane and Matt B- pointed out the nuances of differences in dupe volumes.
Bianca – for now we are sticking with option B, merging and keeping dupes - need to address improving display later
Bianca added that she has been in touch with MOBOT about this.
Joe- pointed out that there is a show all button and show only published button in the admin mode.

III Round robin

Becky- news no director at CAS until new head of library and information services is appointed.

Suzanne – Mentioned that Martin had just informed her of SIL having a SIL source for future BHL funding.

NYBG -working on a shipment this month, also scanning some on behalf of Harvard botany.

Harvard MCZ, & MOBOT – scanning is active.

NHM – still scanning via Diane R.

Meeting adjourned at noon.
Notes submitted by Matt Person