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September 9, 2008 BHL Executive Committee Notes

Biodiversity Heritage Library Executive Committee Minutes September 9, 2008


1. Upcoming institutional council conference call. Tom sent a draft: wants input from IC before EOL Steering Committee meeting, particularly the New Directions slide:

slide 8
New Directions
– BHL Portal must allow article-level access; ability to ingest, display, and download article level content.
– Field notebooks, gray literature and archival material need to be included.
– Selection of BHL scanning must be better coordinated with taxonomic community.
– Coordinated, public copyright verification process.
– Ability to interoperate with other major digitizing providers especially in Europe and Asia.
– Captcha experiment for OCR cleanup
– PLOS-like reviews/comments/edits of articles.
– Social networking tools to correct OCR
– Improved data mining
– Accelerate permissions from copyright holders

Maybe BHL portal is the full run, and where ocr etc. lives and then Fedora would hold the article information. Tom will add.

Proposal can have broad outlines and goals. Tom suggests making allocations face-to-face at the IC meeting.

Tom also thinks IC should discuss staff and technical meetings this fall or early winter: BHL staff meeting is in early Nov.

2. Head of IT at NHM has resigned. There will be an interim manager and then a restructuring will happen for information at all of Museum. This will particularly affect BHL Europe.

3. Cathy asked about the possibility of mirroring ubio --Graham will investigate more. Cathy also noted that she is closing in on getting names from Zoo Record for Namebank.

4. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre is supposed to contact Graham about scanning.

5. Chris: Massaging data and titles import so deduping can happen. Also has new information for BHL numbers, duplicates etc. We do not yet have item merging available so there may be a record for a journal from multiple institutions. Chris is planning to make this available to all. Several projects have requested this--Animalbase, New Zealand, ZooRecord.
Roughed out some ideas for how to deliver articles via Fedora (with PLOS-like interface). Next up is staging an example to be ingested into Fedora. Tom noted that we should be able to access all content with one search. Much discussion remains.
Workflow for identifying titles, managing who is scanning what, bringing from library to IA., deduping....there are some gaps. Should we get the monograph deduping and serials list to talk to the portal? (should be discussed in fall meeting)

Next call September 16 if needed otherwise September 23 at 11 AM EST, 10 AM CST, 4 PM GMT. Institutional Council call is September 17, 2008 11 AM EST, 10 AM CST, 4 PM GMT.