This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Sep 2 2014

Tech review meeting 9/2/14
Present: William, Trish, Mike

Due to firewall issues at the Garden all garden Websites are inaccessible and have been down since last night at 6pm. We don’t have an estimate from IT as to when it will be fixed but it is their highest priority right now since it affects everyone at the Garden and beyond.
Migration of CB content to BHL - status of AMNH OAI feeds - Still to be done. Do we want to start process of shutting down CB? Lets wait til all content is complete. Would be good to look at Google Analytics for the site to see who is still using it. The analytics is tied to Chris’ account as is Botanicus. Mike contacted Chris to see if he can share his access with us. JStor content – still have to determine how to get content from IA. Emails to contact Ron Synder have gone unanswered. Maybe he is no longer there. Mike L says JSTOR does not have MARC records and since these are articles they would need to come in as a separate harvest from our other IA title harvests.
GNRD name service won’t stay up and running - status the same as last week. Alternatives – revert back to uBio or set up a local instance of GNRD.
Mapping document between MARC record and display in BHL - still to be done by William.
Full text search – delayed til fall

Art of Life
Call with Kalev Letaru – are there points of collaboration with him to explore?
Could we forgo our own upload to Flickr for BHL content and just utlize the data generated from his IA upload? What are the advantages/disadvantages?
Save us a lot of time of uploading to Flickr
May not be able to find just BHL content
May not be able to brand it as BHL content
Can we extract the tags added to the IA collection on Flickr and pull into BHL?
Would we want to get a copy of his content – the images from the page?
If machine tags are added to our content in Flickr Commons would EOL be able to pick it up?
Via the API Can we query tags in images uploaded via Kalev’s account?

Need to ramp up volunteers for classification – Trish followup with library schools that Richard Hulser recommended.
Need to followup with Gaurav on his summer project and what was learned about extracting data from Wikimedia Commons
Requested phone call with British Library last week to talk with them about their challenges uploading to Flickr – no word yet.
Phone call this Friday 11:30am with ARTStor and BHL about policy issues of sharing content between the 2 orgs.

Purposeful Gaming
Next steps with Tiltfactor
Review Max’s feedback on OCR examples
Mike worked some more on OCR outputs last week to refine process. He could send Tiltfactor another set of JSON if needed.
Automated text to image linking tools - No word from TILT2 folks (sent email 2 weeks ago) Desmond Schmidt, maybe have wrong contact emails? Twitter for Desmond @bltilt.
Joe sent some updates on tools hes looking into – Trish look at email.
Trish send email to Tiltfactor suggesting at 9-10am meeting.
Mining Biodiversity
Survey to users about semantic searching – out and continuing to get feedback. Meeting this Friday 10am to discuss closing out survey
William Clarified ADDThis and GoogleScholar tags not related but they are trying to correlate them together. Mike will work on setting AddThis and GoogleScholar on our beta site this week, so Grace can count with some information to look into when she visits Toronto.