This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.


Serial Bidding at SIL

I. On the LAN P:\ISD\BHL is the file for Ent_Serials.xls
(and other Excel spread sheets for other branches).
This file indicates all the serials pulled for the picklist for the specific branch.
The fields are the following

II. Serial Mashup Bid list is the combined list of serials for the BHL membership. It is located here:

Smithsonian login is
User SIL
password 7waspefr
SIL’s identifier is 8

Searching the bid list is tricky with diacritics messed up. Dedupping / merging is done by hand on a case by case basis.

III. Bidding on Serials
Try to stay somewhat broad to catch duplicate titles from other BHL partners to merge. If results are too large, add unique or key words from the field. Use unique words to cut down on result list. Add more qualifiers as needed. Use SIRIS to help find some identifying terms to search.
Pick either “Bid for All” or “Partial Bid”.
Pay close attention to OCLC numbers, Publishers and locations. Be aware of serial title changes, merges, splits, etc. Merge records only if they are the same title for the same date ranges.
When in doubt, contact the BHL partner library for verification of title. Note the BHL partner’s local system identifier and or call number to assist in identifying the same records in their local catalog.

IV. Local inventory lists and notes:
Indicate on the Wiki that the title is ready to be pulled SILS