Serial Bidding at SIL
I. On the LAN P:\ISD\BHL is the file for Ent_Serials.xls
(and other Excel spread sheets for other branches).
This file indicates all the serials pulled for the picklist for the specific branch.
The fields are the following
- NOTE indicates if the title has been scanned or not
- CAT-OK indicates if the cataloging was reviewed and okay
- EG-OK indicates preservation review by Eliza
- Bibno indicates the Horizon bibliographic number for the title
- Date1 indicates the date in the first field of the fixed field to help with date selection
- Tag245ab text from the Horizon record for 245 subfields a and b for title identification
- Tag1xx text from any 100 tag in Horizon for author access point (corporate or otherwise)
- Callnum text from the item record for the call number (seems to have stripped off size q)
- B id Status indicates if the title has been bid on by SIL in the Serial Mashup Bid list.
II. Serial Mashup Bid list is the combined list of serials for the BHL membership. It is located here:
Smithsonian login is
User SIL
password 7waspefr
SIL’s identifier is 8
Searching the bid list is tricky with diacritics messed up. Dedupping / merging is done by hand on a case by case basis.
III. Bidding on Serials
- A. Log on to Mashup Add a search filter of your choice from the drop down menu
Try to stay somewhat broad to catch duplicate titles from other BHL partners to merge. If results are too large, add unique or key words from the field. Use unique words to cut down on result list. Add more qualifiers as needed. Use SIRIS to help find some identifying terms to search.
- B. Identify the title you would like to bid on. Note if there is already a full bid on the title. If there is a partial bid, choose the “more” link to see more data.
Pick either “Bid for All” or “Partial Bid”.
- 1. Full Bid already placed: Keep note of that. Some members place full bids but then can not actually scan the entire run. We may need to return to some of these in the future
- 2. Partial Bid: Review the notes other BHL partners have made and create another partial bid as necessary to cover our scanning
- 3. If we have the entire run, have permissions (or it ends before 1923), and there are no other bids – place a Full Bid
- 4. If we have only some volumes available for scanning – create Partial Bids as necessary
- a. Partial bid indications are still being worked on by the BHL Staff. Some are creating numerous partial bids with each one indicating a run – and a new bid after a break in the run. Others are placing all the information in the box at once, indicating lacking or breaks in the scans. The new "exceptions" box maybe used to indicate what is not being done in the run.
- b. Partial bid indicates SIL cannot scan all the volumes from the beginning of the serial to the end.
- We are doing multiple partial bids to indicate the break down of what we are able to scan.
- Currently we are NOT using the Exceptions box. We are indicating years and in the note box indicate volume information.
- SIL is not indicating partial bids for volumes that have foldouts. We are including them as "bid able" and "scan able" even though we are not currently scanning foldouts. We plan to return to these when we have the functionality to scan foldouts. We record "rejected for foldouts" in our picklist in-house database for ease in returning to these volumes.
- c. Full Bid indicates SIL will scan from the beginning of the serial through our entire holdings (with permissions on post 1923).
- C. Choose the dedup view if you would like to merge records . View the various records that you feel are the same title. Choose the “more” link to see more data
Pay close attention to OCLC numbers, Publishers and locations. Be aware of serial title changes, merges, splits, etc. Merge records only if they are the same title for the same date ranges.
When in doubt, contact the BHL partner library for verification of title. Note the BHL partner’s local system identifier and or call number to assist in identifying the same records in their local catalog.
- 1. Choose the fullest record to keep. Other records will not be deleted but will not show as the main record. If SIL is making the full bid on the title, usually our record is pretty full and can be used. SIL does not have to have the SIL record be the chosen record to have a bid on the title.
- 2. Bid after merging all records.
- 3. Occasionally, it is difficult to find the SIL record. After a frustration level of 10 is achieved, bid on the record you can identify as the title you are looking for. Make a note on SIL inventories that the SIL record could not be found
- D. Lacking in SIL procedures is the return to the Serial Bid list to “correct” our bids. SIL needs to return to indicate if SIL made a Full Bid but actually had to reject volumes. Also needed is to update Partial Bids to indicate any difference in what SIL indicated would be scanned and what was actually scanned.
IV. Local inventory lists and notes:
- A. Indicate on the Excel Spread Sheet that the title has had a bid made
Indicate on the Wiki that the title is ready to be pulled